[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

Croboy wrote:
Hey quick question, any reason on why you chose to keep CWDT at level 8 and Immortal Call at level 10?
At level 8 cwdt you will need to take 1107 damage for it to trigger immortal call. If you raise it to level 20, you will need to take 3272 damage before immortal call triggers. You want it at a low level so it can trigger frequently and prevent big physical damage bursts. Anywhere between lvl 4-8, it's personal preference.
The Life+Mom PoB hasn't been updated yet
Do you think it will be viable for endgame bosses such as Shaper, Uber Elder or Lab? Or is it just meant as a fast mapper?
whay need dager??? what stats for dager&&& crit?? or what
End build's gear has a shield that needs 157 str...build only has 87? What am I missing here?
Just added the shield charge for movement since i have "Weave the Arcane" now....However it not usable since i'm using a wand. Does this build require you to avoid wands? or is there a workaround?
XxHeartxX wrote:
End build's gear has a shield that needs 157 str...build only has 87? What am I missing here?
Well apparently you have to get the required stats through your rare items. Do I really need to hold your hand and tell you how much strength to get on which item? =) Get the required stats wherever you can.

Cehlion wrote:
Just added the shield charge for movement since i have "Weave the Arcane" now....However it not usable since i'm using a wand. Does this build require you to avoid wands? or is there a workaround?
You can't use shield charge with a wand, change to another weapon.
Last edited by Syreith on Mar 9, 2019, 6:44:32 AM
Yep switched to a sceptre and works just fine...thanks again for the guide...really enjoying this build.
Is there a stun immunity somewhere, feels like it will need it. Cause Soulrend is super slow to cast. guess u have to go kaoms roots?
The updated PoB shows Decay Support as much more impactful for overall DPS. Lowers hit DPS but much higher DoT. Wonder what’s better. Hard to test QoL as everything dies anyways.

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