[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

For the Lethal pride jewel, how much leadership over X warriors do i need and Kaom, Akoya or Rakiata?

For the rest love this build as a starter.
Is this build for SSF to ? ^^
How do you guys deal with mana sustain issues?

Im still going through the acts.. (act 10) and i cant sustain mana so longer fights are really a drag.
yongsoo wrote:
How do you guys deal with mana sustain issues?

Im still going through the acts.. (act 10) and i cant sustain mana so longer fights are really a drag.

Since you already use claws skill to Soul Raker. Should be enough for the rest of the game.
So .. if we generate rage every 0.4 seconds but we lose it every 0.5 seconds (if we don't hit) ... how do we get rage up to a decent level? I've switched over to this build and I can't seem to get rage up to anything more than maybe 5 or 10, as it's constantly going down as I whirling blade between packs etc.

Am I missing something?

<Ignore me ... I think I'm just needing to stop "stopping" to kill the odd 1 or 2 mobs I don't seem to kill in a pack, and just go "zoom zoom" between packs and ignore them. Build up rage faster that way. That said there's already quite a few buttons to press (all flasks, plus 2 totems etc.) ... so thinking maybe cold pen. might mean I'm more consistent. At the moment I think I miss buttons some times so one less button might help me! /ignore>
Last edited by zedzed_uk on May 11, 2021, 5:59:15 PM
zedzed_uk wrote:
So .. if we generate rage every 0.4 seconds but we lose it every 0.5 seconds (if we don't hit) ... how do we get rage up to a decent level? I've switched over to this build and I can't seem to get rage up to anything more than maybe 5 or 10, as it's constantly going down as I whirling blade between packs etc.

Am I missing something?

<Ignore me ... I think I'm just needing to stop "stopping" to kill the odd 1 or 2 mobs I don't seem to kill in a pack, and just go "zoom zoom" between packs and ignore them. Build up rage faster that way. That said there's already quite a few buttons to press (all flasks, plus 2 totems etc.) ... so thinking maybe cold pen. might mean I'm more consistent. At the moment I think I miss buttons some times so one less button might help me! /ignore>


Cold pen support is better if you dont wanna worry about rage stacks and dont wanna use berserk. I did this for awhile, but the damage difference isn't really noticeable and being able to use berserk on bosses is a Massive difference over cold pen support. overall you use rage support for the ability to use berserk.
also look into rage support, Chain hook, and hydrosphere for your weapon swap. its really annoying but you can use it to build rage before big boss fights like Siris, Maven, Shaper etc...
Is this build for SSF to ? ^^
guys im struggling for real i get one shot killed idk and cannot find enough currency to improve my chest can anyone check my profile please
Regikoko wrote:
zedzed_uk wrote:
So .. if we generate rage every 0.4 seconds but we lose it every 0.5 seconds (if we don't hit) ... how do we get rage up to a decent level? I've switched over to this build and I can't seem to get rage up to anything more than maybe 5 or 10, as it's constantly going down as I whirling blade between packs etc.

Am I missing something?

<Ignore me ... I think I'm just needing to stop "stopping" to kill the odd 1 or 2 mobs I don't seem to kill in a pack, and just go "zoom zoom" between packs and ignore them. Build up rage faster that way. That said there's already quite a few buttons to press (all flasks, plus 2 totems etc.) ... so thinking maybe cold pen. might mean I'm more consistent. At the moment I think I miss buttons some times so one less button might help me! /ignore>


Cold pen support is better if you dont wanna worry about rage stacks and dont wanna use berserk. I did this for awhile, but the damage difference isn't really noticeable and being able to use berserk on bosses is a Massive difference over cold pen support. overall you use rage support for the ability to use berserk.
also look into rage support, Chain hook, and hydrosphere for your weapon swap. its really annoying but you can use it to build rage before big boss fights like Siris, Maven, Shaper etc...

Actually you don’t need rage support in that setup, chain hook produces rage by itself. I use faster attacks support to speed that up.
Hydrosphere, faster attacks and chain hook in a trigger weapon with high attack speed.
So have kind of hit a wall here and not sure if I am in the min max phase or if there is anything else I can do for big gains. Would be grateful if anyone has the time to glance at my build and provide some advice. I tried setting up a second cluster wheel but everything I did in PoB caused me to lose defenses and damage (Trying to keep a good balance of both).

Only thing that stands out to me is my ring could be better, but its hard for me to change gear around due to being so tight on resistances. Also my amulet is str & dex instead of int which also makes it hard to do much with the passive tree (its a pretty good amulet though)

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