Path of Nerfs

GGG its time to buff defence and life!
There should be better and more defence options and variations... Buff block, dodge, armour, evasion, etc.

Add new defence so players dont die from 1 shot in delve or map boss.
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Rory wrote:
We've seen characters reaching over 25,000 Energy Shield while still having the damage output to sufficiently complete all of the content in the game, compared with the 9,000 Life that a very heavily invested Life character with perfect items could reach.

Yes the 25k energy shield were the problem of everthing.

Now start nerf the life because 9000 is 9000 times more than enough.
-End of the joke.-

Here is your overpowered ES builds from before nerf:

And weak life builds:

In my opinion the too high ES builds problem would be solved with "Above 10k life and energy shield the increases 50% less effective." or something similar. Example if you would have 20k ES, then you would only 15k.

Instead of this you fully destroyed them GGG.

Well.. I love the way you express a sarcasm, but unfortunately Your sarcasm level is so advanced, that probably only peoples which care to open these videos before the ES nerf and watch them wholes will understand it.

Basically before the nerf 3.5 ES was equal to at least 1 HP points which means that builds with 10k ES were equal as survivability to builds with 3k HP.
I was running 12k ES build which was absurdly defense build with low DPS, costed 108 Exalteds, and I have worked for it nearly 1 whole year..
It was equal to 3.1k HP build with even lower damage.
Now ( after the nerf ) the same ES build went 7.6k ES, which is more or less equal to 1.7 up to 2k HP build with EVEN lower DPS.
Therefore we need about 165% ES rise to match the HP builds now.

and about this 25k ES build. I've seen it. It was killing the boss on Act3 nearly 8 whole freaking minutes. It was made just for fun, and it was absolutely not practical at all, and the guy which have build it were spend on it nearly 800 Exalteds !!!

and - ShinigamiKller - No. I believe that anything that limits the sky is a problem for gamers. What's the point to play just to get all the time until "an average" player. There is just not fun. There is just no competition ideology at all. Why shall I care to spend my weeks, months.. even years to play something just to match some limit and that's it ?!
Nope. if a game is limited then the competition is gone, and the fun is done within it. It's just like a beautiful empty shell.
So - I believe that now the regularly ES build should be about 17k ES, and about 30-35k ES should be the greatest ones. ( to match the 10k HP builds now since the synergy of HP is 9 times greater ( you can drink HP potion, but I haven't heard someone to drink ES potion yet ) ).
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Oct 30, 2018, 5:16:35 AM
Basically before the nerf 3.5 ES was equal to at least 1 HP points which means that builds with 10k ES were equal as survivability to builds with 3k HP.
I was running 12k ES build which was absurdly defense build with low DPS, costed 108 Exalteds, and I have worked for it nearly 1 whole year..
It was equal to 3.1k HP build with even lower damage.
Now ( after the nerf ) the same ES build went 7.6k ES, which is more or less equal to 1.7 up to 2k HP build with EVEN lower DPS.
Therefore we need about 165% ES rise to match the HP builds now.

This is plain wrong.
If you are heavily invested into ES + 0 into Armour/Evasion/Block/Dodge, yes your 1ES point is not worth as much as 1 life. But that is your own fault.
Grabbing some Block is not that hard, of having hybride items with some armour or evasion on it either.

But most importantly your whole point is obsolete when we come to 1 shot spike damage.

And high es builds is the same shit as old Vaal Pact only on a different day! (the possibility to ignore certain game mechanics)

Because where others failed to block/dodge whatever, they are just dead, their whole precious defenses failed. They needed to invest it in the first place because their HP is much lower.

So there is that, and now tell me more about how 1 life is worth 3 es ratio... PFF
Last edited by xX999Xx on Nov 8, 2018, 6:07:27 AM
xX999Xx wrote:
Basically before the nerf 3.5 ES was equal to at least 1 HP points which means that builds with 10k ES were equal as survivability to builds with 3k HP.
I was running 12k ES build which was absurdly defense build with low DPS, costed 108 Exalteds, and I have worked for it nearly 1 whole year..
It was equal to 3.1k HP build with even lower damage.
Now ( after the nerf ) the same ES build went 7.6k ES, which is more or less equal to 1.7 up to 2k HP build with EVEN lower DPS.
Therefore we need about 165% ES rise to match the HP builds now.

This is plain wrong.
If you are heavily invested into ES + 0 into Armour/Evasion/Block/Dodge, yes your 1ES point is not worth as much as 1 life. But that is your own fault.
Grabbing some Block is not that hard, of having hybride items with some armour or evasion on it either.

But most importantly your whole point is obsolete when we come to 1 shot spike damage.

And high es builds is the same shit as old Vaal Pact only on a different day! (the possibility to ignore certain game mechanics)

Because where others failed to block/dodge whatever, they are just dead, their whole precious defenses failed. They needed to invest it in the first place because their HP is much lower.

So there is that, and now tell me more about how 1 life is worth 3 es ratio... PFF

PFFFF.. I am really tired to explain basic math and mechanic to guys which is trying to excuse every mistake GGG made.
It's like trying to explain Atheism to the Pope and convert him. It will just not work.
So.. Stop adding stuff to the topic.
Defense + ES is always LESS than Defence + HP;
Evasion + ES is always LESS than Evasion + HP;
As it was noted above You can get a full potions bar of HP potions with 3k HP each, but You cant even have a single ES potion so far.

ES is "the magic" which were making PoE different, more magical game than the regularly, and a bit strange NOT-SO-Diablo clone. Well.. Seems like WE WERE WRONG! It is trying to remove ES from the core mechanic and convert to fully Diablo clone.
Last edited by ThorTX on Nov 8, 2018, 7:21:08 PM
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

We're not, we've left the game. GGG keeps kicking the players that funded this game into stardom in the face and we've left.

Smear wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

We're not, we've left the game. GGG keeps kicking the players that funded this game into stardom in the face and we've left.


Don't worry there is a game coming on mobile for you soon
Smear wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

We're not, we've left the game. GGG keeps kicking the players that funded this game into stardom in the face and we've left.


I am just active on the forum, but I don't play the game actually, same with my pal Nikson, the most of peoples just left. ( some of them don't know even english sufficiently to not be trolled by junkheads in here ). So it's just this - GGG bring a great sadness to peoples which were in love with their ES casters.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Meuhmeuh wrote:
Smear wrote:
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

We're not, we've left the game. GGG keeps kicking the players that funded this game into stardom in the face and we've left.


Don't worry there is a game coming on mobile for you soon

I would call this "Pointless profanity".

And believe me if We dont play the game on PC - for sure we wont touch anything related on mobiles.
( anyway the mobile marker starting slowly to fade away just to games for 3 to 13 years old ).
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
UlfgardLeo wrote:
ES-CI builds still exist and are successful. So why do people still keep whining?

Are You sure we are playing the same game, because maybe You are playing some sort of offline version of 2.4 or something..

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