Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Sulphite Nerf is So bad ... Plz make another way of geting Sulphite , not just nerfed scarabs (wich will give now 1-2k per 1-3 nods on 90IQ T16 maps).

PPl want more Delve !!!
Anarchy ING @LebikCi
Completing the fight no longer resets your entire Syndicate, but reshuffles the organisation and removes one rank from each member.

if you're trying to shape your syndicate into good outcome, there is still no point to run the final fight...
Well, scarabs are dead, but hopefully the new mechanic is more fun than Delve.
IGN: MyOtherRangerDied // DontBeStupidAndDieAgain // GenericSporkerWitch
"while Sulphite Scarabs are 60-70% less effective depending on tier." - so that's GGG's way of forcing delve lovers into the upcoming league mechanic ... that's not an incentive. its punishment.

"the Mastermind encounter, predominantly making the fight easier." - the fight isn't hard. Its badly designed and you know it, since PoE has some of the best designed boss fights in other encounters.

"most modifiers require more unveiling" - thx for nothing.

"In Betrayal we focused heavily on making the lore accessible, interesting and deep." - What's the lore behind Master's attacking us, that we just bargained with? Why are the Masters complaining about our choices to execute or interrogating them, when its them who are attacking us all the time? Nice lore.

...the good thing about Betrayal was Delve, new skills (Winter orb) and the unified crafting bench. so thank you for that <3

however I still wish Betrayal and Bestiary would be removed from the game again.
Last edited by PopeJo on Feb 22, 2019, 1:57:25 AM
"we want to make the most fun, varied, and complete experience also the most rewarding and one players are happy to repeat."

Yeah sure, by gutting rewards to 70% of they value so people get annoying and forget betrayal. Guess I will back to warframe with my money then.
so,nothing about the f..kin' 1 lonely sulphite node on map ?

learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
Excellent post by GGG. I continue to be so impressed by how they communicate. But, I can't help but think that they should hold a 1 week beta to flush this stuff out before going live. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you think that 99% of the errors in previous leagues (especially the starting periods) would have been avoided with just a tiny bit of testing?

Maybe I'm overestimating a Beta period. Heck, the players are so fast that I bet most of the issues in Betrayal would have been clear as day within a few days. And with a Beta (most) players would not have a cow when GGG changes things on the fly.

And if GGG just refuses to have an open beta (which I understand may take away some of the "pop" of the league, perhaps 3 leagues a year is enough with some kind of mini adventure (like flashback) towards the backend. That would give them a bit more time to fine tune things. Personally I would prefer that (and the aforementioned beta).
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Feb 22, 2019, 1:45:34 AM
Fluffylife wrote:
I think betrayal is one league i would have been happy with not going core..

+1. Too much hassle and annoyance when you just want to play a map or two.
"Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
Oh, how nice.

Take the mechanic and make it core.
Take the core of the mechanic (encounters) and make them less common.

And then make the rewards suck.

I guess it'll just be another 'core' mechanic I effectively ignore. Oh well.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Honestly one per zone was bad enough. I quit the league because of that. Terrible mechanic and poorly implemented.

Now three per zone (when active), it's even worse. Now I can't even keep it on research and skip Jun/Betrayal altogether.

This actually just might be my QQ post. I don't want to run into that shit every few zones.

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