Path of Nerfs

Holy Sheepdip, now that's what I call a "Wall O' Text"!
TreeOfDead wrote:
i wish ggg wont nerf summoner and wont nerf any minions! pls no nerf!

^ This. I've played a summoner build every league since I started (seriously) in Delve. I just love the playstyle. I've had to put up with being the butt of every "summoner lulul" joke since, but I don't mind. Finally it's nice to have some updates that make the playstyle much more engaging and to give us a bit more variability in how we can setup the builds. The updates are very welcome, thanks to the devs!

Please GGG devs, don't nerf me to the ground just because "summoners day is done". I will most likely will play necro next league despite whether it's nerfed, but the game will just be less fun for me if you do. :(

Calm down peeps! NO WAY they super nerf minion builds just because minion league is over.
Most probably going to see small nerf's here and there at best. In total I would expect to see a 5-10% nerf on dps at best.

Which is nothing to be worried about
Xentrix666 wrote:
Calm down peeps! NO WAY they super nerf minion builds just because minion league is over.
Most probably going to see small nerf's here and there at best. In total I would expect to see a 5-10% nerf on dps at best.

Which is nothing to be worried about

ROFL, "nothing to be worried about", sure; you must be new here...

Now that the dev manifesto is up, what're we actually getting:

not a 5-10% nerf to dps, but rather a 33% nerf to damage/aoe/everything for spectres by gutting the ability to get the 3rd spectre, making dedicated spectre builds unplayable for most of the playerbase (which, keep in mind, used to be able to easily get 3 spectres just for leveling thanks to cheap uniques, and could get up to 4 spectres for endgame with relative ease thanks to not-prohibitively-expensive gear)

we're also getting an unspecified amount of reduced damage/speed/area for zombie attacks, maybe it's only 5-10%, and perhaps it makes sense, perhaps GGG just wants zombies to be more well suited to being meat shields, but oh, wait, then on top of that nerf we're also getting completely gutted zombie life (up to 38% _less_ life by gem level 20), because obviously zombies should be completely ill-suited to being meat shields

oh, and let's not forget that mob/boss HP and DPS are being greatly buffed (yet again) at the same time, so good luck keeping your fewer, more fragile, weaker minions alive long enough to actually kill anything
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
Xentrix666 wrote:
Calm down peeps! NO WAY they super nerf minion builds just because minion league is over.
Most probably going to see small nerf's here and there at best. In total I would expect to see a 5-10% nerf on dps at best.

Which is nothing to be worried about

ROFL, "nothing to be worried about", sure; you must be new here...

Now that the dev manifesto is up, what're we actually getting:

not a 5-10% nerf to dps, but rather a 33% nerf to damage/aoe/everything for spectres by gutting the ability to get the 3rd spectre, making dedicated spectre builds unplayable for most of the playerbase (which, keep in mind, used to be able to easily get 3 spectres just for leveling thanks to cheap uniques, and could get up to 4 spectres for endgame with relative ease thanks to not-prohibitively-expensive gear)

we're also getting an unspecified amount of reduced damage/speed/area for zombie attacks, maybe it's only 5-10%, and perhaps it makes sense, perhaps GGG just wants zombies to be more well suited to being meat shields, but oh, wait, then on top of that nerf we're also getting completely gutted zombie life (up to 38% _less_ life by gem level 20), because obviously zombies should be completely ill-suited to being meat shields

oh, and let's not forget that mob/boss HP and DPS are being greatly buffed (yet again) at the same time, so good luck keeping your fewer, more fragile, weaker minions alive long enough to actually kill anything

Im happy with nerfs =)

PS: Leagues dont interest me.
Last edited by skruface on Mar 12, 2020, 1:53:33 AM
rip spectres
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Funinyourgame wrote:
Stop nerfing everything for the sake of a few. Everyone SHOULD have fun with their own build AND shouldn't be punished for not playing a few select "Meta" builds. Its a PvE game, not a competitive PvP game, nerf should a last resort, not a common practice.

"Everyone will play the same thing" is not a reason, it's an excuse. Buff the others abit AND nerf to problem build a bit so builds are a bit more even. Double and Triple nerfing is not fixing the problem, it just make some people feel bad for having fun and frustrate others that might have found it on their own.

Thanx for that. I think my head was boiling red at the time and I ranted on for a chapter length. Im pleased I did not however debase myself to cursing and what not.

Pretty much what you said in your TL:DR.

Some people spend time to make their builds work. Then get nerfed and the only new way their build can be viable is with a 20ex item.

And to add, I like having difficulty in a game. I don't want a D3 repeat where I am practically falling asleep on the keyboard (no exaggeration, Ive fallen asleep twice playing D3 and that was it for me).

I like how one of the suggestions I mention is in fact one of the things they are doing for Delirium. Shaper takes less damage start of each phase and tapers off over the next 8 seconds. Sirus during an attack animation takes 80% less damage. Things like that control the op builds and force them to actually use skill to play the fight and counter the mechanics of the fight.

And I would also admit, necros are just way too buff, and probably the single build that is rather easy to get going compared to others. So slight nerfs there is ok in my book.

But to outright call the game easy... lol... thats just a clown statement in my book :D
Blighted chests silently nerfed, did run 12x T13+ maps on 3.10 and got 1/3rd of the value of the items I was getting before.
2 x silver Oils in 13 maps, no golden
1 x level 21/0 gem
very few stacked decks

Anyone else notices?
stupid me for buying 70 of them before end of last league.

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