Path of Nerfs

well it seems like everyone is writing a comment so i should do it too. i actually really like the Nerfs, they seem to adress actual problems in the right manner so gj on that. but i kinda disagree with the exp thingy. I would like to see that these "exp enhancers" (sextants zana mods etc) would be changed in a way that there is still reward for doing but maybe not in the exp. Because these thingys make the race to 100 way to fast and are not easy accesible to the casuel player. Zana mods are too expensive and sextants are too valuable to run yourselfs when you are a casual.

Hmmm, back in 2013-14 there were soo little 100s out there maybe its the start to go back to these times, i wouldnt mind.
The_Risen wrote:

While people trying to have fun doing diffeerent maps and maybe some bosses will never get pass lvl 95.

Why do you need to get past 95?
Seriously, is there one compelling reason for trying to get there?
If you play for fun - play for fun and don't even bother, you get all the passives to complete your build at, at worst, 90, the rest's just luxury.

zhul0r wrote:

Yes putting build enabling mechanic behind 50ex paywall that seems reasonable.

Well, that's kind of a point of the whole "chase unique", don't you think? At least in my opinion it is.
That would be somewhat of a compromise, aswell, like "Okay, we got rid of accessible instant-leech, but it's still in the game, you want it, you're gonna have to work for it".

Honestly i'm still wondering if bloodseeker's getting gutted aswell :D.
Last edited by nskLantash on Dec 5, 2017, 9:11:12 AM
95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

well thanks, now im never gonna reach 100 as a "casual" player. very sad.
i felt it was a horrible grind the way it was. now its even worse o_O
nskLantash wrote:
The_Risen wrote:

While people trying to have fun doing diffeerent maps and maybe some bosses will never get pass lvl 95.

Why do you need to get past 95?
Seriously, is there one compelling reason for trying to get there?
If you play for fun - play for fun and don't even bother, you get all the passives to complete your build at, at worst, 90, the rest's just luxury.

I feel like with VP being nerfed we'll have to get past 95 now to get those life nodes.
The additional projectile made this skill and enchantment combination the superior choice for bow/wand users. We want to ensure that there are several viable options for these characters."

Barrage is the only viable option for single target

and i hope to see some buffs for Wild Strike. awesome skills and it needs some love
Alhoon wrote:
Well at least DP totems are unaffected. That's something.
No they aren't.

Yes they are.
All of the DP changes in the first post affect DP totems, if nothing else changes the damage will still be more than fine, but the clearspeed is being brought down significantly by the removal of +radius.
nskLantash wrote:
Why do you need to get past 95?
Seriously, is there one compelling reason for trying to get there?
If you play for fun - play for fun and don't even bother, you get all the passives to complete your build at, at worst, 90, the rest's just luxury.

why not go past 95? is there a rule that says not to go past 95? max level of the game is 100, so i want to go 100 level. do you have a problem with that? look at your own business and let the others do their business. your business is not my business. i don't care if you want to stop at 90 or bellow. i don't, why should i do the same as you? and with these stupid xp increases i will not even bother to go beyond 95. are you satisfied now?
Last edited by cora000 on Dec 5, 2017, 9:35:47 AM
My honest opinion.

Vaal Pact Nerf
Needed... Good job.

Atziri's Acuity
Perhaps needed? But this just destroyed a chase unique basically... Uber was hardly worth running anyways and now this just hurt it even more.

The Slayer
Not too bad, but I would have recommended a 50% reduction instead of 100% removal.

Mind over Matter

Vulnerability, Despair and Wither
Shame to see Wither nerfed, but agreed. Glad to see a new chaos oriented curse.

Dark Pact
Not needed at all... without Vaal Pact, Dark Pact will be painful to run anyways. Overkill to a meta skill without reviewing the effects other major changes will make.

Meeeeh... yeah kinda needed... It's sad to see the lab though get hurt even more considering QOTF lab builds were destroyed.

Doomfletch and Doomfletch's Prism

Queen of the Forest
I agree with what Zizaran said. STOP WITH THE HARD CAPS! Make it a variable scaling unique, where the more investment you put into it, the harder it is to increase your movement speed, don't hard cap it.

Rise of the Phoenix
Okay... The only gem that ever used this was Righteous Fire... Which is a slow clearing build, slow boss killer (at least in my experience), slow turtle everything (have yet to see anyone make an RF build that doesn't put everyone else to sleep), and not necessarily easy to build. Yeeeeah, let's nerf that. Doesn't make much sense to me but okay...

Experience changes for high-level characters
Okay, so instead of balancing around the average player, let's use the 0.01% of the extreme hardcore racers out there that have an entire guild supporting them and pushing them up the ladder... Let's hurt the entire population because of a few people using every single tactic they can think of to go fast. . . Really GGG?

Now, on the other hand, they have mentioned pack size changes, so these numbers might be fair if the pack size changes actually outweigh most of these huge number increases.

Overall Impression?
Not too bad, I agree with most of these, some are just... pardon my language, stupid.
Last edited by Duran_Fauxe on Dec 5, 2017, 9:26:04 AM
Zom3ie666 wrote:
Arctic47 wrote:
Shh, some top racers told Chris it's too easy to get to 100. They will still get to 100 every league/race while the competition is being eliminated because the majority has a life.

love this game, played it for a while.

I play it almost every single day. i'm close to not playing any other game.

always a pleasure to see new leagues and new challenges.

but damned i agree with Arctic47.
i never been above 89 because i do have a fuckin life too.
I enjoy this game but i don't want to be "force" to play more to enjoy it.

i'm kind of fed up actually, it is not the first time some deepsh*t twitch PGM thinks that something in the game is to easy, or is boring to do... not everybody spend 12hours per day, 7 days a week to test 4 builds in the first week of a new league.

it was the same thing with legacy league " too much micro management"... when average players foudn that very convinent to maximize the plaesure of controling the game a bit.

GGG should always keep in mind that most of the support packs aren't bought by "very few" twitcher guys but by us, the average joe.

Thats why i never more push this button for shop !
They not deserve it !
ist almost forcing to try and suffer in once !
this is not grindin this is forcing !

a game have to make fun so you Play it ...
if the fun is away you leave .. and with you the Support for the Company.

99 % of the Players says same .. just the 1 % is the Point why the nerfs happening ..
Races ?

to hell with this !
If you not affraid of the Devil.. then you dont need a GOD !
Last edited by ONE_OF_A_MILLION on Dec 5, 2017, 9:21:19 AM
Still don't understand why they are stacking XP penalties past lvl90, leading to uber-complicated calculations very few people understand ( ).
Why not just keep the safe zone penalty and remove the others, and raise the XP needed to reach higher levels ( ).

Apart from trying to hide from lambda player the fact that 95+ is an insane amount of play to reach, i don't see.
SSF for ever :)
Last edited by LoloTwingo on Dec 5, 2017, 9:23:47 AM

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