[3.4] ARC totem hierophant. End game bosses ready

Gegemo wrote:

@Gegemo, what do you think i can aim to improve on build? I'll use the lvl 100 three (Balanced) --> http://www.poeurl.com/b4C8

Last edited by deadlus1208 on Sep 13, 2018, 1:17:13 PM
What mods are we looking for on rare weapons, in order of importance?

deadlus1208 wrote:
Gegemo wrote:

@Gegemo, what do you think i can aim to improve on build? I'll use the lvl 100 three (Balanced) --> http://www.poeurl.com/b4C8

Easy upgrade: Enchant boot. Will give you a nice boost.

Medium upgrade: More offensive amulet.

Expensive: too much expensive to be considered. (Reflection, Mark of the Shaper etc...)

- Personally I will just enchant the boot.
This is helpful. Thank you for the awesome guide!
@nexro - Thanks for the quick answer.
For delve, I want to find a reasonable way to do corpse explosion/removal to get rid of the unstable weta cold snap effect.
Has anyone found a good way to do corpse removal with arc totem or other workaround.
Some ideas below, but I would be interested if anyone has another ideas:
1. Inpulsa armor does not work since it says 'you kill' in the mod.
2. Shaper stat stick (1hand mace) with 'killed enemies explode dealing fire' works ok, but lose other good mod potential on offhand weapon.
3. Call of the Brotherhood ring to convert 50% lightning to cold to freeze, haven't tried this.
4. Maybe a source of cold damage and swap out Elemental Focus gem to allow freeze ailment.
5. Maybe its optimal to dodge the wetas, or have mitigation (sapphire flask), or other strategy?
Last edited by Novgov on Sep 14, 2018, 8:18:03 AM
Novgov wrote:
For delve, I want to find a reasonable way to do corpse explosion/removal to get rid of the unstable weta cold snap effect.
Has anyone found a good way to do corpse removal with arc totem or other workaround.
Some ideas below, but I would be interested if anyone has another ideas:
1. Inpulsa armor does not work since it says 'you kill' in the mod.
2. Shaper stat stick (1hand mace) with 'killed enemies explode dealing fire' works ok, but lose other good mod potential on offhand weapon.
3. Call of the Brotherhood ring to convert 50% lightning to cold to freeze, haven't tried this.
4. Maybe a source of cold damage and swap out Elemental Focus gem to allow freeze ailment.
5. Maybe its optimal to dodge the wetas, or have mitigation (sapphire flask), or other strategy?

Use "The Three Dragons" helmet and change Elemental Focus with other support like "power charge on crit" (check PoB for the best for you).

Some more defence is added by "Corona Solaris" if you don't want max DPS (I personally use it).
You will have about 60% evasion vs attacks.
Last edited by Gegemo on Sep 14, 2018, 8:38:50 AM
Gegemo wrote:
Novgov wrote:
For delve, I want to find a reasonable way to do corpse explosion/removal to get rid of the unstable weta cold snap effect.
Has anyone found a good way to do corpse removal with arc totem or other workaround.
Some ideas below, but I would be interested if anyone has another ideas:
1. Inpulsa armor does not work since it says 'you kill' in the mod.
2. Shaper stat stick (1hand mace) with 'killed enemies explode dealing fire' works ok, but lose other good mod potential on offhand weapon.
3. Call of the Brotherhood ring to convert 50% lightning to cold to freeze, haven't tried this.
4. Maybe a source of cold damage and swap out Elemental Focus gem to allow freeze ailment.
5. Maybe its optimal to dodge the wetas, or have mitigation (sapphire flask), or other strategy?

Use "The Three Dragons" helmet and change Elemental Focus with other support like "power charge on crit" (check PoB for the best for you).

Some more defence is added by "Corona Solaris" if you don't want max DPS (I personally use it).
You will have about 60% evasion vs attacks.

Thanks - Three Dragons looks like a better solution. I might look into loreweave or another 'phys damage taken as <element>' chest armor for more defense in delves too. Generally, arc totems seem decent in delves so far.
Last edited by Novgov on Sep 14, 2018, 10:59:32 AM
If you are using reflection is void battery still the best besides shimmeron. Any advice on gear upgrades
mustangroush1 wrote:
If you are using reflection is void battery still the best besides shimmeron. Any advice on gear upgrades

The best DPS weapon is a rare wand (not counting Shimmeron).

With Atziri's Reflection use:
- Self flagellation jewel
- Coward's Legacy + "Pain Attunement" passive

After this if you still want more DPS go for:
- Mark of the Shaper
- Elder Essence Worm

Note: Balancing resistances will be a pain!

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