[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Can I run this self-found when it comes to gear? A.k.a. without Cospri and Lyco?

If so, what should I try to get as a weapon and shield and which stats?
Jkurs wrote:
Just a little update on the build.

running this as mostly life is the best option. The ES leech is not worth going for. Pretty sure someone mentioned this in ab earlier post. The ES leech would probably be good if you went ghost reaver and made ES your main pool of life. We aren't because it requires significant investment and becomes a bit more expensive especially in this league. Hwoever, you can probably use the life/hybrid version to accumulate a decent wealth and then decide to reroll into an occultist or something to accomodate ES better.

I've literally ran this build up to t15's so far and steam rolled the bosses and monsters with corrupt 8 mod maps on a tabula. You don't need a loreweave at all, but i would suspect that it would give a bit of a boost in defense anyway. But because of this, I think that the chest spot is VERY flexible. I even did a t15 red elder and rolled right through it no deaths. This build is still very viable. I dont have a shapers mark nor do I have a pandemonius and can easily see myself doing shaper once I decide I want to. Uber elder will probably require better gear but i'll deal with that bridge later lol

I would suggest you just follow the guide, and if you want you can check out my passive tree and follow that if you want. have fun dudes.

I'm very interested in this build. Have been debating it or a Winter Orb build actually and when I checked your profile I curiously noticed you seem to be leveling a winter orb build. Are you rerolling?
Would an occultist version of this build yield more damage/tankiness? Or is there something wrong going that route (other than cost).
what do you guys think about arcane expanse in this build?
Eb is very optimal on this build. Mana problems go to zero with just a small amount of es leech and you can run aspect of the spider or another aura of your choice. Hatred with a watcher's eye is imo mandatory after the damage nerfs to ice nova. I've been thinking about writing an updated guide for this build specifically if there's enough desires. If not just check out my poe profile, I've downed every boss in the game at this point. And if you have any questions let me know.
ibsixubnine wrote:
what do you guys think about arcane expanse in this build?

The extra aoe is not worth the points. Unless you are mapping with conc effect in, the aoe is large enough already.
faytte wrote:
Would an occultist version of this build yield more damage/tankiness? Or is there something wrong going that route (other than cost).

Occultist may seem to do more damage per proc on the ice nova; however you will struggle to hit a high enough crit chance on your cyclone which makes it substantially less dps overall.
Last edited by dun198#3013 on Mar 16, 2019, 1:04:48 PM
ressiv wrote:
Can I run this self-found when it comes to gear? A.k.a. without Cospri and Lyco?

If so, what should I try to get as a weapon and shield and which stats?

The Build can run with just a tabula(farmed in blood aqueduct) a high critical strike chance weapon with maybe some spell damage or other damage crafts on it. for your shield if you are looking to stay away from unique items just grab something with a movement speed implicit, life and res.

Two important things to note are:
One, do not exceed the attack speed cap for optimal coc procs as is stated in the guide.
Two, look into getting the vagan craft for hits cannot be evaded on your weapon.

Overall your single target will not be enarly as good but you should be able to clear red maps just fine.
Just make sure to think about running a blasphemy warlords mark or warlords mark on hit ring since you will be missing the life leech from the cospris setup, and make sure to run frostbolt in your 6l.

ImpossibleIsNothing wrote:
Can you upadate skill tree for 3.6 please

Here's the Non EB version of the tree for 3.6 http://poeurl.com/ckA9

If you want to go eb, check out my profile. I do not recommend doing so until you have all of the endgame gear and feel tanky enough.
Last edited by dun198#3013 on Mar 16, 2019, 12:55:56 PM
FilthyMonkey wrote:
Regretted into this from trickster in the new league. I've been having good luck with it, and am clearing maps very effectively. I am still wearing a few pieces of garbage gear, mostly because I haven't had a need to improve it.

One thing I decided to move in on was zealotry. 15% more spell damage is always good, and the changes to consecrated ground are pretty effective, considering we are always right on top of the enemies. I dropped the blasphemy aura for it.

Really, I feel like I would rather get the curse from a ring or glove corruption.

Zealotry watcher's eyes aren't that expensive either, probably because there aren't a lot of build guides out there which actually call for them. I got this for a very modest price, and I think that it complements the build well.

I know the survivability isn't going to be as high as a ESoH watchers eye, but it is WAAAY cheaper. The extra penetration is nothing to sneeze at. I feel like with a watcher's eye like this, zealotry becomes extremely attractive.

With your watcher's eye I highly suggest saving for an unnatural instinct and switching to scion. With an assassin/inquis scion you will be pretty much always immune to elemental ailments.
Last edited by dun198#3013 on Mar 16, 2019, 12:59:27 PM

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