[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up

HarryHaller wrote:

Do u have any advice for the uber elder slam attack? I killed him couple of times, but every aoe slam is like an instant 8k damage blower.

Don't get hit. Bring a movementspeed flask, carefully use your blink arrow.
why run RT when you can use lioneyes glare and still crit while never missing
Is this build good for really deep delves ? ty
Is there any way to properly use the Unnatural Instinct and Might of the Meek jewel, in this build ???, I have two of each and I would like to know if I can use them or sell them
bonguero wrote:
Is there any way to properly use the Unnatural Instinct and Might of the Meek jewel, in this build ???, I have two of each and I would like to know if I can use them or sell them

For the Might of the Meek jewels, you want to pick up the 2 jewels sockets near the Scion start. The lower one, and the one to the right. This allows you to get the bonus on the Increased Projectile Damage nodes, the Crit Multi and Attack Speed nodes to the left, as well as some of the %Life nodes in the big cluster to the right.

Not quite sure about Unnatural Instinct though.
Slaytanicc wrote:
bonguero wrote:
Is there any way to properly use the Unnatural Instinct and Might of the Meek jewel, in this build ???, I have two of each and I would like to know if I can use them or sell them

For the Might of the Meek jewels, you want to pick up the 2 jewels sockets near the Scion start. The lower one, and the one to the right. This allows you to get the bonus on the Increased Projectile Damage nodes, the Crit Multi and Attack Speed nodes to the left, as well as some of the %Life nodes in the big cluster to the right.

Not quite sure about Unnatural Instinct though.

OK. Thanks, I already know what to do
Can anyone check my setup and tell me why I can´t kill T5 and up in normal few shots?

T10 is almost impossible to kill any boss :(
Can only do about 100 delve level when rares become too tanky and it takes forever to kill them..

Also I have the lifeleech node but feel it is absoluteley useless.. I heal up to full life quick but I feel the overleech never works as every hit I get I get to half life or so..
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Oct 5, 2018, 4:55:28 PM
What would you look to upgrade next? Any major damage I'm missing?

I'm so cunfused about this guide. Anyway why do you choose Pathfinder? the only reason why i can see it of being any use is becuase of "Damage penetrates 6% of Enemy Elemental Resistance" and is that really so much better than the many other options?
Vorre wrote:
I'm so cunfused about this guide. Anyway why do you choose Pathfinder? the only reason why i can see it of being any use is becuase of "Damage penetrates 6% of Enemy Elemental Resistance" and is that really so much better than the many other options?

Faster, QoL flask management, ele pen are reasons why pathfinder is strong.

But Jugg can be good too. You can go jugg for the "tankyness" endurance charges, it gives a lot of accuracy so you can go crit and EO. Its possible to get more dps with jugg with the good setup.

Play what it fits you the best.

I prefer PF and i added The Red Nightmare jewel for endurance charges.

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