[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Med1umentor wrote:
Jadran wrote:
Quick testing results of this build on an RTX 2080ti - the FPS loss kicks in a bit later, but still channeling Icestorm longer drops the FPS down to 25, exactly like before on a much weaker GPU.

Interestingly enough, GPU load never goes above 60% and the CPU load hangs around 80-90%. I have a 4Ghz 4-core i5 CPU and I don't think PoE is using more than 4 cores so it doesn't look like a bottleneck here.

So it seems that PoE engine is not "killing" the GPU, but rather doesn't know what to do with it.

Do you guys know if GGG has any plans to improve this? I emailed support several times but they only say they can't comment on future development and they would let the devs know.

It would be great if GGG acknowledged this or said something about whether it's fixable in the future. It'd be sad to play a build knowing it's doomed to underperform forever :)

Yup, it's really bad optimization, and that was reported to GGG countless times that icestorm is killing fps. It's infamous for this.
But considering that this is pretty niche (it isn't even actual gem skill xD), you better not expect improvements on that front.

Hmm, I thought I saw Kelvynn mention something about this topic elsewhere in this thread, but can't find it now.

The good news (sorta) is that it's not only Icestorm - I have considerable FPS drops in towns, with lots of people wearing MTX, and the GPU is also idling there.

So it looks like it's a more general optimization and resource utilization issue, so maybe there is hope it will be addressed.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
Hmm, I thought I saw Kelvynn mention something about this topic elsewhere in this thread, but can't find it now.

The good news (sorta) is that it's not only Icestorm - I have considerable FPS drops in towns, with lots of people wearing MTX, and the GPU is also idling there.

So it looks like it's a more general optimization and resource utilization issue, so maybe there is hope it will be addressed.

Yeah, it's the issue in general, so when there is general optimization going on, that usually also "touch" ours favorite icestorm.

The thing about icestorm, only just couple of leagues ago, there was the issue that completely crush the game together with instance if you use icestorm with spell cascade.
I believe it was so entire league, and it was an issue that not only on "perfomance side", but you can say major bug. And GGG still take entire league to fix it... or that bug prevailed in the small starting part of the next league as well, i believe.
That is what i meant, better not even hope that GGG will move for such a niche skill, when even with such catastrophe they lazily took their time, while slowly drinking tea.

And yeah, there are tons of skills that cause problems to perfomance. And not just MTX, in most cases MTX even help to rise perfomance in compare to original effects.
Usually problems starts with skills that stay on the field continiuos time and have multiple projectiles, even more if they have some additional graph effect, especially multiple explosions. So of course something like magma orbs, icestorm etc are frontrunners on that field.
Med1umentor & ichbinwerichbi, thanks for the info on Astramentis.
Med1umentor wrote:
Jadran wrote:
Hmm, I thought I saw Kelvynn mention something about this topic elsewhere in this thread, but can't find it now.

The good news (sorta) is that it's not only Icestorm - I have considerable FPS drops in towns, with lots of people wearing MTX, and the GPU is also idling there.

So it looks like it's a more general optimization and resource utilization issue, so maybe there is hope it will be addressed.

Yeah, it's the issue in general, so when there is general optimization going on, that usually also "touch" ours favorite icestorm.

The thing about icestorm, only just couple of leagues ago, there was the issue that completely crush the game together with instance if you use icestorm with spell cascade.
I believe it was so entire league, and it was an issue that not only on "perfomance side", but you can say major bug. And GGG still take entire league to fix it... or that bug prevailed in the small starting part of the next league as well, i believe.
That is what i meant, better not even hope that GGG will move for such a niche skill, when even with such catastrophe they lazily took their time, while slowly drinking tea.

And yeah, there are tons of skills that cause problems to perfomance. And not just MTX, in most cases MTX even help to rise perfomance in compare to original effects.
Usually problems starts with skills that stay on the field continiuos time and have multiple projectiles, even more if they have some additional graph effect, especially multiple explosions. So of course something like magma orbs, icestorm etc are frontrunners on that field.

GGG's Technical Director Jonathan Rogers was on the last episode of Baeclast, and he talked about this issue a bit. He said that a lot of what feels like client-side slowdowns are actually server-side issues, and this happens with any skills that hit a lot really fast. The problem it that each hit has to be individually calculated on the server and returned to the client, and this process is currently very inefficient. Icestorm with Spell Cascade would be among the worst offenders, but you get similar problems with builds using Herald of Ice and Inpulsa - lots of hits all at the same time causes the game to hiccup. He said that they're aware of the problem, and they want to fix it, but it's not going to happen in 3.5.

