[3.20] A.B. Molten Tank easy mapping and bossing

anyone have any idea why i am not getting ANY accuracy bonus from war banner? its really strange! the buff is there; "you have increased accuracy" but i dont get any at all :( playing the champion version....
darclon888 wrote:
anyone have any idea why i am not getting ANY accuracy bonus from war banner? its really strange! the buff is there; "you have increased accuracy" but i dont get any at all :( playing the champion version....

with champion you have 100% chance to hit when you taunt an enemy.

you cant get more then 100%. you get the accuracy bonus only before the taunt is up
Anal_Bleeding wrote:
darclon888 wrote:
anyone have any idea why i am not getting ANY accuracy bonus from war banner? its really strange! the buff is there; "you have increased accuracy" but i dont get any at all :( playing the champion version....

with champion you have 100% chance to hit when you taunt an enemy.

you cant get more then 100%. you get the accuracy bonus only before the taunt is up

oh yeah right! of course...totally forgot about that. thanks
so war banner is pretty much useless with my setup and dread banner too cause i use xoph's blood and deal no physical damage to proc impales :/ you have any other idea/suggestion on what i could add to my anger/vitality/enlighten links?

darclon888 wrote:
so war banner is pretty much useless with my setup and dread banner too cause i use xoph's blood and deal no physical damage to proc impales :/ you have any other idea/suggestion on what i could add to my anger/vitality/enlighten links?


with champion i always used only anger and vitality.

war banner is great for jugg and gladiator, ofc for the accuracy.

war banner helps champion if you must run "no taunt" mod maps, cuz you loose the 100%chance to hit.
Last edited by Anal_Bleeding on May 16, 2019, 6:54:53 AM
Hello , i tried it, i have now 80lvl ,on flashback :) i have 5k hp .
Idk , i have somtimes mechanic problem , from game in melee, build .
I have this one sword, for 2 more balss. I have ok dps, not low not to much.
But the biggest problems is getting one shot , on this build, im not sure but i thnik this is bsc ''event'' and stronger mobs.
Hello , i tried it, i have now 80lvl ,on flashback :) i have 5k hp .
Idk , i have somtimes mechanic problem , from game in melee, build .
I have this one sword, for 2 more balss. I have ok dps, not low not to much.
But the biggest problems is getting one shot , on this build, im not sure but i thnik this is bsc ''event'' and stronger mobs.


you have to read the guide carefully first. LGOH is mandatory. Dont´t copy only gems and skilltree.
First you need a thiefs torment or watchers eye with LGOH.

lzrproof wrote:
Hello , i tried it, i have now 80lvl ,on flashback :) i have 5k hp .
Idk , i have somtimes mechanic problem , from game in melee, build .
I have this one sword, for 2 more balss. I have ok dps, not low not to much.
But the biggest problems is getting one shot , on this build, im not sure but i thnik this is bsc ''event'' and stronger mobs.


you have to read the guide carefully first. LGOH is mandatory. Dont´t copy only gems and skilltree.
First you need a thiefs torment or watchers eye with LGOH.


@lzrproof thank man for youe answer, im back now from work.

and remove immediately that belt, that kill ALL you armour
Last edited by Anal_Bleeding on May 17, 2019, 9:38:15 AM
On your Jugg version you are lacking 44 dexterity. I respected my whole f*ing tree to see in the end it cant work. tnx for that
On your Jugg version you are lacking 44 dexterity. I respected my whole f*ing tree to see in the end it cant work. tnx for that

As you can see in the gear section you need dex somewhere.

On your rares, search for

Helm: life and res
Rings: add fire damage or/and add phys damage, life, res (you could search for ele damage with attack as well, but it will be expensive)
Gloves: add fire damage or/and add phys damage, life, res, attack speed
Boots: life, res, movement speed
Ammy: life, res, add fire damage or/and add phys damage, ele damage with attack
Rare belt instead of deceiver: life, res, ele damage with attack

We need some dex points somewhere (ammy or rings or jew)

Belt options:
For Champion, Perseverance for perma onslaught,

or the nomad, for more res, projectiles damage and dex

on this side of the tree is natural have less dexterity
and you need only 122 dex to use grelwood, you need higest dex only for high blood rage/vaal haste lvl.

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