Path of Nerfs

Hyskoa wrote:
So all in all, you made the game more boring? Culled the last few bits of fun we could have and made everything more suitable for xbox.(i.e. dumbed down significantly).

Gratz, you really hate your own game it seems.

Razielskat wrote:
[Removed by Support]

I see you channel your inner Frenchman, when you are mad.
Last edited by Allen_GGG on Dec 5, 2017, 8:16:44 AM
Well at least DP totems are unaffected. That's something.
No they aren't.
Some solid changes all in all. I must say some seem a bit more justified than others. The change to xp does seem a bit silly though, it's always been a long grind and now i feel it is something i will never achieve. However, i only tend to create builds based around hitting level 95, so this won't really affect me that much.

Looking forward to the patch notes tomorrow so i can start theory crafting my next build!
Last edited by KrayzFatman on Dec 5, 2017, 10:16:18 AM
why nerf self-cast Dark pact if you already nerf it by nerfing vaal pact?
All in all no surprises here, except maybe the route they took to nerf RF. Very solid changes, all of them. As long as tomorrow will reveal further nerfs to KB, Sunder, Frostbolt, EK and maybe ED, all is well.
holy shit 100 pages of baby rage and toxicity. This is disappointing
Builds :
Challenge boss kill services :
Ok, so increase the exp required... How about reduce the death penalty at higher levels at least.. I can't speak for anyone else, but I've got two different games I end up playing above 85 or so...

Game 1) <10% of new level, try challenging maps, push progress, and enjoy the game... Game 2) >10% do everything I can to run stupid simple maps, avoid dying, and generally dislike my time in game..

So 90%+ of my time at > level 85 is just grinding mindless, not fun, not challenging maps trying to avoid random one-shot mechanics that are never identified to me so I cannot even learn how to avoid them.
Last edited by OneLameDad on Dec 5, 2017, 8:19:46 AM
Chris wrote:

Vulnerability, Despair and Wither
Vulnerability is now a Strength gem, focused on Physical Damage, Bleed and Maim.

Despair is a new Intelligence gem that will replace existing copies of Vulnerability. It reduces Chaos Resistance, increases Damage over Time taken, and grants added Chaos Damage to hits against cursed enemies. (This gem isn't counted as one of the ten new ones in 3.1.0).

Wither now has a lower max stack limit (15, down from 20) and slightly lower damage taken effect per stack (6% per stack, down from 7%).

Wither increased Chaos Damage taken by enemies much more than was reasonable for an easily totemifiable non-damage skill. We've split some of its damage bonus off into the new Despair curse, taking this opportunity to realign Vulnerability as a Strength-based curse as was more appropriate for a physical-damage-improving effect. As mentioned previously, old copies of the Vulnerability gem will become Despair with the release of 3.1.0.

Well, there's the list of significant nerfs. Hopefully we didn't forget any important ones. We have a decent list of buffs to go with it, which will be posted tomorrow in the full patch notes!

Am I the only one that doesn't see the Vulnerability part a nerf?

Seems like no more needing to invest in insanely priced amulets for that extra Int needed. lol..
Wither increased Chaos Damage taken by enemies much more than was reasonable for an easily totemifiable non-damage skill. We've split some of its damage bonus off into the new Despair curse

Remove shaper/guadians 80% less curse effectiveness?
140% to 90% from wither. Despair can be 50%, even Vs Guardians/Shaper?
Whiter wasnt easy to stack, even with a lot of cast speed.
As a Essence Drain/Caustic Arrow player, a feel that now i'm being forced to use blight for the 50% inc chaos damage taken, witch i don't like. I hope to see something usefull in the patch notes.

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