[On Hold] Elemental Hit Ascendant [All Content]

Killed Uber Elder (my 2nd kill), definitely not deathless, but that's mainly because I sucked. Survived quite a few deadly attacks.

Trying to craft a Shaper Bow now. Then a helmet with -9% to Fire Resists (except I spent too much effort balancing my resists for Wise Oak) and then I guess I need a rare quiver.
Last edited by IllusiveGuy on Feb 1, 2019, 6:36:16 AM
blg_RealiZe wrote:
Les_Onardo wrote:
Is there a guide on how to craft an end-game bow? Like what fossils/resonators to use and what bases to use? Sorry if this seems like a vague question, i've never fossil crafted before.

Read like 7-10 pages of the thread (my messages), you'll probably get enough information about crafting

Having a look now. Thanks boss!
What should I realistically have checked in PoB configuration?
What do you mean by if you can afford to get the links in the golem portion? What do you link to golem for ias and movespeed?
IllusiveGuy wrote:
What should I realistically have checked in PoB configuration?

all pots, damage on full life, are you leeching, projectile distance 10, ignite, imtimidated and frozen (to better simulate shock as ticking shock will assume you have the full shock which you won't), frenzy charges depending on what you are doing

Ccjayman167 wrote:
What do you mean by if you can afford to get the links in the golem portion? What do you link to golem for ias and movespeed?

he means that you can use a golem if you have a free socket. depending on what you are using you may not have an open gem slot to use a golem at all
Last edited by crazypearce on Feb 2, 2019, 4:34:58 AM
I am planning to multimod this quiver. What do you think, guys?

Last edited by Xenim on Feb 2, 2019, 8:50:57 AM
why in mu build i cannot autocast temporal chain??
Last edited by puppapuppa11 on Feb 2, 2019, 7:49:13 PM

Wts this helmets, pm if you have interest.
I remember when you first started on PoE, i saw you on twitch. You said you were just trying and just taking a break from Diablo 3. lol. I told you man, when you leave D3 for PoE, theres no going back.

Glad youre enjoying your stay.
Xenim wrote:
I am planning to multimod this quiver. What do you think, guys?

wouldn't bother multi modding a quiver unless it had plus one arrow, but its up to you

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