Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

I will never understand what you intent is behind the statstick thing.
The nerf hits only melees like sunder dualwield and not powercreeps like Blade Vortex. Just block them mods to two phys as extra element and make them 25% each max and voila you got a fair nerf for everyone.

I don't think you'd wanted to tell me that leveling with princess or prismatic eclipse was on your mind with that change.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Feredhel wrote:
i rather meant they want us all to use these classes in this specific way

Um... no? And destroy what Exile is known for, freedom of progression? The hell kind of thoughts going through your mind, mate? Classes are not in any shape or form needed to be played specifically to get End-Game be it Standard or for Leagues. If I want to make an Occultist with Minions, you can and will do well in regardless. Is that how Occultist is supposed to be played like? No.
Dear GGG, Bex and the community

I have been reading this manifesto and have been asking myself... WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING? I don't really post that often on the forums or on manifestos but really I have to ask this from myself. What is in your mind when you are making these changes. Looking at statistics you can see what is being played most of the time and what is happening in the game. So tell me...because I really want to know... WHY DID YOU NERF MELEE DUAL WIELDING AND NOT THE OP PHYS-SPELL BASED DUAL WIELDING? I made a bv character using 1, JUST ONE STAT STICK with 2 not even perfect rolls, and it became extremely powerful just like that. WHY in God's name do you have to nerf the MELEE when you could just nerf the obscene shaper based elemental rolls that break the game?

The real issue with stat sticks, is that they offer an obscene amount of damage to spells, enchance that with mines/totems and it becomes a crazy sh*tstomp that requires you to make ridiculously harder and harder to content to face it. The curve is getting to steep, why don't you nerf the obscene powercreep we get from these things, and stop having to make boss encounters ( looking at you Aul ), extremely rare and difficult to kill, because its scaled based on the brokedness of these mechanics? Why not nerf the actual problem of stat sticks, the crazy elemental mods, and bring back the other builds IN LINE with melee, and after that give a nerf to bosses so that game difficulty spike becomes a bit smaller? Why nerf melee which doesn't really care about it, brutus lead sprlinker molten strike looking at you, but nerf other ideas using the princess and what not. Please people think this through the problem is not melee, its phys SPELLS. Otherwise you are gonna make me play another mine gc character again with tremor rod until I can farm shaper maps for those broken stat sticks, facerolling the game. Please GGG consider this before releasing this patch, I ask of you dearly. I want to play something else than bv, gc mines, totems or bows. Made enough of those builds already.

Also the archetypes are kinda " unfit " in the poe philosophy. TAKE ANY SKILL AND MAKE IT VIABLE HOWEVER YOU WANT, scaling either one part of the skill or another, like in the old days, scaling the ignite of fireball, or the shotgunning mechanic of the frontloaded damage. Spawned 2 different builds from 1 skill. Please don't bring archetypes in the game. We don't need that kind of stuff, PoE is about creativity and I feel that is getting more and more limited as time goes on. I understand the meta flavour and spicing the things up a bit, but then nerf the op things and introduce new ones, or remake the new things to be better, or just give us new stuff that is needed and won't become useless ( looking at you shield throw ).

Once again thank you for reading this post, I am sure many will probably not aggree with it, I am just stating my humble opinion as someone that has been playing this game for longer than 5 years. ( before you are looking at my profile and say its not true, this is an another account after I forgot my old one, and won't bother recovering it )
raysuko wrote:
Feredhel wrote:
i rather meant they want us all to use these classes in this specific way

Um... no? And destroy what Exile is known for, freedom of progression? The hell kind of thoughts going through your mind, mate? Classes are not in any shape or form needed to be played specifically to get End-Game be it Standard or for Leagues. If I want to make an Occultist with Minions, you can and will do well in regardless. Is that how Occultist is supposed to be played like? No.

man chill that was my INITIAL IMPRESSION from the FIRST PARAGRAPH there
and also by how the game is made up would it be so far away that this league and others before are made with certain builds in mind?
builds they were tested with?
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
Posted by Bex_GGG on Dec 5, 2018, 12:35:38 AM
we know where the priorities are...and we know what you mean by "effects"
Great changes. Let's be honnest, shaper stat sticks was really stupid… and was a major constraint on mele build development (2h, real dual wielding, brutality gem…).

Feredhel wrote:
also by how the game is made up would it be so far away that this league and others before are made with certain builds in mind?
builds they were tested with?

Is this a off season April Fools joke?
Just because they made changes to totems, melee, and unique doesnt mean they want you to play a league in a specific way. For example, Minions will still shred through this league like every other League before it. No melee, totems, or specific unique necessary. I mean, come on. People know this by now.
gadam93 wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
gadam93 wrote:

I dont see how GGG would actually be that stupid and make this a straight up nerf. I'm pretty sure the new mechanic will make dual-wielding interesting again and open up more possibilities for new builds or just using skills that nobody uses atm.

There is no new mechanic. what makes you think there is? This was today their TL;DR for the patch notes. If there were major changes, they would have been in this post.

The new mechanic is that skills now actually use both weapons at once and we don't now how this will actually scale at all. What pisses me off is that everyone seems to be SOOO certain that this change will KILL melee even tho we dont even know how this will work AT ALL yet.
Calm your tits and just wait for the actual patchnotes before you call anything OP or DEAD.

And if you really believe everything is just cleave now you might be a little retarded.

Who's what? You not knowing how skills using both weapons will work should not be applied to those of us that do. Any skill that will be relegated to use both weapons will be liken to Dual Strike / Cleave.

If everything will, now what's unique about Dual Strike / Cleave? Nothing. Also, now where will be the dual wield diversity?

We used to have dual wield builds that used:
- both weapons at once
- main hand only with a stat stick in the off hand
- alternated weapons
- forcing alternated to main-hand only by equipping off hand with weapon not compatible with the skill (for the purpose of a stat stick)

Now what will we have:
- both weapons at once
- alternated weapons

Awesome. Player options revoked. A whole slew of skills that will now work just like Dual Strike or Cleave. Can't wait to see all the new "When Dual Wielding, Deals X% Damage from each Weapon combined" multipliers added to the skills.
Last edited by Galtrovan#5344 on Dec 4, 2018, 3:15:42 PM
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
The most boring skill in the game that people loathe about using and is used only to showcase big damage numbers on 100 EX investment. Never have I even considered making a build with Molten Strike because it's just so unimaginative and insanely boring from every aspect of it. Yeah, it was used because it was OP.

Cyclone is the literal opposite, it's fun but again, people loathe about using it because it's weak.

Frostblade was in TOP 40? Out of 42 skills?!
And Sweep was top 41 out of 42 skills?! GGG Truly fixed the balance! Sign me up for Betrayal!

Says the guy who is probably most known for making a passable Reave build, another incredibly boring skill.

Also, regarding Frost Blades, it was in the top 40 most used skills, that includes spells, not just melee.

Though I am probably giving you too much credit considering you're stating things that aren't even close to true regarding Sweep.

You can take your trolling somewhere else.
gadam93 wrote:

The new mechanic is that skills now actually use both weapons at once and we don't now how this will actually scale at all.

This is not what they wrote. they just write: "Skills that could be used with two weapons, but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding."
This is also true when alternating as it does not say "use both skills at the same time".

Also work a bit on your language.
Good to see the PoE community is just as toxic as any other.

Wait for the bloody patch notes before you get your panties all in a knot.

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