Delve Balance Changes

BrendanW wrote:
Thezibaim wrote:
Xenombra wrote:
Ok, now GGG really want to influence us. Yes last league they give us Traps and stuff like that, but we were able to choose at least what Vaal Skill we want and some other stuff.... Yes Arc Traps was too strong, but hey, they also made Elemental hit too strong....

Now they don't even try to hide the fact that they tell us what to play.

We choose this league will be minions and poison.... If you try to do something else, it will be less efficient.... Try to do build diversity :P

They even tell us what ascendency to choose... We just make 2 new skill that work perfectly with those two.... But try to play something else you know.... Build diversity.
It's exactly the feeling I had when I read the first post. GGG should tell us directly which builds are available for Delve.

haha yeah this is my thoughts.

Exactly what I think. PoE becomes D3, the devs tell us what they want we play.
PoE was the game with a big variety of viable builds. Now to beat the end game, you have to choose what devs tell you, like trap for last league... or being a nolife.

I'm done now. I'm tired of beeing nolife to beat the game and drop map. I have a family and a job.

I let the hardcore gamers enjoy the game :)
Kirkville wrote:
Yeah right ! Lets kill shield charge for casters ! The only way for them to be fast !
The MAIN reason people are using brightbeak + shieldcharge combo is not because it is very powerful ! But because there is simply NO other viable choise for being fast and efficient !!! Unless you dump all your points into attack speed
on the tree and run with 4k life and close to no damage :) And God bless you if you wanna use leap slam or w.blades as a caster.. or even at all..
I dont know what new flame dash will look like, but I heavily doubt it's viability. Not even speaking about lightning warp, which requires you to run it on a 4 link just to be slightly better than trash tier..
So now when most people just happily put on qotf and run maps at super sonic speed, casters will be clearing 1 map per hour with sad pepe face. What a joy !
And no, I dont mind putting qotf and flashing through maps myself, quite the opposite. I mind not having anything else fun to play, besides the clearspeed meta and broken mechanics, which aren't being fixed for some reason.
And as I'm typing this, I'm not considering upcoming new minion and poison/chaos skills/changes, why do that ? There are only 2 outcomes when something is being reworked or introduced to the game. Either it will be dead somewhere at the bottom of the game or become a new overpowered meta, which will be "fixed" next expansion. A-mazing !
If you want players to "have more choices" in their builds, you shouldn't nerf the most used skills and mechanics like you always do, you should make others more attractive and playable.

Yawn, people just need to be creative.

I use lv4 enhanced 28% quality phase run + quicksliver flask and it works perfectly fine in incursion for my arc trapper, and he's dual wielding wands. I never need shield charge.

Able to swap between 3 flame dash to skip ledges and then rush with phase run + quicksliver makes the flow much better than spamming movement skill for me.

Let's face it, some builds are just alittle too fast, and people got that for granted and think that's "normal"
Last edited by mic01851165 on Aug 28, 2018, 2:31:56 AM
DudeTheLegend wrote:
All the 40/40's crying about their arc trappers going down from 10 to 9,9 mill dps...
"I need 12 seconds instead of 8 to kill uber shaper?? HOW DARE YOU!! GAME IS LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE NOW!!"

Uber Elder has phases too, so it's impossible to kill it in 12 secs.

Also Arc trap is not the best build for uber elder anyway because the defensive side is just ok-ish compare to those 10k hp instant regen tank build.

Tank build that uses Zeraph only take about one minute longer to kill Uber Elder, but they're much safer to do Uber Elder due to sheer amount of bulk, and can easily do it deathless without too much skill required.

Like I said, Uber Elder has phases, so those so-called high dps builds still need 3 mins to kill him regardless of what you use, and those tank build can kill it in around 4 minutes, which is just one minute longer.
Last edited by mic01851165 on Aug 28, 2018, 2:37:36 AM
Sounds good
From Hunter and Gatherer,
to Role-Playing Games
SpectralDrake wrote:
nadakuu wrote:

traps were not the overpowered thing, arc was.
traps actually felt decent and fun to play.

I completely agree here; Arc and perhaps GC should be nerfed, not traps and mines.

Traps were FINALLY decent to play, now they'll go back into the dust bin? :/

You could as well say "Arc is finally decent to play". You guys forget that not everyone using arc or GC also uses mines or traps. The combo of mines, traps and arc, GC was too powerful. Why nerf several main skills when it was clearly the supports that were broken?
They´re doing the right thing here. They could have as well added a minor less multiplier to arc etc. when using with mines and traps. Anyway, skills should always be looked at in "self cast" mode and then balanced around possible support skills.
funny read

what i miss:

- Berserker changes. right now marauder has 2 ascendancies because Berserker is 'noob trap' and can only be played if one wants additional challenge. no, instant Warcries wont change sh... Berserker has 4 nodes wasted on Rage (that is 100% garbage mechanic) and 2 on 100% leech that is useless in N-1 cases (the 1 being BloodSeeker claw)

great design

- Stat Sticks & Fake Dual Wielding idiocy changes/removal

- melee as a general concept. it is just as tanky as non-melee but deals garbage damage in garbage area. most of melee skills are unusable or woefully inadequate/non-competitive

- skills/builds that 'are strong without much investment'. each and every case of such 'design' leads to it becoming OP FOTM meta bs. why? because if it is strong without investment then when you invest into it.. in 3.4 that immortal scorpion from herald of chaos has a very strong potential of being such thing

- crit or rather how cheap and easy it has become to stack crit, yet there are still 'choices' that encourage non-crit. choices that 100% of the time are useless garbage builds. if crit is mandatory to deal damage nowadays - please remove left-bottom part of the tree (noone goes there anyway), weapons with 5% base crit, uniques with 5% base crit (like Doomsower etc) noone uses them anyway etc. right now their only purpose is to create fake impression that there are choices. there arent. stop pretending it is getting old

i can see why traps perhaps was overperforming a bit, but why on earth are you trying to balance by making it feels worse ie, throw speed, and dont say that it is a comensation that you bumped up the damage on a long cd fire and a lightning trap, it is totally different skills.

on the notion of traps btw, why do you insist on not touching ice trap??

shield charge changes seems to be alright.
i still dont understand why you insist on flame dash having a cooldown,
lightning warp changes seems good, might need a little local cast spped though.

still wish that wands were given an alternative, ie wand barrage that dont scale cast speed are gonna have subpar options, just let wands use a SHIELD charge.

it almost seem silly to change how it is to level with now, as you last patch buffed alot of stuff and gave new viable levelling choices for more builds.

guardian ascendancy:
seems kind of lame that it specifically have 2 notables that buff 1 skill..

Pathfinder Ascendancy:
same irritation as the guardian.

just my thoughts on it anyway, and have no expectation that anyone is gonna read it nor pay any mind too it that matters.
thanks for improving minions ... am glad that finaly u did a good thing to necro.
Last edited by KaiserBlade42 on Aug 28, 2018, 3:14:00 AM
Towlg wrote:
Now you can remove wands from the game and no one will notice it.

I second that.

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