3.5 Chaos/Cold Storm Brand - Uber Elder✓ 10k EHP ✓ Budget ✓ HC ✓ Hierophant or Occultist

Some_Day wrote:
Progress Update, finished Uber IZaro at lvl 76. now lvl 79, stil upgrading gear. Currently sitting at 6.7k es

Hey there :) Why do you use "faster casting" in SB setup? for the spread speed? doesnt seem to do anything to the damage... or did I miss something you guys mentioned here earlier? also- is that belt worth all the dexterity for a SC setup? Thanks :) ... oh and how are the wither spiders working for ya? :)
Hey, fast casting increases the frenzquncy the brand hits, so it does more damage overall

The fangs are great, the spiders give free wither ;)

What about using heretic's vail for extra curse aura for constant warlords mark?

How much dps do we loose?
zj0ckez wrote:
What about using heretic's vail for extra curse aura for constant warlords mark?

How much dps do we loose?

Quite a big dps lose, because eber's give -10% chaos res.

Here is my gear, currently sitting at 8k es, still need to upgrade ammy for dps and higher es shield and gloves. I am non crit bt

Looking for the update in your build, start to folow right now and dont want to loose some nodes that arent needed, i`m going as occultist!

Another ideia could u put the keystones for the build once the tree dont have stages so new players and even old ones can pick the right noodes?

Some_Day wrote:
zj0ckez wrote:
What about using heretic's vail for extra curse aura for constant warlords mark?

How much dps do we loose?

Quite a big dps lose, because eber's give -10% chaos res.

Here is my gear, currently sitting at 8k es, still need to upgrade ammy for dps and higher es shield and gloves. I am non crit bt

Actually does -20 now, and has a bigger aoe...and now it lasts 10 sec...AND has 2 sec cool down now.

Great guide btw, I was pivoting over from arc totems but I've ended up deviating to an MF twist with the stormbrands. I'll probably commit to this when I feel like bossing again, I have some ideas for an SC pleb such as myself to squish it up for deeps.

Great template!
Some_Day wrote:
zj0ckez wrote:
What about using heretic's vail for extra curse aura for constant warlords mark?

How much dps do we loose?

Quite a big dps lose, because eber's give -10% chaos res.

Here is my gear, currently sitting at 8k es, still need to upgrade ammy for dps and higher es shield and gloves. I am non crit bt

Do you actually use discipline or you go 3curse?
Looking forward to seeing the updated guide - I feel like i'm doing something off though. i'm lvl 80 with 6.6ES but most of the ES nodes taken.

Build is quite fun though.

I hope you and LiveJamie both push for Uber Elder. going to continue on the current tree to level and then adjust based on what the guide.
Last edited by NateDiesel on Dec 19, 2018, 12:49:49 PM
What's with the careful planning and dex stacking? That has me going...what in the....
What's with the careful planning and dex stacking? That has me going...what in the....

Cyclopean Coil - cannot be frozen / cannot be shocked.

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