Delve Balance Changes

I play D3 since 2006 - 2017. My best GR is 104. Yes you are right it has no builds. I just call them that.

But what I mean is that blizz don't do nothing but nerf last years. Players find always new combinations
to play so team just nerf it again. If the team don't know what to do the Game is over.

I really don't hope this happens for GGG. I love the GAME.
I have played PC games since 1988 and I can say I'm an old, old player.
magicspin wrote:

Thank you for taking a third of my damage and providing no substitutes. Thanks for making sst even worse than it already is and I know you're going to completely disregard this post but that's okay, you've reminded me to not give you my money and that's what counts. I start getting interest back and start playing again and almost immediately I get betrayed. Good job.

see here: 4:59, +45% physical Damage over Time.

i would reconsider this rant as stupid.
Last edited by UlfgardLeo on Aug 28, 2018, 2:09:00 AM
Davo10 wrote:
Spydafang wrote:
Path of nerfs is right.

nerfing things that you recently buffed shows that you don't have a clue how to implement new things. How's about instead of nerfing things.. you just make the other 80% of almost completely useless meme skills better to give them new life...

and Vaal skills?! after all the hype and crap that was spewed out at the beginning of incursion and already you are just making an across the board nerf to them?

really showing of your skills there...

They hardly nerfed anything last league and there are clearly things that need to be nerfed/ rebalanced in the game that were overtuned last league. They didn't just nerf a skill midleague, which other games do. Stop acting like an entitled manchild.

Nah, many of us are done with this mess of a game. It's gotten real old this constant nerf BS. Have fun groveling at the feet of those who punish your game time over and over.
sunderboi, where you gonna run to?
Second-class poe gamer
Flies wrote:
Arc trapps are kinda broken we know. But now you broke all other not t1 trapp skills... gg ggg.

Haha, exactly what I thought! Arc trap was basically the only choice you had and now they f*cked up all other traps as well. So maybe Arc trap is still playable (depends of how much the throw time increase is & if you can get +1 trap shaper gloves) but all other kind of traps are definitely out now.

Well done ...
SpectralDrake wrote:
nadakuu wrote:

traps were not the overpowered thing, arc was.
traps actually felt decent and fun to play.

I completely agree here; Arc and perhaps GC should be nerfed, not traps and mines.

Traps were FINALLY decent to play, now they'll go back into the dust bin? :/

I somewhat agree.

They try to nerf arc trap by nerfing all the traps together, which is just weird, when most traps are balanced except when paired with arc.

Throwing speed reduction would definitely hurt other traps too.
Smear wrote:
Welp, F**K this game and the nerf brigade.

I'm out, sick and tired of builds being crushed. Again and again.


Bye. It seems like your barely play this league anyway.
jymak22 wrote:
I play D3 since 2006

Since 2006 wohaa, didn't realize that it's come out 2006 ;)

Nerfs r uhh ... well, i think not enough. Maybe nerf Bow a little more, or buff some of the Melee Skills.
Other option is, to make Bowies more squishy, like "yes u can clear all maps in 30 sec, but if there is a pebble stone in ur running way, u fall and die" :)

Spellblock can be nice when reachable on skilltree. Better then the question "Duelist again, or can i pick up a item which add Spellblock"

Not bad. "This is to let players have ways to mitigate very defensive energy shield characters, which may also come in handy against certain Grandmasters." Thespiderqueen too OP lol !
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
Bex_GGG wrote:
Spell Block
We've changed how Spell Block is gained, so it is only available from flat sources of spell block. All existing sources of attack block to spell block conversion have been changed to a flat source of spell block, and we've added spell block to more places in the passive skill tree, with higher values than were previously available. The Gladiator passive skill now uses your attack block as your spell block.

This change was made partially to remove some restrictions that impacted design, but also to let spell block be something all characters can have access to, rather than being very powerful for very high block characters and weaker for characters that haven't heavily invested in this.

Most of the time block ended up as 15-30 point investment on top of losing a stat stick. This change can be a double edged sword, because if you're now forced into picking even more nodes for spell block, that 5 point investment into Phase Acrobatics seems even more and more attractive.

Movement Skills
So you nerf Brightbeak for Shield Charge but leave it as is for Leap Slam? GGG of all companies should know what happens when you directly nerf one thing while letting the other roam free. I'm happy that it is a small change, though.

Sunder nerfs are weird. There's already primarily only one class that can actually take it into end-game in Gladiator. The funny thing is you're nerfing the reason why essentially only one class is picking the skill. This nerf ensures that no other class even thinks about Sunder outside of first 60 levels. I am very worried about the recent trend to force certain skills upon specific ascendancies(pls stop).

RIP Arc trap. 2018-2018

Not sure if this completely wrecks every other spell supported by Trap. Losing that extra trap and mine from Cluster Trap is 20% dps nerf is a lot. Apart from Glacial Cascade mines and Arc traps I am not convinced that ALL traps needed to lose 20% of their dps. I hope this discussion isn't tossed into Glacial Hammer garbage bin 3 months from now.

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