Path of Nerfs

Smear wrote:
kotsapl wrote:
why Slayer Life Leech... NERFED ?... thats unfair .. i got 10 slayers at lv 90+ on my account and never used Vaal pact On any of them NOW I FELL FORCED TO USE VAAL PACT... thats awfull.

You dont like way and Meta How vaal pact was used so you changed it and now you maked new meta where EVERY slayer will use it thats doesnt make sense ...

As if it wasn't bad enough, life leech across the board has been almost gutted. They even nerfed the life leech nodes. What a bunch of morons.

I'm so done with this stupid game.

Good job dumb asses, kill everything worth playing. Idiots.


I feel like if me and You leave - The Resistance will be muted totally, since the rest of the peoples just do not post this much on the forum. Just white knights, and deep pockets which defending whatever GGG do will leave here to cheers even if they ban them.

I never play phy dd, i am always direct clean caster but yet - nerfing should never occurs !


PoE should never be a balanced game ! NEVER ! In the moment they balance it - it will be worth a crap.

You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Dec 8, 2017, 2:30:49 AM
This app/game is not WISYWYG anymore. What you see on youtube is not what you can get in the game because of nerfs. Maybe you try to divide the game to softcore not nerfed and hardcore with all limitations. I like to be immortal and really like to kill monsters quickkly. They need to be kiiled quickly, they are bad :).
tombo wrote:
This app/game is not WISYWYG anymore. What you see on youtube is not what you can get in the game because of nerfs. Maybe you try to divide the game to softcore not nerfed and hardcore with all limitations. I like to be immortal and really like to kill monsters quickkly. They need to be kiiled quickly, they are bad :).

This actually is quite a good idea.
The game to be separate into a game which is never be "nerfed" into the primarly visions and the rest of it, and the leagues which is applying all new "so wanted from the majority" nerfs.

Make it so, and leave it like this for a year. At the end of the year let's compare the populations. ;)
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
I see tons of people complaining about nerf to XP gain past 95. But you do realize we are getting pack size increase accross the board with every map mod giving pack size bonus ?
Seems like we will have same xp/h or even higher.
BlazeSTX wrote:
Smear wrote:
kotsapl wrote:
why Slayer Life Leech... NERFED ?... thats unfair .. i got 10 slayers at lv 90+ on my account and never used Vaal pact On any of them NOW I FELL FORCED TO USE VAAL PACT... thats awfull.

You dont like way and Meta How vaal pact was used so you changed it and now you maked new meta where EVERY slayer will use it thats doesnt make sense ...

As if it wasn't bad enough, life leech across the board has been almost gutted. They even nerfed the life leech nodes. What a bunch of morons.

I'm so done with this stupid game.

Good job dumb asses, kill everything worth playing. Idiots.


I feel like if me and You leave - The Resistance will be muted totally, since the rest of the peoples just do not post this much on the forum. Just white knights, and deep pockets which defending whatever GGG do will leave here to cheers even if they ban them.

I never play phy dd, i am always direct clean caster but yet - nerfing should never occurs !


PoE should never be a balanced game ! NEVER ! In the moment they balance it - it will be worth a crap.


GGG has broken so many builds in this game, it's beyond repair at this point. I've resigned myself to this basic fact and am moving on.

Grim Dawn has hired one of the original Diablo 1/2 developers. So at this point, it can't possibly be worse than PoE. I think the crew at Grim Dawn are picking up on what has happened to PoE. And, it's not this F2P MTX model that PoE is ruled by. Pay up front. I Prefer that over this sham system.

I'm going to give the PoE patch 3.1 one try. If my Juggernaut melee build has been trashed (like so many other builds before it) because of the life leech nodes being nerfed, for no good fucking reason at that, I'm done.

Sycophants have literally trashed this game. It was good while it lasted.
Well, I'm just glad I stopped playing PoE in Harbinger. Looks like another 2-3 leagues in the future, all tree nodes will be generic "+1% to X".
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
You cater only to the top 1% of players.

The rest of the 99% are screwed, every single time, over and over and over again...........

You guys really have no understanding of your own playerbase......but ok w/e........
[FORGE] Guild /view-thread/1664516
[SHOP] /view-thread/393743
Want to join a MULTI-GAMING community including one of POE's oldest guilds???
I feel like the people complaining over honestly and genuinely minor nerfs are kind'a in the wrong, the current state of the game feels amazing, I've tested many builds, designed atleast thirty alone for friends none of which have failed as they're all clearing t15's currently, Those who relied solely on the gimmick of "immortality" through vaal pact were just holding onto a crutch rather than actually playing the game, sorry to say. ^^;; Loving the new league, been here since closed beta and have been enjoying and hating changes, but unlike most, I look at the logic behind every action and feel the game is actually in a very good state, there's obvious powercreep, but the difficulty of the game honestly going up might have finally caught up to that creep. For those of you complaining of the dev(s) only catering to the top percentile, Have you ever PvP'd against someone with an immortal build? You basically can't play the game and it's beyond frustrating. Yeah there are "ways around them." But, If you're new to the game you'll basically be stomped out no questions asked. In regards to the ES nerfs / Vaal pact nerfs, NONE OF YOU NEEDED 15~30K ES builds with instant leech from vaalpact+Ghost reaver, SINCERELY, they were beyond unhealthy and made this game feel like everything, Including shaper at the time was a white mob.

TL;DR, Oh no, you actually have to play the game now, so the game is dead? Get over yourselves.
Last edited by devin21321 on Dec 17, 2017, 6:49:26 AM
Another fanboy which have nothing on his side. All of his characters is HP based, all of them are low level wearing HP junkstuff.
He is probably never played ES / CI and probably never ever seen someone with ES beyound 20k.
Nor his gameplay.


This is the short truth. I am not playing it at all. All guildies are offliners. Most of my friends as well. The game population decreasing with 2000 peoples per day.
The main population is from peoples which gathering currency and items to sell on the goldesellers sites, or just stream their "mighty" builds for a profit.

That's all. PoE is a dead and burried game which was put in this state by the same kind of person which we have above my comment.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Dec 17, 2017, 9:19:27 AM
Whining and complaining about the fact you have to play the game to play the game doesn't mean it's a bad or dead game.
Last edited by devin21321 on Dec 17, 2017, 10:09:08 AM

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