[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

Super guide and fun build - thank you. Nice aesthetics as well - visually and sound. I decided to give this a try to test it before next league. Only level 50 but I'm getting the feel for it.

Only thing is I spent 1ex on a good Astramentis. I assume in a new league you farm the div cards to get the amulet? Or do you just save up for a cheap one and divine it as you are able to?
redmalloc wrote:
Super guide and fun build - thank you. Nice aesthetics as well - visually and sound. I decided to give this a try to test it before next league. Only level 50 but I'm getting the feel for it.

Only thing is I spent 1ex on a good Astramentis. I assume in a new league you farm the div cards to get the amulet? Or do you just save up for a cheap one and divine it as you are able to?

I don't think that it's worth it to divine astramentis anyway. At the start of the new league you just buy whatever you can buy, no need to min-max things, those additional 20 int not gonna matter that much (moreover it's not gonna be 20, but mostly 10, because average astramentis usually not much more expensive than lowest. Only top stat one are expensive).
When will be the time to upgrade, you will have enough funds to buy better astramentis.

Better to not expect something out of div cards, those are super rare. It's the option if you play SSF, cause you have no other choice, but usually you just buy it.

P.S. Before astramentis you also can buy rare amulet with enough int. Sure, you will have some problem with other stats, but int level can be very well on astramentis level, and much more cheaper
For me Astramentis is for early league. If i have a stock of currency i try to get dmg per int and increased attributes amu. I need normaly 1000 to 1200 alt to get it. I like that more then astra. Only problem is i need str and dex from other sources. But not so much as the 12 % attributes help.
Kelvynn wrote:

5 Int = 1% increased ES. At 2000 Int you already have 400% increased ES without even counting the ES nodes on the tree. That's why we only take the fattest ES nodes.

Energy From Within would give 46% inc ES for 4 nodes and a jewel socket. For the same price you can add about 90 Int, i.e. 18% inc ES plus a lot of damage.

The build can be adjusted towards more ES or more damage. I'm trying to keep the balance and stay where I have enough ES to survive while doing enough damage to kill everything reasonably fast.

It makes sense, if I can have these 90 int jewels! Fertile Mind and Brute Force have their place, and Energy From Within don't take same spot, so it's easy addition if I don't have 90 int jewels.

Also another note: Trying this build, it makes me lag .. Not merely FPS lag, but my latency with it is worse than any other skill. Like it jump to +900 and freeze and disconnect me from server! That's at peak times not all times, but I can still play safely with other builds ..

Is there a way to avoid this? Do I need to find another build not Dependant on Cast while channeling?
givemelight wrote:
It makes sense, if I can have these 90 int jewels! Fertile Mind and Brute Force have their place, and Energy From Within don't take same spot, so it's easy addition if I don't have 90 int jewels.

Also another note: Trying this build, it makes me lag .. Not merely FPS lag, but my latency with it is worse than any other skill. Like it jump to +900 and freeze and disconnect me from server! That's at peak times not all times, but I can still play safely with other builds ..

Is there a way to avoid this? Do I need to find another build not Dependant on Cast while channeling?

There is no such things as "90 int jewel", it was just kind of comparing what you can receive if you invest into int nodes instead.

For example, Kelvynn has 53% increased int, and instead of picking entire wheel of melding, he can just randomly pick 4 nodes with 10 int, which is literally EVERYWHERE, you probably will never ran out of them, then add 16 int from his jewel (which is also easily accessable), we have 56*1.53=85.63 ~86 int. And this is calculation from basic +10 nodes, and not even countining additional % increases from his jewel.
That's only shows how much int more powerfull in that build than other option, when even most infamous "melding" circle with energy within is losing to "passing +10 nodes".

About your lags, it's not latency either. I mean, it's latency alright, but it's not on server side, it's basic shortage of processing power. For example, if i run POE on my old notebook, it will disconnect me to login screen couple of times, before it "buffer" most of the things and then allow me several seconds into town, when i must be quick to get into hideout, before it disconnect me again. Pretty funny.
Also, if i run poe with certain browser with certain addon, it make my lattency go up to 2k and down every 5 seconds. Still don't know the reason, but just want to say that latency fluctation can very well be due to processing power, and not depenant on ISP.

