[3.6] Winter Orb CWC Ice Spears. 8.6k hp ,slayer leech, 9.8-10.7 mil dps ,Depth 749, easy Uber Elder

VzorX wrote:
Sorry for noob questions - why we use blood rage? we dont have phys damage

frenzy charges
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Got this last night, I don't have the big balls yet to remove the Int roll with an annul. I really want to try and then multi mode but for now just using this.

Also have you ever looked into this helm. It is SUCH a good helm for defence. HP Roll, some Resist, cannot be frozen is massive. It has been buffed since it was added last league.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NERF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Is this build advises for a semi new player?
Doubting between this build & storm brand inquisitor.

My main goal is killing uber elder this league.
So your mana reserver are Vitality, clarity, and aspect of the spider ?

I see only 2 auras but in your video you are like 20 mana on your mana.

Or do you use blasphemy with +warlod mark + vitality + clarity for uber defense ?
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Any recommended Unique flasks? What type of flask setup are you using?
DuFFzbar wrote:
Any recommended Unique flasks? What type of flask setup are you using?

opps just realized I didn't include a flask section. Rather busy right now but I linked the flasks that my character was using in betrayal.

were can i get "-mana to spells" enchant?
VzorX wrote:
were can i get "-mana to spells" enchant?

From items of betrayers like in last league.
Hikakundesu wrote:
wcepeda89 wrote:
What should i do in terms of Pantheon?

Same question.

Last edited by Hikakundesu on Mar 11, 2019, 9:56:10 AM
Ziiyo wrote:
Got this last night, I don't have the big balls yet to remove the Int roll with an annul. I really want to try and then multi mode but for now just using this.

Unless I'm missing something, isn't the only good stat the CWC? The cast speed is just for initial cast of Winter Orb and Flame Dash. So you'd have to Annul 3/4 stats?

Helm is not bad defensively, but the pierce craft adds a lot of missed damage when up-close mobs absorb the non-pierce projectiles. Cannot be frozen is not important if you're running a freeze immune flask.

zeldinas wrote:
Is this build advises for a semi new player?
Doubting between this build & storm brand inquisitor.

My main goal is killing uber elder this league.

This build can become tanky and just requires moving around and holding a single button. Slayer will help with the overleech too for bosses. Storm Brand is not very tanky from the videos I watched (could have changed). I would pick this build as the mechanics you have to learn are limited: like range for conversion to 2nd form ice spear and stacking Winter Orb.

Vendetta wrote:
So your mana reserver are Vitality, clarity, and aspect of the spider ?

I see only 2 auras but in your video you are like 20 mana on your mana.

Or do you use blasphemy with +warlod mark + vitality + clarity for uber defense ?

Early game = Herald, Vitality, and Clarity
Once you have Vaal Pact, Vitality is not going to work, so then you can use Aspect of Spider. If you're using Acuity for VP, you can probably weave in Vitality for traps sections of labs when you're not critting.

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