So the issue isn't that Icestorm itself is poorly coded. It's that the nature of the skill makes it hit more often and faster than pretty much any other skill. If they fix the above issue, all skills will benefit, but Icestorm more than most.
From my viewpoints its not CPU or GPU that is slowing down Icestrom or other effects like Magma Orb. Its the "hit" calculation on the server. You can see it, when you are in hideout and cast your icestorm somewhere it doesnt't hit anything. Keep casting it for a few seconds till its ramped up.

For me this usually drops my fps to 30-35. (This is cause of GPU). If you then move you icestorm over 2 or 3 Masters in hideout, the fps will drop further (for me to 15-20).

If i precast on a strongbox and trigger it, it will hit so many times, that i get a "hiccup" on fps to 3-5 fps for a second or two.

The same effect can be notices if playing a cyclone build with "Ngamahus Flame Axe". When you cyclone into a big cluster of mobs, fps drops considerably.
Did you saw new veiled mod on helmet?


If that can be combined with usual int affix - it's just wow
Med1umentor wrote:
Did you saw new veiled mod on helmet?


If that can be combined with usual int affix - it's just wow

Yeah, and if it can be combined with 30% quality from fossils? I'd like a 46% Vaal Regalia with 75 int please.
Bananaderson wrote:
Med1umentor wrote:
Did you saw new veiled mod on helmet?


If that can be combined with usual int affix - it's just wow

Yeah, and if it can be combined with 30% quality from fossils? I'd like a 46% Vaal Regalia with 75 int please.

This definitely can be combined with 30% quality from fossils, because it have nothing to do with affixes.
But i can't say for sure about int + veiled [int+q].

Same with we can't say if they allow us to combine usual 30% move speed on boots with veiled [26% speed + cannot be chilled]. It would be ultimate boots, and so easy to produce, so i have my doubts.
xardas149 wrote:
Maybe my post is a bit heretic, but why do i skill Execptional Performance on the skilltree?

I am pretty high end on equip and i cannot for the life of me feel a difference while playing if i have it or not.

Either things insta die during the first icestorm comming down or you have your stationary playstyle anyways.

How important is it really?

Exceptional Performance is extremely good for leveling and early league play. The difference between 3-4 sec and 5-6 sec Icestorm is huge.

Later on, when you are sitting at 2100+ Int, you may consider dropping it in favor of an extra jewel socket. However, I find 8 sec Icestorm still better than 6 sec in a lot of practical situations. Yes, all trash is usually long dead after 6 sec and even bosses don't stand still. But then there are particular things in the league. Things like deep delve cities where trash lives a lot longer than in any maps. And Uber Elder where you have less time to cast and you want to do more overall damage with each storm. Even something as simple as the Shaper - extra duration (i.e. extra pre-stacked storms) can make a difference between killing him in 4 sec or going through the phases.

Basically, before 2100 Int I would not drop the duration cluster at all, and after that you should only drop it in favor of really big things (e.g. a jewel like Emperor's Wit/Mastery).
Last edited by Kelvynn on Nov 26, 2018, 1:20:00 PM
Bananaderson wrote:
Med1umentor wrote:
Did you saw new veiled mod on helmet?


If that can be combined with usual int affix - it's just wow

Yeah, and if it can be combined with 30% quality from fossils? I'd like a 46% Vaal Regalia with 75 int please.

Well, these new mods will probably solve the Aspect dilemma: with Bestiary returning, would it be better to go with Fenumus again or not? Looks like not. Fenumus/Spider was a fantastic defensive/offensive setup in 3.2. But now we can have so much Int from the body armor that it can provide more damage than Aspect of the Spider + Fenumus Shroud. And for defense, chill and freeze from the cold version of the build should be enough.

Speaking of the cold version. Since the league is effectively over, I switched my Delve league char to cold. Lost the -fire res debuff mod on my wonderful helmet, and a few Int with it. But gained a lot of ES on a 'straight up ES' one.

Storm Burst and Incinerate feel equally 'meh' compared to SR, so I noticed that my overall DPS dropped a notch. That's what Winter Orb should hopefully compensate for.

But the defense! The jump in safety is huge. It feels like Aspect of the Spider in 3.2. The increased chill effect is so good that I dropped TC and didn't notice anything different - all enemies are super slow already. And half of them are frozen too. I replaced TC with WM and things got totally awesome: endurance charges.

The fire version with higher damage did not feel safe at all in depth 600 delve cities, rares in the inner chambers were deadly. The cold version - no problem, I've cleared several cities at 500-600 with nasty mods that were too rippy before.

Basically, all we need now is Winter Orb being a half-decent skill. It doesn't even have to be very good. With the cold version and new crafting mods things should be awesome in 3.5.

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