Also, before you start misunderstanding, "cast while channeling" is safe choice, most probably even safer than selfcast. It's not the thing that overcharge your PC, it's icestorm itself. Icestorm infamous for its bad optimization, so yeah - if you have not so great PC, you better give up using this build whether you will CwC it, or selfcast, it will be the same.
Last edited by Med1umentor on Nov 24, 2018, 5:04:09 PM
Maybe my post is a bit heretic, but why do i skill Execptional Performance on the skilltree?

I am pretty high end on equip and i cannot for the life of me feel a difference while playing if i have it or not.

Either things insta die during the first icestorm comming down or you have your stationary playstyle anyways.

How important is it really?
xardas149 wrote:
Maybe my post is a bit heretic, but why do i skill Execptional Performance on the skilltree?

I am pretty high end on equip and i cannot for the life of me feel a difference while playing if i have it or not.

Either things insta die during the first icestorm comming down or you have your stationary playstyle anyways.

How important is it really?

It makes your DPS on boss much more, because you can stack as much more icestorms. So, if you cast on boss longer than 1.5 sec (base duration of icestorm), then it's equivalent of 45% MORE modifier. But if boss is highly mobile it's indeed not so usefull.

But as additional bonus, it also buff our other skills, like "more duration on fortify", "orb of storms stays longer", etc

If you ask me, icestorm without exceptional perfomance disappear way too quickly, so i will not give it up atleast for QoL.
Last edited by Med1umentor on Nov 25, 2018, 2:21:51 PM
Quick testing results of this build on an RTX 2080ti - the FPS loss kicks in a bit later, but still channeling Icestorm longer drops the FPS down to 25, exactly like before on a much weaker GPU.

Interestingly enough, GPU load never goes above 60% and the CPU load hangs around 80-90%. I have a 4Ghz 4-core i5 CPU and I don't think PoE is using more than 4 cores so it doesn't look like a bottleneck here.

So it seems that PoE engine is not "killing" the GPU, but rather doesn't know what to do with it.

Do you guys know if GGG has any plans to improve this? I emailed support several times but they only say they can't comment on future development and they would let the devs know.

It would be great if GGG acknowledged this or said something about whether it's fixable in the future. It'd be sad to play a build knowing it's doomed to underperform forever :)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
Quick testing results of this build on an RTX 2080ti - the FPS loss kicks in a bit later, but still channeling Icestorm longer drops the FPS down to 25, exactly like before on a much weaker GPU.

Interestingly enough, GPU load never goes above 60% and the CPU load hangs around 80-90%. I have a 4Ghz 4-core i5 CPU and I don't think PoE is using more than 4 cores so it doesn't look like a bottleneck here.

So it seems that PoE engine is not "killing" the GPU, but rather doesn't know what to do with it.

Do you guys know if GGG has any plans to improve this? I emailed support several times but they only say they can't comment on future development and they would let the devs know.

It would be great if GGG acknowledged this or said something about whether it's fixable in the future. It'd be sad to play a build knowing it's doomed to underperform forever :)

Yup, it's really bad optimization, and that was reported to GGG countless times that icestorm is killing fps. It's infamous for this.
But considering that this is pretty niche (it isn't even actual gem skill xD), you better not expect improvements on that front.
Med1umentor wrote:
xardas149 wrote:
Maybe my post is a bit heretic, but why do i skill Execptional Performance on the skilltree?

I am pretty high end on equip and i cannot for the life of me feel a difference while playing if i have it or not.

Either things insta die during the first icestorm comming down or you have your stationary playstyle anyways.

How important is it really?

It makes your DPS on boss much more, because you can stack as much more icestorms. So, if you cast on boss longer than 1.5 sec (base duration of icestorm), then it's equivalent of 45% MORE modifier. But if boss is highly mobile it's indeed not so usefull.

But as additional bonus, it also buff our other skills, like "more duration on fortify", "orb of storms stays longer", etc

If you ask me, icestorm without exceptional perfomance disappear way too quickly, so i will not give it up atleast for QoL.

Well that may explain why i dont notice a diffrence with 18k hideout damage on icestorm with level 19 gems :D
Last edited by xardas149 on Nov 25, 2018, 3:10:05 PM

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