[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth

Hey, with the Wind Dancer keystone and Dread Banner + GS, using my Jade Flask of Reflexes with 91% increased ER, I have 54% chance to evade attacks.

Is that enough? In the FAQ it lists 61% with Banner, but doesn't mention anything about banner + Wind Dancer.

POB shows 63% if not hit (wind dancer lowers evasion) and 84% if hit (wind dancer increases evasion), and that's without flask, with flask it's 92% and 95% (cap). So I think you're fine, especially for softcore. It goes to 93% if you level banner to lvl 20. Btw throw some scraps and quality your evasion pieces, I think you need around 7k before flask to completely cap it, but you'll most likely won't die for that 1% off.

Thanks! Without flask, my evasion rating is 6162, but I've still got an upgrade or two to do. It seems alright so far though. Nice to know that I'm not far off then.
Posid wrote:
Small tip for people who might be struggling with damage in ultimatums this league is that Anomalous Withering step (Or the normal one if you're in SSF) is great for applying wither consistently and significantly helps clearing out the high end ultimatums. It's also a great cooldown for the survival ones as it has good dodge/spell dodge uptime to close that gap up to 75%.

Anomalous Withering step - Enhance - Increased Duration - Second Wind

It can directly replace the totem setup and is a lot more consistent to apply than with totems even for bosses. With a 6 second duration and a 2-3 second CD you can also keep it at 14 stacks even if you only apply 7 wither stacks with it at a time. with a level 4 enhance and anomalous withering step it'll apply 10-11 wither stacks with 6 second duration on a 2-3s cooldown that you can spam while running in circles.

Taking this a step further though I didn't like not using the 6 sockets in the chest more efficiently (I don't like the curse on hit setup) so in Ritual league I struggled to figure out what the most effective use was. I ended up using:

Anomalous Withering step (additional wither stacks)
Anomalous Enduring cry (warcry speed)
Divergent or anomalous Smoke Mine (increased attack speed or increased duration)
Duration support
Enhance support
Second Wind

I would not recommend enduring cry without it being the anomalous version, the 44% quality is what makes it bearable to cast as a separate source of healing. An alternative can be using steelskin though as it benefits from all 3 supports as well. I like Smoke Mine for the zooming, but it can be replaced as well.

As a separate thing I noticed that getting stunned was a real issue in Ultimatums so I'm aiming at getting 80% chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed recently enchant on boots instead of the spell avoidance one. Because Atziri's steps are fairly easy to get I'll try and land the spell dodge corruption on them to cover for not having the spell dodge enchant anymore.

It's been a great league start for me overall though. Just got setup for Harvest and while Harvest feels scuffed, it is still incredibly powerful for a lot of the stuff we need.

I'm aware of Withering Step and i will likely use it in this build... in PoE2. I've mentioned one or twice before that i already have a good idea how i'll make use of new skill gem system. Right now i don't see a reason to use it, with exception of ultimatum which is... the only content where WS superior?

You know the upsides or downsides pretty well yourself. Well, maybe except Wither Totem downsides. If used right rarely ever dies against bosses, and if it's destroyed you can always very quickly resummon it. Uptime is permanent. Placement speed is fine with quality on Spell Totem and Multiple Totem. There's no real downside or gimmick, it simply works.

Withering Step on the other hand requires you to hug the boss especially if you don't have access to those specific gems. This guide is made with newbies in mind especially and i heavily doubt they'll make use of WS efficiently.

I don't remember last time i got stunned on Raider. It almost never happens. I have yet to get anywhere with this build in ultimatum (lag problem still exists) but i still can't really believe it's a thing.

It was a longer topic and already died down, but if you need me to answer specific thing then ask away.

WeaverT wrote:
Hey, with the Wind Dancer keystone and Dread Banner + GS, using my Jade Flask of Reflexes with 91% increased ER, I have 54% chance to evade attacks.

Is that enough? In the FAQ it lists 61% with Banner, but doesn't mention anything about banner + Wind Dancer.


Wind Dancer or not - threshold is the same. What Wind Dancer does is that lowers your evasion until you get hit and therefore you need higher evasion to have 95% evade chance at all times (you do want).
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
I'm doing lots of Heist so wanted to be more tanky and bought this one

But something weird is happening. It says +3000 armor but it gives me ~+2100 on use, which gives me 15% physical damage reduction. Also, it gives 18% chance to block attack damage and 10% chance to block spell damage, but when I use it I see in the character sheet that I have 14% chance to block, and 8% chance to block spell. Thoughts?
Wind Dancer or not - threshold is the same. What Wind Dancer does is that lowers your evasion until you get hit and therefore you need higher evasion to have 95% evade chance at all times (you do want).

Oh wow, thanks! I didn't know you were active on this 2 years later. Love the build, having a blast with it on my second character. I'm hitting t15-16 maps though and like your OP says, it's starting to get ROUGH.

I'm dying a lot and DPS on bosses especially is starting to feel pretty lacklustre. One of the major upgrades I have left really is +3 bow (+2 right now), T3 Chaos DoT multiplier and Kintsugi, but the latter is far too expensive for me right now. Does anybody have any tips what I can do for better survivability? Can't level past 91 because I'm dying pretty consistently recently. I'm careful about the mods I run (no unlucky dodge, for example).

