[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Loving the build so far, I'm just looking into endgame upgrades. Would the "Skills fire an additional projectile" corruption on Cospris make a huge difference in terms of damage?
without knowing the exact numbers i would say you lose a lot of dmg. your only projectile is frostbolt. and while its dmg is okayish, its not your mainsource. all your dmg comes from the ice novas. and you would take away 25% critmulti for them.

sure, we need frozen trail to get 3 orbs in total (where only 2 are needed). but then you would need to compensate this with a jewel with 25% critmulti. on top FT is cheap to corrupt for some useful implicit.

all in all i would day its not worth.
Last edited by unleashed666 on Mar 28, 2019, 6:02:09 PM
Hello there, lots of nice ppl over there, thet's why I love this community ^^
Boiz and girlz, can u give me an advice? (I know that my gear is almost shit currently, not so much of poe player)
I just can't reach the 3.0 aps. I mean, I have weapon with 9% attack speed, I know that I have a ring with 5% ap, but even if I switch it, there will be 3.17 aps on cyclone. Uh, what am I doing wrong?:C
I will really appreciate any help ^^
ressiv wrote:
Anyone playing this self found without Cospri and Lyco? Would like to checkout a character profile without those items ;)

Anyone done this or got some advice on playing this SSF?
Are there any adjustments made for 3.6? Skill tree and etc
ressiv wrote:
ressiv wrote:
Anyone playing this self found without Cospri and Lyco? Would like to checkout a character profile without those items ;)

Anyone done this or got some advice on playing this SSF?

Without an Lycosidae, it will not feel good at all so I'd advice against it.
Probably does not need divine, lol
Prospect wrote:
ressiv wrote:
ressiv wrote:
Anyone playing this self found without Cospri and Lyco? Would like to checkout a character profile without those items ;)

Anyone done this or got some advice on playing this SSF?

Without an Lycosidae, it will not feel good at all so I'd advice against it.

Well I've tried it, farmed a Tabula and currently doing level 1 to 5 maps with ease. For now this will definitely do and it's loads of fun to play!
My gear is very bad, but balanced. I don't die and clear maps super fast.
I got some attack rating on gear and a couple of accuracy nodes, it's more than enough currently.

I get a lot of satisfaction from doing this with self found gear and getting it to work.

We'll see where i can take this after some farming, hope to do lower red maps eventually.

You can see my character in my profile, it's only level 74 currently.
Hoping to find a dagger/sword/claw with hit's can't be evaded. And after that hoping to find a Cospri and Lyco..:P

BTW I can easily use 2 heralds together with blasphemy-warlords mark. Because I don't have Cospri I have an extra 3-link to work with, currently using Herald of purity with Blind support, the minions blind enemies.
Last edited by ressiv on Mar 29, 2019, 7:57:25 AM
I've recently swapped fortify - shield charge/leap slam to just flame dash-faster casting in my setup since in memories it's must have. Double Beyond/Beyond T16's can be rippy at times for me since i don't have pandemonius/fortify to rely on at the moment but other than that build is great.
Swapped out Conc Effect for Elemental Focus since difference is relatively ineligible and i wanted bigger aoe for clear.

Currently sitting at 6.7k hp , and ~160-170k 6L nova hit. (Enemy Chilled/5x Power Charges and Flasks up)
Last edited by Simsons2 on Mar 29, 2019, 11:10:00 AM
Personally, I am 100% for having fortify in the main 6L. It is easier to get damage other places than it is to get a flat 20% damage resistance. In the main link means easy 100% fortify uptime, and it lets you completely drop leapslam/shield charge from the build. We are pretty starved for gem sockets already, and those skills are kind of shit for getting around with this build's lowish attack speed. On builds that really pump attack speed, leapslam feels way better.

You can easily push the damage high enough to do all content even with the fortify in. I was insta-phasing uber atziri, and my last uber-elder run was sub four minutes, even including time lost due to me dying once from dancing in beams. I was shredding the portals twice over in each add phase. Better played I am sure uber-elder could be knocked over sub 3m.

I like a phase run/arcane surge/increased duration link for most of my movement. Instant-speed arcane surge is a nice damage and mana regen bump, and the movement speed stacks well with flasks for zooming between packs. I put a flame dash in that link too, mostly because I like to have some sort of gap-clearing skill.

I think I would only drop fortify if I had a cospri's with corrupt fortify on hit implicit.

I also personally think the CWDT frostbomb thing is kind of a waste, and is easy to drop if you need the sockets (like for bubonic trail). It is a PoB dps padder, but in practice it isn't really up when you could use the damage. If you really want to frost bomb, manually cast it between boss phases or something. Personally I don't even bother.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey on Mar 29, 2019, 12:12:36 PM

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