[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Talon_ST wrote:
Have any tips for increasing life? I'm lvl 84 and just under 4k life. I know my gear could use higher life rolls but I'm wondering what if maybe I'm missing something? Thanks for the awesome build!

You're not really gonna go much above 4500 hp on this build. Just under 4k at 84 with mediocre gear sounds about right to me. If you're willing to lose out damage for life and get good rares with high life you can probably get above 5k but honestly I'm rarely ever getting hit at all on this char so far lol.

Question : About Point Blank for Frost Blades, the origin of the projectiles is the target I hit with the main strike right? so enemies close to that target should be taking the full bonus?
Fiver wrote:

Just logged in to check the amount of whirls. I can do about 9-10 without running too low.

I'm having a look at your character now.
I think you should remove Faster Attacks from your whirling blades.
It makes it more expensive, and you don't really need it when you have some frenzy charges.
You can replace it with Reduced mana or Blood magic

I don't know... You have 112 mana unreserved, which should be enough imo. I have 133 at the moment, so not that much more. As long as you hit enemies, or whirl through them every now and then, mana shouldn't be a problem.. :/

On a completely different note..

You don't have ANY of the burst skills. Why not?
They are super important vs bosses.
At least get:
- Vaal Haste
- Berserk
- Ancestral Protector

You should really get a Diamond flask as well.

You also have an incredibly low amount of life for your level. I am just 4 levels higher than you but I have double your life.
You need to replace your gloves, belt, one of the rings, and get life on them.
(I would also replace the offhand claw, but thats up to you)

Thanks!!!! What offhand should I use?
Last edited by lolipop710 on Sep 10, 2019, 9:19:51 PM
3.8 is lack of strength;

Lidjohn wrote:

first thanks for the really good guide ,

using withering step for refresh elusive buff can be good ?

Not really worth spending an extra gem slot on, since we get it from our nightblade anyway, and the version we get from nightblade is better.

Talehon wrote:
This might have been asked but, there's just a few pages to go through but - Hypothermia instead of Multistrike if you don't like the way it plays? Viable? Should be right?

I mean, ultimately it's up to you. It wouldn't be bad, but multistrike is objectively better.

sing12 wrote:
Question about UBER ELDER.

You say to swap boots for Kaom's... but what about the gems? what do i do about that? I get rid of what?

The setup I usually use is that I have my whirling blades setup in my boots. I usually have one or two slots that aren't as important as some others, and I try to keep those in my main hand claw.
What I do is move the Whirling blades (+ fortify if possible) to the main hand weapon instead. I lose out on the damage from frost bomb, but the survivability that kaom's roots give in that fight is worth it.

thenvisible wrote:
What about the Oils, what keynote is the best to take?

There is no "best one". It is very situational. I have a really hard time picking a favorite.

adrielmf wrote:
Hey Fiver, how are you? First time using your build, and I have a question:
You say that ancestral protector and berserk should be at lvl 15 (in your standart char, you have this both gems at lvl 20). But u dont have str to use it. In your POB, with the "very expensive option", you need 138 str but you only has 64. How this works?

Another thing. In your Budget and cheap, we dont get the str to run the build.

In the version I had next league, I also had a lethal pride equipped which gave me about 80 strength. That's why I could afford it then, and this version will afford it if it has one, as well.

Idk if you have a different version of PoB, but all versions in the latest PoB meet the requirements. If they don't you'll just have to try to get some strength on gear, get a +30 node from the tree, or use lower level gems.

How to Fix if we lack int ?

Don't level your flame dash. Don't level your frost bomb/wave of conviction above level 11-12 (If you use wave of conviction instead, you can max it).
If you need int, get the +30 INT node above revenge of the hunted. If you still need more, try to get it on gear.

Yveti wrote:
Which skill should I use instead of berserk? I have 5L armor, so i cant generate rage.
Or maybe tell me what gems should i use in 5l - 3red 2green.

Frost Blades - EDWAS - Nightblade - Rage - Ancestral Call/Multistrike should be your 5L setup when you have 3R2G. But until you should have rage in it, I would replace it with hypothermia/ice bite.
There's not really anything you -have- to replace berserk with. Get it when you can, but don't stress about having some alternative. You can use Vaal Double Strike if you want. Gives a little extra.

Noitee wrote:
This might've been asked, but is there a reason why you're not using a curse in your current character?

Also, I see you're using added cold as your current 5L, is there a specific reason for that, or has the 5-6L priority changed?

Thank you so much for your guide, having a ton of fun with the build, can't wait to keep adding stuff to it!