Build is largely the same as the 93+ tree, except I'm running a nice cluster jewel I found with some decent jewels. PoB https://pastebin.com/hCdrNx5m if anyone would mind giving me a few pointers on upgrades/survivability/dps :)

Thinking of ditching the Quartz flask of Warding since I'm not sure it actually helps with anything with my Jade of Reflex up?
Last edited by WeaverT on Apr 27, 2021, 9:38:23 PM
FedeS wrote:
I'm doing lots of Heist so wanted to be more tanky and bought this one

But something weird is happening. It says +3000 armor but it gives me ~+2100 on use, which gives me 15% physical damage reduction. Also, it gives 18% chance to block attack damage and 10% chance to block spell damage, but when I use it I see in the character sheet that I have 14% chance to block, and 8% chance to block spell. Thoughts?

Bcs when you pick up first dodge keystone (Acrobatics) your es/block gets lowered by 30% and armor by 50%.

IF you go dodge, you go dodge. Besides there is no point in going block bcs you have no life recovery on block (we can't use the shield), you can cap up dodge quite easily when with block you have what, flask and maybe if you sacrifice quiver for unique with block you will get it to half way point... and lets not get started about stun immunity/block recovery.

And armor stacking is better than on pathfinder w/ Iron reflexes but then you don't pick Acro, only Phase Acro with thread of hope.
Last edited by MrPluszu on Apr 28, 2021, 2:33:59 AM
WeaverT wrote:
Build is largely the same as the 93+ tree, except I'm running a nice cluster jewel I found with some decent jewels. PoB https://pastebin.com/hCdrNx5m if anyone would mind giving me a few pointers on upgrades/survivability/dps :)
Pastebin crapped itself (error 502) but from importing your character I'd say one thing you're missing is aspect of the crab, which makes you susceptible to phys 1 shots, another thing is very low chaos res (-44%), I'd aim to be at least above 0 because hunter influenced / incursion / vaal mobs do chaos damage and it hurts a lot with negative chaos res. One way to fix it is to transition to setup with medium clusters and use student of decay node.

I wouldn't ditch the quartz flask because when vaal grace isn't up, you aren't dodge capped so flask helps.

You also don't have any anointment, no quality on armor from what it looks like (use armorer's scraps), and rings have weak implicits (if you can get vermillion ones would be great).

Getting a corrupted blood immunity jewel is also great, as often it can apply faster than you have life flask to use.

If you didn't upgrade pantheons, do so.

I would also replace heat flask with curing (poison immunity), since the build is immune to freeze by default.

You also need to fix the wither totem setup, I see you're levelling multiple totems in offhand, but you should swap it in asap for faster placement speed from quality. It helps a lot on bosses to not have big delay on putting the totem.

Lastly I don't know what usually kills you, but be careful of corpse explosions and in cluttered areas run around to avoid places where mobs were killed. Same in ultimatum, run in circles as much as possible.

Oh, and btw using gmp literally cuts your damage in half, idk what content are you farming but it could be what kills you is mobs living too long. You should be saving for lvl 21 CA gem and maybe dying sun for extra projectiles, I personally rather have smaller area but have white mobs instantly die from 1 tick than bigger coverage and mobs living longer.

What a reply thank you <3 Appreciate you taking the time to import and give my stuff a look over :)

I'll try and get aspect of the crab on a piece of gear tonight then if that helps. The only thing that bugs me now is that my str/int/resists are literally balancing on a thin piece of thread where if I remove one thing, the entire build falls apart... But I can try rejigging everything.

I've noticed that poison REALLY hurts. Like, a lot. Forgot that I was immune to freeze now! Think I was rocking the heat flask from before I made the switch from frenzy to Avatar of the Veil. The jewel is a great shout, charges aren't so much my issue on flasks with corrupted blood, just more so not noticing that I'm sitting at 10 stacks of CB lol. Always scares me to notice my health at like 400/6k.

Thinking about going for Constitution for the annointment, but I'll probably just go for Corruption, since I had to drop quite a few nodes for the jewel either way. But completely forgot annointments were a thing, so thanks for that. Also had no idea actually upgrading Pantheon powers was a thing. Gonna get straight on that!

Actually, the reason I swapped out multiple totems was because of the delay on it, I put faster casting support in there instead. I'll try it out again now that it's a bit higher level though.

Honestly, all-in-all I think I was a bit salty from running my first few higher tier maps and Sirus kept on bullying me. GMP is just there temporarily for some low-depth delve shenanigans :) but appreciate you pointing it out, Swift Affliction will be enjoying its time again shortly. The jewellery is definitely something I could do with upgrading, yeah.

So with the life flask being swapped from heat to curing, do you think I should do something with my Quicksilver flask's affix? I feel like Adrenaline isn't really doing all that much for me with how fast Raider is naturally, and feel like something else could go there instead. And now that I'm immune to corrupted blood, would you replacing Staunching with something else, or keep it for regular bleeds? I've never noticed them be that much of an issue to be honest. It's always corrupted blood that gets me.

Just want to say, again, massively appreciate you taking the time out to look through all my stuff and give me all these tips. Definitely picked up some nice stuff. The jewel especially is gonna be dope.
MrPluszu wrote:
Bcs when you pick up first dodge keystone (Acrobatics) your es/block gets lowered by 30% and armor by 50%.

IF you go dodge, you go dodge. Besides there is no point in going block bcs you have no life recovery on block (we can't use the shield), you can cap up dodge quite easily when with block you have what, flask and maybe if you sacrifice quiver for unique with block you will get it to half way point... and lets not get started about stun immunity/block recovery.

And armor stacking is better than on pathfinder w/ Iron reflexes but then you don't pick Acro, only Phase Acro with thread of hope.

Thanks for answer. Even with that penalty, 15% phy reduction+14%/8% block chance isn't that bad for a flask, isn't it? Other than that, what other flask can you recommend for being more tanky?

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