Delve Balance Changes
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
changes to movement skills look great and the instant skills hopefully breathe new life into the forgotten utility skills. hopefully the marauder-duelist warcry nodes are short, it will make gameplay for builds using enduring cry a lot smoother (although personally i think needing to stop to cast was a good balance for literally any build to get free endurance charges). Awesome to see some love to flame dash, as long as the mana cost isn't changed this should mean it works just as well for arcane surge sustain and for mapping in general. (10 bucks it still gets beat out in consistency by shield charge though) changes to shield charge are unfortunate, but as a raider i welcome our new global attack speed overlords. very nice to see pathfinder will be expanded beyond the realm of flasks. Tbh the 'allies have increased speed if you have used a warcry' near temp/marauder sounds pretty lame, will have to see the numbers ofc but if we're travelling 6-7 points just for an extra 15% speed in each then it looks too poor value for money wise. contrary to what people seem to be saying about the changes to soul gain prevention, i think duration affecting all parts of the skill makes sense. the change improves effectiveness of relevant skills as mentioned EQ while reducing the effectiveness of the common Vaal haste setup which isn't exactly a bad thing imo. the passive having minion damage apply to you as well sounds great, the real question is will minion damage support become a viable link for skills with very few support gems to choose from such as RF? |
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Vicious Projectiles Support, increasing its readability by 70%
OP |
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no nerf to ele hit? are you kidding me?
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" That's really strange considering in high scaling multiple players map they're just so damn strong in terms of raw damage and speed. (You can see some less op skills slowing down in clear speed in multi-players map , not ele hit though.) Arc traps couldn't even trigger in time before they clear the whole mobs in front of them in 0.1 second. Last edited by mic01851165#0058 on Aug 28, 2018, 4:29:05 AM
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" No, they specified 'increases and reductions', it will be the same modifier as the Scourge claw. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" Surely you meant to say: "So elemental hit still fire, huh? Good to know." "Let those with infinite free time pave the road with their corpses." - reboticon
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Looks good
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With Sunder and Arc Trapper nerfs, the only way to play now is DeadEye Elemental Hit... Avatar of Fire triples damage - clear in 10 seconds all, get Frostferno win the game.
Thank you GGG for making this choice easy |
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PATH OF NERFS continues !
Thanks GGG, you always know how to fuck us all up YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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Only Cyclone, Blade Vortex and Trap changes interest me, as usual.
Now, increasing penalty on multitrap is meaningless, it was only used until we can use Cluster Traps. Nerfing cluster traps is meaningless, because we will still hit the trap cap on boss animations, which is the main reason why we could so easily "one shot" shaper/uber atziri into phase. One trap less, not the end of the world. Nerfing trap throw speed does not matter, at least not until we see actual nerf numbers. It may pose an issue to some trap builds, but something like Arc trap will not care for that, because new Arc is insane. Arc gets nerfed, Lightning Trap will solve the issue for AoE, Lightning Trap still can clear every trash mob on a 4 link with ease, and there are plenty of other single target traps. Fire Trap as well, it's stupidly strong with that 200% damage effectiveness, it's just silly. Just get your core item, Malachai's Awakening, and you're good to go. Get abyss jewels, later on get Shroud and win the game, only thing that will actually challenge you is uber elder, everything else you can kill with ease, and you can so easily "one shot" shaper/elder/uber atziri into their phases, on a 5 ex budget. Waiting for actual Patch Notes to see all the other changes and actual numbers tho, I highly doubt you'll leave strong skills untouched. Last edited by Songweaver#4672 on Aug 28, 2018, 4:47:41 AM
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