Well, I haven't really bothered because I don't need the damage at the moment (lazy), and I have spent most of my time this league helping other players out, so I haven't been able to play much myself ^^ (I just don't have a 3R3G armour yet).
I like helping others out though, so that's fine.
Just don't look at my current character for inspiration. Use the PoB blueprint.

lesiooo wrote:
is it good weapon for this build?

Yes, that is a very good weapon!

Unshiftables wrote:
Just stopping by to say enjoying the build - bit of a rough start due to poor drops during leveling. But once I got 5 linked wooo - zoom zoom.

My notes:
remove blood rage when lab/trial - it'll kill you if you get a bad hit on traps (from another BR build I did in syn).

plan to sometimes remove it during dark delving too - having another life leach when there are not reliable mobs around for leach (learned from prev build too)

i dropped ancestral call early on during leveling - just because it's available doesn't mean much - you're not trying to clear things anyway during leveling. That helped a lot.

Thank you for the advice, and I'm glad you're enjoying the build!! :D

Talon_ST wrote:
Have any tips for increasing life? I'm lvl 84 and just under 4k life. I know my gear could use higher life rolls but I'm wondering what if maybe I'm missing something? Thanks for the awesome build!

Replacing the Tabula would obviously be a big source of life. You should also get a Starkonja's and Shaper's Touch. Those are two other big sources.

Other than that, it's just about getting higher life rolls on your rare gear. Your amulet could use some life, but eventually you want to replace that for a hyrri's truth or pandemonius anyway.
(and you will be able to reach 5k+)

adrielmf wrote:
You're not really gonna go much above 4500 hp on this build. Just under 4k at 84 with mediocre gear sounds about right to me. If you're willing to lose out damage for life and get good rares with high life you can probably get above 5k but honestly I'm rarely ever getting hit at all on this char so far lol.

Question : About Point Blank for Frost Blades, the origin of the projectiles is the target I hit with the main strike right? so enemies close to that target should be taking the full bonus?

That is not true. You will be able to reach 5.5k+ without any extreme gear.
Check the newest PoB. I rerouted the tree for a more defensive version of the build in 3.8, which made a lot, but even in 3.7 I was above 5.3k with Starkonja's, and 5.7k when fighting uber.

In the budget version, you'll reach 5.5k+ if you have:
90+ life on your shield (You can get way above 100)
100+ max life and 10% inc life on body armour. I bought this one earlier this league for 5c:

60+ max life on rare ring (getting 50+ on a CoH ring will be harder though. But that's not in the budget version)
80+ max life on belt

None of those things are very expensive/hard to get.

About point blank. That is correct. I should've taken that into account when showing the range chart I've displayed earlier. Thank you for ponting this out.
I'll take that into consideration, however I still don't think it's worth it. Up to you if you do.

lolipop710 wrote:
Thanks!!!! What offhand should I use?

In my opinion you should use a rare shield with as high life and evasion as possible.
Some people prefer using claws for extra damage, but I don't think it's worth it since it lowers your life a lot and makes it harder to reach resist cap and evasion cap.

Don't panic.
rlc1001 wrote:
3.8 is lack of strength;

If you can't meet strength requirements, get the +30STR node.
If you can get a Lethal Pride, that will solve all strength requirements.

But other things you can do is to keep your Ancestral Protector, Ancestral Warchief, and Berserk at lower levels.
You don't need to max those, even though they would give higher DPS if you do.

Don't panic.
I have made HUGE updates to the build today.

- Changed the structure of the build
- Fixed links and added info about the platforms I am available on
- Made VERY big changes in the FAQ section. There's a LOT of stuff there now.
- Clarified some of my skill/item-choices
- Fixed bad grammar and poor wordings on some things

The additions to the FAQ section provide a lot more answers to questions that I've been getting over the last couple of weeks. Please read the FAQ before asking questions.

Like I've said earlier, I really like it when I can help people out, but it is extremely time-consuming to manage this forum-thread, my youtube-channel, my twitch-channel, my discord-server, and still try to find time to actually play the game.
Since the launch of 3.8 I've spent more time helping other players than I've done playing the game.
So it would relieve a lot of pressure from me if you checked the FAQ first.

Thank you!!

Don't panic.
What gem will you leave out in case you only have a 5L only?
bibanul wrote:
What gem will you leave out in case you only have a 5L only?


It's in the FAQ ;)

Don't panic.
does anyone tried to make Pathfinder version of this? I'm kinda addicted to flasks, and like to know if it will work for endgame
English is not my native language, so forgive me for the mistakes pls
Febers wrote:
does anyone tried to make Pathfinder version of this? I'm kinda addicted to flasks, and like to know if it will work for endgame

for a pathfinder version you will probably need to make it into a very different kind of build, since this one is heavily focused on stacking frenzy charges, and you won't have a good way to stack that as pathfinder.

Don't panic.

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