[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

pharaoh000 wrote:
I think the best would be "1% reduce mana reserved"

Probably we can add another aura with it.

I really doubt it. We already have 35% discipline that we can't just get rid of. To add aura (35%) we need at the very least enlightement 4 lvl and 10% reduced mana. It's way over the top, in my opinion.

If we are talking about actually useful aura for 50%, like "anger", that becomes 20% which is plain impossible without hindering the build.

But that corruption should be really usefull for auramancers, aurabots, etc, but not for those who don't plan to go for as many nodes on reduces mana reserved, as possible.
Last edited by Med1umentor on Jun 13, 2018, 5:35:13 AM
I just make a simulation on https://poe.mikelat.com/

by taking Sovereignty (same with Fenumus setup) and 7 corrupted jew (easy 1, rare, fertile and brutal) we got 23% reduce.
Possible to use AA, HoA, Discipline, and Vitality WITHOUT enlighten.
Even a lv1 clarity can fit in but it requires 1k+ mana.

P/s: I didn't test for Purity case.
And yes, have to sacrifice some int node but MAY BE for better thing.
Last edited by pharaoh000 on Jun 13, 2018, 9:59:18 PM
pharaoh000 wrote:
I just make a simulation on https://poe.mikelat.com/

by taking Sovereignty (same with Fenumus setup) and 7 corrupted jew (easy 1, rare, fertile and brutal) we got 23% reduce.
Possible to use AA, HoA, Discipline, and Vitality WITHOUT enlighten.
Even a lv1 clarity can fit in but it requires 1k+ mana.

P/s: I didn't test for Purity case.
And yes, have to sacrifice some int node but MAY BE for better thing.

Was literally just doing this myself, can't believe I got ninja'd lol.

But, you have 2% more Reduced Mana than you should, unless I've missed some somewhere. My own build, which is level 92 so it has one more jewel socket, only gets to 22% reduced mana.

With all 8 Jewels with 1% reduced reservation and an Enlighten 3 (Not 4) you have enough mana to run an additional Aura, but the big ones like Anger also need an Enlighten 3 (And a big enough Mana Pool to have enough left for your skills, which should be fine with our Int base).

This also doesn't let you run an additional aura with Aspect on as well, for those people in Standard.

Not sure if it's superior to the regular variant, as the upside of this variant was the huge Aspect of the Spider aura.

Edit: You don't actually need an Enlighten at all if you're just running a Purity aura, I was trying to fit in more than one bonus aura so I didn't even check without an enlighten at all.
Last edited by Zephryl on Jun 13, 2018, 10:24:10 PM
Maybe my brain still sleeping

yes, we got only 14+7=21 for 7 jew

yours is 22 from 8 jew

however, to replace with purity it needs more than that (assuming replace AA or HoA)
perhaps we need an enlight in that case (I'm not there yet XD)
pharaoh000 wrote:
Maybe my brain still sleeping

yes, we got only 14+7=21 for 7 jew

yours is 22 from 8 jew

however, to replace with purity it needs more than that (assuming replace AA or HoA)
perhaps we need an enlight in that case (I'm not there yet XD)

If you're running Vitality as a 4th Aura, then you need Enlighten 2/3 (Depending on Mana Pool) to swap out HoA/AA for a purity (With 8 Jewels).

With 7 Jewels you need an Enlighten 3 and a large mana pool.
Which gem slots are we dropping to do this though? Everything is taken at the moment, so adding two more means we lose something valuable. Unset rings?
NoImagination wrote:
Which gem slots are we dropping to do this though? Everything is taken at the moment, so adding two more means we lose something valuable. Unset rings?

Not sure of the new Links from this patch, but, on my old setup I use the three auras in a helm linked to Enlighten, which is so I can fit in Aspect of the Spider, but in a non-Aspect version with these Mana Reduction Jewels I could just slot in a 4th Aura instead of Enlighten... But I won't be able to swap out any for Purity auras as needed.

If you need Enlighten(s) then one is feasible, as you can drop Blind from a 5L CWDT setup and have it linked in a 2L on your armour, and them drop Ancestral Call from Vigilant Strike, or move Flame Dash to an Unset Ring.

If you need multiple Enlightens, you have to lose way too much far as I can tell.

that is really helpful. Forum gives me a big advantage. For 5c no corrupting blood no maim no silence. Thats a big deal. Thanks a lot !!!

The silence one cost me some incursions. Also for incursion the build is not optimal. if only 2 sec and i cast the incursion is done. With a friend with poet pen setup its still no problem because he jump into a pack and kill them so the time gos up. if i cast its mostly to late. Totally in rooms the mobs are at the ends of the incursion.

But with all the useful cheap stuff like % int more on nearly all items the dmg is unbelievable.

Only chests with high es are not available.
Last edited by ichbinwerichbi on Jun 14, 2018, 4:09:42 AM
This league with all the new corruption outcome modifiers like %increase intelligence mainly (%increase dexterity/strength secondary) that can be present on all the items probably and with the addition of Combustion gem and addition of Heart of Flame nodes into setup, the build can and probably get to highest numbers when its about DPS tooltip of WI, higher even than the tooltip numbers from Standard legacy setups(with legacy Pyre, legacy Perandus ring and other shit).

On the other hand, getting end-game ES armour pieces with high values for ES and INT cost more than previous leagues from what i was able to see in these 2 weeks since the league started.

To be able to get good deals for pieces of armour with high ES+INT together with decent resistances(to compensate some possible resistance losses from corrupted rings) you need to be online quite a lot on a daily basis and have some live searches in poe.trade/official_trade sites activated.

Also using corrupted rings with % increase intelligence will make the people struggle harder to get resistances on the other pieces of gear to reach 75/75/75 cap values.

Another nice QoL improvement for this build is the corruption implicit that can be obtained now on jewels(immune to corruption blood, immune to hinder, immune to maim, %increase damage, etc.).

What can i agree though even with decent gear and DPS tooltip some T14+ incursions can be really hard to fully complete (killing an architect + getting at least 1 stone of passage) depending on the mods of the map in which the incursion appear.

I cannot play with Spell Cascade setup since my rig is quite old (Core2Duo proccessor lol) and even if i have decent video card( Nividia 760Ti + launching the game from SSD) the system barely handle spam of only 1 x Icestorm and cannot handle 3 x Icestorms(with Spell Cascade setup). So in some high level incursions i get frustrated because i am not able to kill both the architect and get 1 stone of passage to link adjacent rooms even with decent gear but that's life!

Other than this the build rocks as usually, you can do almost everything in this game with it and without spending a fortune on the equipment, neither the need to be high skilled in order to defeat the entire content(except Uber Elder maybe)!

Last edited by lilianmarius on Jun 14, 2018, 8:37:49 AM
Hi, can anyone give me advice on which MF gear I can use on mapping? Trying to search for those with ES, only found some with int+.

As for item rarity support/culling blade. Will that work on the current setup of the build? What's good to replace here?


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