Xavderion wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:

Irony in which way?

It's further proof Trump is a criminal psychopath. He's strong arming investigations into people he and his master, Putin don't like.

He's a fascist.

lmao you just doubled down on the irony. Thanks for the laugh.

Aren't the democrats trying to shut down and put everyone in prison who would investigate them?
Another case of clown world:

Once this reaches the Olympics, I can imagine the TERF movement going from fringe to somewhat mainstream. Should be interesting.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The_Impeacher wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
The irony.


Irony in which way?

The_Impeacher wrote:
Do the alt-righties also have an alternative dictionary?

"The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite"

The_Impeacher wrote:
It's further proof Trump is a criminal psychopath. He's strong arming investigations into people he and his master, Putin don't like.

He's a fascist.

Trump is suggesting using the very tactics that were used against him for the very same reasons - ie - political purposes. The democrats broke 500 years of legal precedent, violating attorney client privilege. The democrats tried to investigate everyone around Trump including his family.

There were no substantial grounds to do so - it was a political ploy, and one that was discussed beforehand as exposed by Wikileaks.

The irony is calling Trump a fascist for suggesting doing to democrats what the democrats did to him.

Either leftists realize this and aren't telling the truth by denying it, or they have some version of Stockholm Syndrome where they are so traumatized by
repeatedly being lied to by the MSM that they start sympathizing with the people that are abusing them with lies and blaming everyone else instead.

You don't need to take my word for it, just watch what the legal system rules over the next year and a half.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Real foreign influence on US elections - not Trump, but Obama.

"The defendants, PRAKAZREL MICHEL and LOW TAEK JHO ("JHO LOW"), conspired to circumvent federal law against foreign influence by engaging in a scheme to funnel millions of dollars of foreign money from JHO LOW into an election for the Office of President of the United States so that JHO LOW and MICHEL could buy access to, and potential influence with, a candidate, the candidate's campaign, and the candidate's administration"
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The democrats have no clue how much they shot themselves in the foot by crossing certain political lines.

The republicans fate in the state was at an all time low with Obama and even then they didn't lower themselves to the standards the democrats have currently.

It's going to be interesting once trump is out of office and if a democrat wins and takes office.
Will the feelings of honor within the republicans topple the feeling of disgust after having the position of presidency smeared and undermined like this?

Democrats think Trump is a walking nightmare, but they forget Obama was exactly the same for republicans.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I am black and Obama was a source of hope.
He was eloquent, had charisma, was a link between white and black.

All over the world black people looked at him like a savior, the missing link to reunite the world and break racism.

What did he do ? NOTHING, he was worse for black people than any president, G.W Bush included.

He created divide, played race card every turn and used the press/public opinion just to get points.

Obama created Trump, he is the mold that created "Opinion matter first than facts" (see the clock-boy story)

Trump is doing great for black people, job is blooming for us in the US. Obama gave job to some Chinese workers, gave job to Illegals instead of us.

I don t agree with trump on few things but the liberal whining since 2016 is sending black votes to republicans. Only analphabet on welfare transfusions created by the dems still think Trump is bad for us.

All those souls bought with welfare money, they don t get it yet but soon they will. Slavery continue still today and the dems are the one doing it.

Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

Obama created more racism than ever before.
Poe Pvp experience
Head_Less wrote:
I am black and Obama was a source of hope.
He was eloquent, had charisma, was a link between white and black.

All over the world black people looked at him like a savior, the missing link to reunite the world and break racism.

What did he do ? NOTHING, he was worse for black people than any president, G.W Bush included.

He created divide, played race card every turn and used the press/public opinion just to get points.

Obama created Trump, he is the mold that created "Opinion matter first than facts" (see the clock-boy story)

Trump is doing great for black people, job is blooming for us in the US. Obama gave job to some Chinese workers, gave job to Illegals instead of us.

I don t agree with trump on few things but the liberal whining since 2016 is sending black votes to republicans. Only analphabet on welfare transfusions created by the dems still think Trump is bad for us.

All those souls bought with welfare money, they don t get it yet but soon they will. Slavery continue still today and the dems are the one doing it.

Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

Obama created more racism than ever before.

People have coined the term "bigotry of low expectations" which is what i see projected a lot in "minority talks".

Victim status is a soothing identity because it denies introspection in the things that are troubling you or fundamentally hold you back towards personal progress.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Head_Less wrote:
Slavery continue still today and the dems are the one doing it.

Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

Obama created more racism than ever before.

What an utter load of BS this is.

Headless is a perfect example of the power of propaganda and disinformation.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on May 12, 2019, 11:20:47 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:

Headless is a perfect example of the power of propaganda and disinformation.

Same old story from liberals. As soon as a black man think for himself he is either brainwashed or stupid. Racist undertone right there.

Just speak your mind and call me an uncle T already.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on May 12, 2019, 11:50:59 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Head_Less wrote:
Slavery continue still today and the dems are the one doing it.

Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

Obama created more racism than ever before.

What an utter load of BS this is.

Headless is a perfect example of the power of propaganda and disinformation.

Translation for the normal centrist population : This person thinks differently, therefore he must be stupid and easily fooled because i think something different and what i think is the only truth possible.

Head_Less probably internalized as a white man.
reference to an article on police racism where a black cop stopped a black person and the person writing the article proclamed the black cop had internalized "the white man" because he pulled over a black driver.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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