Path of Nerfs

I assume that all these nerfs are mave with only one reason - to make people play those new weird skills. For me they look too rediculous and not cool. The last cool skill was earthquake which made me just jeouse to that dude on the screen smashing everything or may be scorching ray if it wouldn't be a stacking skill also would be great. And now that idiotic corpse manipulation or some molten strike from the ground.The game allready looks like a shitstorm. God it looks so pathetic but nevertheless some of them are gona be beastly op. So we have no choise.
Anyway barage is a good nerf. It became so alternativeless skill for projectile builds.
Propper wrote:
And as always, there will be new so called "broken" builds...

Funny how everyone is crying like babies, that everything that made fun for them has been nerfed, and the game is now totally unplayable. If you're so upset about change, don't play an ever-changing online-game, go for Doom and so on, there likely wont be any change to these games.

There's so much new stuff coming in 3.1 (shaped/eldar items, new skills/supports, new uniques) that there WILL be new builds, that people will cry about when GGG nerfs them in 3.2!

For myself, I really like the changes, it makes the game feel fresh and gets people to get creative with their builds, keep up the good work GGG!

if u want a fresh game what about playing a new one,
let poe be poe damit
It seems they finally did the one step to far.

Guys Whining as hell ...

Could you just wait for the buffs before jumping to their throats ?

100 was already a challenge but it's the same as D2 it was not made to be reach by 99,9% of people anyway.

Look also at the new jewels and rare items that we saw ... those are really OP.
You just want buffs and the game to not be challenging to masturbate to your stuff and Char lvl 100 ? Not me.

Some things need to be nerfed so that new stuff emerge. And even so, I'll still play RF with Safell's frame and kill the guardians as Liftingnerd showed us.


Sad to see this community in the forum ... "Whine whine, I won't buy supporter packs" ... Ok, let us enjoy the game.

Last edited by Piou29 on Dec 5, 2017, 3:58:00 AM
Nice changes GGG! Don't let the drama queens bother you. The meta needed to shift to keep the game interesting. It is good to see you dare to do this, that is what keeps the game top after years. I can't wait to see/figure out new creative builds.
gandhar0 wrote:
Rise of the Phoenix is a buff despite 3% less max. resists.
40-60 life & 15-20 life reg makes this shield a bit more flexible but still worse than medium/good rolled rare shields at same item level.

You are joking right? flat life reg is utterly useless and flat life is no where near as useful as max res. it is not a buff........
A manifesto purely about nerfs takes guts. Nothing but QQ expected.
Probably would have been smarter to also reveal some buffs or hint towards them. Or... just make a manifesto purely about the buffed items/skills. Everyone will make happy posts and GGG is the best company in the world and PoE the best game in the universe (although this pong game they play at planet Zork is amazing as well). Can't wait to see the buffed skills and decide on a build. Hurry GGG... it's almost Chris-tmas!!
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Chris wrote:
This was one of the most heavily-requested nerfs in the history of Path of Exile

None of the players asked for it. You have mixed up something. You must return life regeneration then.
Here we go again. GGG is catering to the top players ONLY . some of us like to play the game with a chance of getting to 100 some year. But NO. WHY not make a POE elite or something and let us your BIGGEST Player base have some fun . I really do not understand GGG . Every time I save Enough to buy good stuff, Here comes a nerf . GGG is costing us so many hard earned currency and time !

Not a happy camper
Making leveling more difficult? Bad move.

Ive been playing this game since early 2013 and until recently, my highest level char was lvl 88!
Now just because only few streamers, who play nonstop reach easily lvl 100 doesnt mean 99% people feel the same. I bet 99% HAS not and WILL NEVER get character beyond lvl 90! I know you want to make people play more, but this would only make people give up sooner!
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!

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