Path of Nerfs

Otomok wrote:
I have a suggestion! If you raise the amount of exp needed to get to another level, Then i hereby demand you lower the exp penalty on death!

Never gonna happen. GGG can't stand the idea of people having fun. This is their job and they want it to be a job for us too. They resent us even as we pay them.

The game has to be stressful and competitive and punishing for all but their approved builds and the high rollers. The people who in their mind "deserve" fun. Like all these class whiners clutching their pearls in horror at the idea of "plebs" having a powerful character.

It's pure dev insecurity. Somehow they think if they make an accessible amusing casual experience anywhere in the poe universe they're less of a man.

Seriously it's pure controlling armchair tough-guy logic. It's clear by the very name. Like they're telling us you're either losing your whole character when you die or you're "soft." Weak. A failure.

It's as value loaded in terms of terminology as renaming softcore to casuals and hardcore to nolifers.

So yeah the exp penalty is here to stay. It'll only ever get worse on balance.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Much needed nerfs. Thanks GGG. VP was a no brainer. Be good to see some variety now :D
congratulations on your first fuck up of the game, now fix the skill keystones back to the way they were. don't be a fucking douchebag now and fuck up the character classes and skills on passive trees like blizzard does. big mistake. Don't fuck up a game that's doing so well, your gonna lose your fan player base real quick, trust me.
Last edited by kuruda32 on Dec 4, 2017, 9:30:49 PM
Hematophagy and Vitality Void now only grant +3% to Maximum Life Leech Rate (from +5%).

What? WHY?! Just remove Vaal Pact, don't force me to take it for my glad sunder char by making it so close to duelist that it's nearly impossible to avoid and nerfing vaalpactless leech.
Never 100
A hit to Slayer. All because of stupid Vaal pact and the issues it has been causing forever.

Leech needed a BASE BUFF and Vaal pact needs removed. As it is now, Vaal pact is mandatory.
Last edited by Stull on Dec 4, 2017, 9:33:55 PM
korppi1 wrote:

Too many games are ruined by casuals indeed.

one reason i hate most games who went out the last 10 years + every ducking mega man is WAY harder than some game with a D and a 3 :)
and one big reason i like PoE a lot (and i know it is easier than it was back in days)
Jaille wrote:
Chris wrote:
For everyone thinking the lack of Slayer nerfs was too good to be true, you were right. An unnamed designer just walked in to my office, tricorne in hand, to confess that a nerf was missed out when writing the article. I have updated the thread now.

I only have one thing to say to you:

[Removed by Support]

i literally hate him
grepman wrote:
literally nothing you say makes any sense to me.

[Removed by Support] Why would a casual want to play something designed to punish them for being a causal? Are you some sort of masochist? If so, fine. Just give yourself some conducts like in nethack, and stop trying to control everyone ELSE'S experience.

The solution here is simple. Offline mode and mods. But we all know that's never gonna happen because mah patents, mah profits.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Blank_GGG on Dec 4, 2017, 10:02:15 PM
Noobile wrote:
Slayer nerf is here! Reroll reroll

It's a boorf. You will be immune to stun and bleed for longer.
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left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"

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