Path of Nerfs

Arctic47 wrote:
DrAssclown wrote:
Last sentence is important. I have been looking through tons of pages on this thread. The majority of comments in favor of this have 0-2 supporter titles. The majority of players who dislike this have 3-8 supporter titles. Seems like the player base that dislikes this stuff are the paying consumers. I would start to listen to them fast. I mean unless GGG staff are such haters of the filthy casuals and so hardcore themselves they will develop the game without being paid just to show how hardcore they really are.

What if i dont want to show it off? What if i didnt buy a supporter pack but rather straight 500 premium tabs?

And tbh, this "whine" we can see every single new update. And you know what? playerbase was always getting higher and higher. Also the earnings of GGG went up after each of these whine threads. And most likely you and the other whiners will still play the game and after a while completely forget about what you whined about, just like every1 else who whined about double dipping nerfs, ES nerfs and such.

Imo GGG will just laugh at every little whiner post bcause they know how little it actually matters.

Are you also hiding the rest of your challenges? Otherwise it looks like you wouldn't care about the endgame content anyway. Are you some special kind who still plays the game hoping their player base and earnings will go up so maybe they will destroy meta builds with every new wave of plebs, maybe maybe you'd catch up?

No, im one of the casual league only HC players. I actually had another starting account where i only played softcore with by far more achievements, but at the time i wanted to retry PoE i simply forgot the pw therefore a new acc. Atm i was not able to achieve a shaper kill in a HC league, since when i die, the char is ded and also bcause if the league ends, i start over new and have to redo everything from absolute 0. Nonethless i am quite the opposite. I dont want the earnings to go up lol. I appreciate the XP changes, since i know that this only means that Streamers and other elitists have a longer time to actively play the game and therefore influence the playerbase to stay within a certain league. Meaning that with a longer sustained playerbase i am longer able to buy and sell sht.
BlazeSTX wrote:
Sad or not it is a fact.
The game is not anymore directed toward the diversity of the builds for the noobs. It's now directed toward focusing into the builds of the richest and most well paying minority. Just like every other general software business out there..

and people say you can play whatever you want, and you when you play the game this skill is not viable for all content, the other skill not viable too, the other is not viable either, and so on
Nail & Coffin.... way to go.

Next from Marvel Heroes is this game... have fun until you can.
[quote="Orbaal"][b][u]This is a PvE game, not PvP.[/u][/b][/quote]
XP nerfs? Really? /applaud.

Nerf whole maps above lvl 10 not to give xp, cause "we did't intended for lvl 100 to be achievable"!!!1111opkeneonfeoe¸1!1

In fact, I'll give you and idea, just cut it out. Make level 90 max. Or even better. Make level 80 max and delete last two act so that people can't get xp from those. It's not intended.

Even the "Diminishing returns" achievement is only collected by small percentage of Steam players, yet you decide to nerfhammer those from <95 lvl because of multiple-player-team-racers that populate leagues climb (too?) fast to that 100? Bravo, bravo, now that's rational reasoning and cheer for your delight in screwing non-multiteam players who will now never see that 100 lvl.

Another plus for the 100 level Ivory-tower lurking to crowd below: Now that you got your level 100, others will find it harder then it was for you so you can shit and giggle on them even more. Kudos for you! :D
Last edited by Trumbettoo on Dec 6, 2017, 8:54:45 AM

Why Solo? - LAAAAGfest of grouping is too RIP'y
Why no Boss? - too RIP'y

I've been mapping for 4 yrs. (yes, casually - just like the far majority of the player base) and I might have 70 T16's (minus running ~ 20)
AFTER Harbinger I have another 70
SO after 4yrs. of grinding I might be able to hit 96 week it gets worse. Next weeks xp nerf adds about another year of grinding...for one toon to 100.

For comparison, during that same time I've ground out 134 Ex + 7,300 C (minus spending of ~70 EX).

I invested heavily in these maps during Harbinger (north of 1,200 C) and came back with ~70 beachheads with the intent to blow all of these on one toon to push for 100.

GGG this is your problem - 4yrs of grinding is not enough?? For one toon to 100??

Is this the part where I talk about the Beyond leaguestones I ground out last league for this same purpose?? Sry those were taken out of the game.

You made a killer game GGG...I've supported you significantly along the way....STOP breaking endgame....just S_T_O_P!
"Path of Nerfs"

Say no more. I just feel the usual pain in a place I won't tell you about because this is a public place and there may be children around.

Let's hope Xbox people are having fun with blank attack, or at least cyclone.

