Path of Nerfs

YordansRage wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

Are You sure we are playing the same game, because maybe You are playing some sort of offline version of 2.4 or something..
k, bye
UlfgardLeo wrote:
YordansRage wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

Are You sure we are playing the same game, because maybe You are playing some sort of offline version of 2.4 or something..
k, bye

Seems like You've spend some time, probably about a day to finally excuse your ignorance.
anyway this build is remote targeter, and rarely gets hit. it would just work the same way with life build or anything - it just does not care even if it went LL or whatever.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Scott_GGG on Nov 23, 2018, 2:31:43 AM
ThorTX wrote:

Seems like You've spend some time, probably about a day to finally excuse your ignorance.

I am not living on this board and have to work. i literally went to the witch board, ctrl+f "CI" paste first hit that also hat "elder" in the title. you could have done the same.


anyway this build is remote targeter, and rarely gets hit. it would just work the same way with life build or anything - it just does not care even if it went LL or whatever.

And? Are you not happy that it is a facetank the world build? Is that your definition of "viable"?

Also reported
Thor - arguing with beginners which play for a day a very random game is pointless, so don't do it.
especially suchs which does not care about the game or it's future, and his point is just to pretend..
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Nov 24, 2018, 2:47:21 AM
UlfgardLeo wrote:
YordansRage wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

Are You sure we are playing the same game, because maybe You are playing some sort of offline version of 2.4 or something..
k, bye

Point is, CI or ES in general are only good for few ascendencies, while life is viable for almost every class.
Varskar wrote:

Point is, CI or ES in general are only good for few ascendencies, while life is viable for almost every class.

Well, this could have something to do with that ES is considered to be in the top part of the tree and CI is top-left. And that is where you can find those ascendencies that do CI. Or would you expect an ES-CI duelist or marauder?

Of course, your argument is a strawman because Life is THE basic stat that decides on life or death while ES is only a defense mechanism. That you can build ES-only specs is something special. no-one would expect that a pure armor or pure evasion build could work (and of course they don't). And of course, upgrading a defense mechanism to something so powerful that you can replace your life-pool with it and gain immunity to a whole damage type should have its own disadvantages.

I still don't udnerstand why my example is not good. ES-CI killing uber-elder should be something. There is also this ridiculously expensive ES-CI-BV witch guide if that is better? Or is it required that ES-CI must be on a budget and still be a cookie-cutter?
Please don't kill the Arc entirely :(
So you guys take advice from top racers which are outliers + 0.00000001% of playerbase and use it to boost exp requirement because fun is not allowed to normal players?

No wonder all your changes recently makes absolutely no sense.
All you do is follow those 0.0000000001% outliers while chasing away 90% of the majority players.
Last edited by mic01851165 on Feb 22, 2019, 7:36:18 AM
mic01851165 wrote:
So you guys take advice from top racers which are outliers + 0.00000001% of playerbase and use it to boost exp requirement because fun is not allowed to normal players?

No wonder all your changes recently makes absolutely no sense.
All you do is follow those 0.0000000001% outliers while chasing away 90% of the majority players.

All games and sports are balanced around top level play, as they should be. All the exploitable, broken stuff always manifests itself at the top levels first. There are probably a billion explanations on teh internetz why balancing is always done this way so go look it up. Google is your friend.
Balance change should not take out the fun part in this game. But it does every time. This game is complicated enough already and basically impossible to explain to all my friends. Even for me it gets over-complicated, i never looked at newer skills. Because it's not worth the time investing into which than WILL be nerfed again and again... and again. Skipped this league and probably will skip next. Playing Standard with nice simple builds. It gets really boring to look even at Mathil playing this game. Do my own thing in Standard without leveling, League deadlines and currency farming. Not worth it. New League with some new silly mechanics - neeeext...! All what they do is to keep all the streamers busy, not making the game more fun to play.

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