[3.5] Ele Thickk - Super Tanky Ele Hit - Uber Elder Deathless -No Xoph's -No Frostferno - Videos Up

HDTanel wrote:
Hey all!

Trying to search the entire thread but takes time.. can anyone tell me HOW to exactly level this?
From league start without anything really.. and with some uniques.

I´ve played a couple of Ele Hit builds before but mid season and they work well BUT... I ALWAYS felt that ffs this thing needs somekind of survivability.. OVERLEECH... and I think I found it now :D
But there seems to be no clear leveling tree for the build. There is one on the frontpage with Path of Building that has Default, 65 and No Jewels tree which is very confusing...

Would be great if somebody would tell how exactly to approach this.

I presume get to maps with Rain of Arrows and just follow the main tree or take a bit of a different route to make things easier and then after Kitava spec out?
Saw somebody post that get Avatar of fire asap but guess he was not playing rain of arrows :D

Check my post page 46.
HDTanel wrote:
Hey all!

Trying to search the entire thread but takes time.. can anyone tell me HOW to exactly level this?
From league start without anything really.. and with some uniques.

I´ve played a couple of Ele Hit builds before but mid season and they work well BUT... I ALWAYS felt that ffs this thing needs somekind of survivability.. OVERLEECH... and I think I found it now :D
But there seems to be no clear leveling tree for the build. There is one on the frontpage with Path of Building that has Default, 65 and No Jewels tree which is very confusing...

Would be great if somebody would tell how exactly to approach this.

I presume get to maps with Rain of Arrows and just follow the main tree or take a bit of a different route to make things easier and then after Kitava spec out?
Saw somebody post that get Avatar of fire asap but guess he was not playing rain of arrows :D

I was playing Rain of arrows, it works really well until I hit 70ish then went to kill kitava (after lots of blood aqueduct and did my merc lab). Once you get your merc lab, you will need lots of regrets and you start your tree again from duelist area. I prioritised avatar of fire side and then slowly started expanding on the right side. Once you hit red maps or higher delve depths (200+) I really thing you need Phase Acro. Don't invest too much into gear for rain of arrows ofc, it's super easy to level with it esp if you have vaal rain of arrows and just nuke bosses with vaal portion.

Make sure you have at least +2 bow, yoke, pyre, call of brotherhood when you hit maps. I also went with 1sock tombfists/bubonic, no need for 2 but it does help if you can get maim as well as intimidate, and also boosts damage provided by bubonic.

As for the tree for Rain of arrows, it's simple just get more life and level with tabula + thief's torment. EZ spam non stop.

huyakf1997 wrote:
So how much DPS is enough for uber elder tho ? I'm sitting at 77k single target and 72k with gmp tooltip. My PoB says i have like 840k shaper DPS( without chill ) and 920k with chill. So is that enough ?
My link : https://pastebin.com/ZQBVF0F7

You should have no problem with Uber Elder with those numbers and gear. I've done him multiple times this league with less dps than you.
Thanks for the replies guys!

I read almost like 30 pages.. and I found one guy said he was leveling with ARC... I played ARC Trapper for many leagues with GREAT success and know ARC is pretty OP.. so atm going with that and seeing how far it can take me.

I will check the page 46 also, thanks!!

As for ROA yea it has been pretty decent but kinda stops being good at end acts.. maybe gear dependent. Also I don´t really like to respec like 50 points or so.. so right now going with the original tree but taking some Spell damage nodes like Celestial Judgement and Punishment.

edit: Reporting in that getting to ACT VI was no real problem with selfcast ARC. Pretty smooth and straightforward, with random rare gear and 3link ARC 3link Lightning Spire Trap. Will try to upgrade some gear with lightning damage before heading forward. Goal is to farm comfortably into maps with ARC and then be able to switch to Elemental Hit anytime after that.
Id still like to see ARC being able to clear maps so if you are starting a league it would still be worthwhile without having to do a MASSIVE respec.

edit2: yeeaaahh... ARC is good until ACT VIII mid act. Then it just drops off a cliff in terms of single target damage. Lunaris Solaris fight took me like 50deaths and 15minutes to kill them lol.
Guess Rain of Arrows should be better. But I can´t see it do well without specing into Ranger tree.. and respecing out of it might cost too much..

edit3: Alright, I think I found what is needed :P random gear, just one 4link is required. SRS.
SRS-Summon Phantasm on Kill Support-Minion Damage Support and Melee Splash
Additonally I have Raise Zombies, Raise Sceptre plus Minion Damage Support.
I just run around summoning SRS that spawn very good damage Phantasms and then when I feel im not safe I use Convocation to call all minions on top of me.. boom, everyone dies :D
VERY easy now in ACT IX! I remember going with almost exact same setup AND tree to maps easily when doing my Soulwrest build.
I just went up in tree and grabbed the minion nodes and ones on the very left middle part of the tree aswell. Plus some few more straight on top of our starting point.

Use this tree to guide your way. Later you can just respec out of those nodes. I think it should be a better one then leveling with Rain of Arrows.. as this tree really needs zero gear.. you just search for life, resists and maybe dex or smth you need to level your gems.
This is the exact Soulwrest build if anyone is interested:

edit4: Nevermind, it sucks lol.. Doedre took 15mins to kill, minions didn´t even attack her cause they were focused on totems with their 15debuffs...
Other ACT IX end bosses were crazy hard too.. :(
Kitava took me 40minutes to kill with SRS...

Ugh.. never seems to be a good league starter for this amazing build.. so sad.
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Oct 3, 2018, 11:48:23 PM
TBH leveling with ele hit with Quill rain was soooooooo easy. Less trouble imo.
Feurn wrote:
TBH leveling with ele hit with Quill rain was soooooooo easy. Less trouble imo.

Mathils actual cat
Just wanted to say thanks for this amazing build, which I can say first hand, did not get nerfed as bad as some people were saying. Coming into this league I never even killed Shaper and with this build, I made my first attempt at Uber Elder, and downed him, DEATHLESS!

Here's a pastebin of my character for those interested in the setup I used: https://pastebin.com/ZDxpNUMn

By far the strongest character I've ever had in this game.

Thanks for the Guide!
Finally my first uber elder kill ever - 2 deaths only

I don't know how to link my gear, but you can check my profile. I just used another belt (life/firedmg/eledmg styg with jewel) and Kaoms Roots.

Feels really good now. Back to leveling now. Thanks to Qrafty and all helpers
HDTanel wrote:
Feurn wrote:
TBH leveling with ele hit with Quill rain was soooooooo easy. Less trouble imo.


Yes. Start with ele hit. Like i said earlier, check my post page 45. I did a tree before respeccing at merci/uberlab. Quill rain, tabula, drillneck, and the 2 jewel and you're good to go. I used Quill rain/tabula until lvl 68. Destroy everything.
Feurn wrote:
HDTanel wrote:
Feurn wrote:
TBH leveling with ele hit with Quill rain was soooooooo easy. Less trouble imo.


Yes. Start with ele hit. Like i said earlier, check my post page 45. I did a tree before respeccing at merci/uberlab. Quill rain, tabula, drillneck, and the 2 jewel and you're good to go. I used Quill rain/tabula until lvl 68. Destroy everything.

Do u have any advice for the uber elder slam attack? I killed him couple of times, but every aoe slam is like an instant 8k damage blower.

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