[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

cody331 wrote:
Level 91 so far, about to fight shaper, biggest hurdle im facing in terms of gear is strength requirement..

Due to beserk and protector (zerk is at level 11, prot is at level 15) it still requires me to have about 125 strength and without lethal pride and the current POB thats pretty tough to get unless you are crafting str on your gear or taking up suffix slots on gear which fckin sucks

Also having to use my annointment with weathered hunter just so im res capped

Have you ran into these issues yet? Am I just being dumb?

POB: https://pastebin.com/R7FYqyLd

Not everything is optimized just yet but feel free to point out some obvious shit I can do to fix it, thanks!

You are not dumb. These are real issues. I would lower the gem levels some, if that helps with the STR req. The most important skills to have max leveled are the gems in the 6L.
I am at work so I can’t look at your PoB right now, but I’ll try to remember it when I get home. I have little time today though. Won’t be at the computer much.
I suggest joining the discord channel. There are people in there who can help some.

Don't panic.
danda11 wrote:
hi, nice build so far, on tier 10 maps atm, mobs are going smooth, but i still struggle pretty much with single target for my feels,

could u check my skilltree and my equip and give me some advise on what to improve?

thanks alot in forward

If you haven’t checked the tips at the top of the guide I suggest doing that. I will look at your character if I have time later today. I won’t be home that much today.
I suggest joining the Discord channel. You can get some help from others in there as well. :)

Don't panic.
lolipop710 wrote:
Hello, tried this guide and it is good. However, I'm having mana issues when spamming whirling blades. Is this normal?

You should be able to whirl 7-8 times before it runs down your mana completely. I try to whirl through enemies for the leech. Also fortify ofc.
I don’t think it’s an issue for me. How much free mana do you have? What level is your precision?

Don't panic.
trusher87 wrote:
First time playing frostblades, thanks for this guide.

Absolutely insane clearing t16 easily with a tabula and a bloodseeker, I love it!! :D

Awesome! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! :)

Don't panic.
pandadarren wrote:
Hi all, can anyone suggest a list of best notables that we should enchant?

Maybe top 3 offensive VS top 3 defensive?

Thanks in advance.

It’s really situational. It’s very hard to pick a ”favorite” to be honest. I have no good answer to this one yet, unfortunately.

Don't panic.
dumb question but on path of building under the Budget option the chest armor says 6 green sockets. Is that a mistake or Just run a six 6 socket but with what support gems?

Unless a build is using items that are affected by socket colours, I never bother changing the colours in PoB. There’s really no point. Also if I have three 4L setups with different gem colours, there’s no point deciding wether each one of them should be in the boots/gloves/helm, because it just doesn’t matter. :p

Don't panic.
VazGen wrote:
What chesty should i pick if i am fine with resists? Can't decide between thouse 2 that autor mentioned in post

Well the best option is a body armour with high life, evasion, crit chance, and maim. There are good uniques that have some of them, but often lack the others.
A zodiac leather with high max life and % life is a good idea, unless you have lots of exalts to spend. You can also use Yriels fostering. I prefer rares though.

Don't panic.
bibanul wrote:
Hi guys,

How do you plan in the end game to cap your resistances and the needed STR/INT requirements? With so many unique items required I think this task is gonna be really hard. I mean the only slots on each we need do this are shield, belt, chest and half of a ring (due to curse and multiple craft mod).

What is your plan?

Get as high values as possible on darkray and pandemonius. Get cloth and chain and survival if you need. Check my character from last league if it helps. ”Fridgebaby”

Don't panic.
How is delving with this build?
IGN: TsukiZap
Severrin wrote:
How is delving with this build?

Incredibly fun as soon as you have most of the basic gear! You are very fast which makes it easy to check caves, and clearspeed is very strong! :)
I am biased of course so if anyone else has other opinions, please share. :)

I got to lvl 350-360 or something last league, but thats mainly because I didn’t delve that much. At that depth the monsters still died super fast.

Don't panic.

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