Path of Nerfs

It's legitimately amazing to me how many people from the last 3 pages don't realize that this manifesto--and every change within it--is from 2017.
D3luxe wrote:
Furo wrote:
I'm out. Making this game harder will not satisfy the casual player base.

You do realize this post is from almost 2 years ago, right?

You do realize he's still right, right?

Everything for this game is geared towards the streamers, the people who play 8+ hours a day. Look at the trade manifesto, a month older than this post but nothing has changed and it's definitely geared towards the big players (those with actual time to spend on selling items).

What percentage of the player base has actually done Shaper or Hall of Grandmasters this league? It's something GGG is okay with.

From the trade manifesto:
Chris wrote:
The significant differences in character power and player progression caused by trade has already created a situation where Path of Exile is very hard for some players and quite easy for others. Some people never stand a chance of seeing some of the Atlas of Worlds content, while others can rather quickly defeat it and are looking for new challenges. We're tentatively okay with the degree to which this occurs currently, but it would be much worse if trading were made substantially easier.

Ignoring the false assumption that easy trade would widen the gap (as it would allow more people to use trade), they're okay with the percentage of people that can't run end game content.
No more money from me to GGG until they improve trade!
PlatoniusIII wrote:

Ignoring the false assumption that easy trade would widen the gap (as it would allow more people to use trade), they're okay with the percentage of people that can't run end game content.

I have written many, many emails with chris, about a lot of things and trust me...he honestly thinks the game would be too easy with real trade mechanics.

He wants the people to stay in the game as long as possible (understandable) and thinks he achieves that with horrendous amount of rng, low drop rates and a horrible trading system.
What he seems to not understand is that frustrated players don't play a game thats unrewarding for them.

Just take a look at the steam charts...leagues lose players very fast and everyone actively trying to trade can feel it after 1-2 weeks.
PlatoniusIII wrote:

Everything for this game is geared towards the streamers, the people who play 8+ hours a day.

nah. killed shaper last league with far less than 100h played in SSF. very casual, not even an h a day over the league. I am not very good at the game, don't follow guides, play what is fun to me. So, yeah. Not sure your point is valid.
What's hard in this game? If someone calls it tedious to grind maps etc .. okay. But all you do is spam skills and everything dies with very few exceptions where you have to think a little. Dark Souls is hard .. or old games like Ghosts n Goblins on the C64 etc.
The game is easy only if you use meta builds and spend atleast 6+ hours a day grinding the same map time after time, which is dumb as hell, and sorry but definitely not fun. The year is not 99, and the game is not diablo 2.
Yeah some people just strive for that to be rich and follow strictly what streamers do to get rich or just buy currency we all know how.

I feel pity for this players. This is how the game gets frustrasted and repetitive pretty fast, thats why a lot of this people are constantly crying, and spend a lot of time in the forums crying for buff/nerfs and so on.

The real fun is to use a character you like, weapon you like and to play with a skill you like, not just using meta build, so you are the best. This is not a competive game so this is complete usless, except for the people who want to hit them in the chest how "good they are" in a game where real skill(micro) is not allowed, because of how the game is build.
Also atleast for me the fun come to do different content, not just grind one map hour after hour.
Yeah ARPG genre is about killing mobs and grind, but the year is 2019 and having fun in doing different and interesting content atleast to me its way more important.
There is plenty of game that comes out, so ARPG genre evolve, and needs to offer more and more interesting content, not just endless grind the same place.

As far as trade system goes, its outdated big time. Plenty of game use easy trade system, so people can trade even if they are offline and to do that fast and i never heard this hurt population, its quite the opposite, will help people not rage quitting.

Last edited by lordlosh on Sep 17, 2019, 10:51:47 AM
Hmm, some people are quitting because GGG makes it harder every league, some because game is too easy, even BROKEN EASY now and here I am, thinking how it still has players...
Smile! <3
Wilc wrote:
Hmm, some people are quitting because GGG makes it harder every league, some because game is too easy, even BROKEN EASY now and here I am, thinking how it still has players...

Just follow Mathil's Minion Instability build, right click pew pew bosses.

projectpt died for this.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
dont nerf minions pls! dont nerf spectres!
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