Edit : don't worry the top 1% players (obviously streamers) will still cheese the game for more incoming nerfs.
Last edited by Uuer on Dec 6, 2017, 9:27:43 AM
typecast wrote:
- Vaal Pact - Like ES, VP was destined for its fate. VP trivialized nearly all aspects of gameplay (traps???) as long as you were stun immune. Hopefully they hit those insane leech builds that essentially mimic VP. Moving it down into the duelist area was interesting but shouldn't hurt many builds anyway.

- Atziri's Acuity - Still the one of the best crit gloves in the game. Double leech rate on crit without losing regen? It'll get plenty of use.

- Slayer - 3.1 VP Slayer seems like it's better than 3.0 VP Slayer. Slayer builds that didn't take VP will benefit from the VP change. Overleech still exists so Slayers will still Slay. Some may overreact and go zerker warbringer. Still, with a max potential of ~83% leech per second after the changes, I wonder why this is on the nerf list.

- MoM - Everyone who saw the changes to MoM giving a boatload of mana for very little investment saw the benefits. Given the little options casters have for damage reduction layering (wtb spell leech???), it'll still be widely used.

- Vulnerability, Despair - With the exception of Witchfire Brew not being used by melee builds in 3.1, it's a buff. Vulnerability loses the 159 INT requirement, freeing up some explicits by naturally becoming a STR gem. A chaos curse for chaos casters! Hopefully more news comes in regards to a Vulnerability flask and Despair on Hit glove enchant.

- Wither - Still broken even at 15 6% stacks. Still very few fights where wither will get to max stacks, so helps tone down some of the cheese.

- Dark Pact - Didn't require much investment to cheese all of the content. The nerfs will require investment into a few area nodes and maybe a helm enchant. Still does more damage compared to similar area skills.

- Barrage - There are many sources for additional projectiles that -1 projectile on helm does nothing to discourage use. All this change does is tone down the overkill.

- Doomfletch - Items are coming that will offset the crit loss (new crit jewel, flat phys damage jewels). Bow is still amazing and you'll need to invest in a little crit to smooth out the damage spikes.

- QOTF - Still going to be used to Vroom around end-game. RIP 4 minute labs, but it was necessary.

- ROTP - More Life and Life Regen. The Resistance loss can be made up for through the Pantheon (Arakaali + Abberath). Best of all, it's still a 1 alch tier unique and you don't have to craft a Leo shield (maybe... see buff notes tomorrow).

- Experience change - 99% of the POE population doesn't even complete all four labyrinths. Worrying about leveling beyond 95 is pointless for the majority of players. For those that do subject themselves to the grind should still feel a sense of accomplishment regardless. Who cares? Kill stuff. Loot. Move on.

- What didn't make the list:
+ Reduce Aurabot effectiveness
+ Remove Headhunter specific div cards
+ Reduce Quant explicits or remove items - After telling us IIQ on items was bad for the game in 2014, you added the most broken IIQ item this game has ever had (Bisco's). Get rid of it.
+ Reduce Sextant radius and excessive stacking through better atlas spacing
+ Increase Zana costs - Not back to exalt levels, but 2-3 chaos is absurdly low.
+ Decrease travel distances or give an activation time for Whirling Blades, Shield Charge and Leap Slam, or improve warp/dash to be more in line.
+ Bring damage skills back to Earth. Sunder, Blade Flurry, EK, KB, VPS, Barrage (-1 projectile does nothing with so many projectile sources), Spectres, Mines (Arc, Glacial Cascade, etc), Dark Pact (yes more damage reduction...).
+ Add PvP damage scaling on 3.x items (see Death's Oath, Allelopathy)
+ Cap Projectile Distance and multiscreen clearing
+ CWDT+IC effectiveness without endurance charges
+ Bloodseeker

i dont think you understand how big a hit ROTF res is for lowlife rf, since the +% regen was mainly generated by getting high fire res rather then getting insain regen. so being in mid combat with 93-96%(depend on spec) fire res vs 97-99(depend on spec) will make huge diff in effective regen
Frozen666 wrote:

Yes but is this a buff or a nerf ? ^^
This is what I don't understand and why GGG keep making the leveling process past level 95 harder for the Solo players who now and then team up during temp leagues or just prefer the solo experience that is Path of Exile.

Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger.

I have the solution it's quite simple actually, why not just Nerf xp gained by players who party with 3 or more people by 70% xp gained, this would completely destory any advantage the top 1% of racers get from having guilds farm them currency during these race leagues they get given currency,items, maps for free by their guild members so they can just chain run maps. Why not just nerf group xp all together than make everyone else suffer.

Most of us who play join these race leagues are because they are the funniest content in the game at the time so we go and play them, most of us don't see much point going back level 90-95.If you want your racers to last longer than 2-3 days nerf the party xp.

Path of nerfing.
Nerf of exile.

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