Xavderion wrote:
Another case of clown world:

Once this reaches the Olympics, I can imagine the TERF movement going from fringe to somewhat mainstream. Should be interesting.
It's already not fringe. Girl's sports is a high school institution. There are young women and families throughout the entire United States like those in the video, impacted by allowing transgender women to compete.

It's like I said about NPCs before — a lot of these people feel captive, unable to express themselves without retaliation in a social justice culture. In the video, some of those who spoke requested anonymity. You can bet your ass that IRL these girls are nodding along to the social justice platitudes, just like good NPCs. But they look at the military's new transgender policy and they smile, because they know it isn't a transgender ban and they know it does acknowledge the biological differences between male and female.

Another group of women who'll vote Trump but won't be wearing the hats or putting up lawn signs. Well, except for the bravest of them.


Trump's gone from getting 8% of the black vote in 2016 to a 13% approval rating today. That means that out of every 20 black Americans, Trump has openly changed one mind since election day. And who knows how many black Trump supporters are hiding under the NPC bubble, afraid of being ostracized by others in the predominantly Democrat black community?

Head_Less, are you "out" with friends, family and co-workers regarding your Trump support, or not? Just curious. I'll be honest — other than my ex (who can and has tracked my posts here), I'm not. El Paso is Beto country. I literally keep my MAGA hat in my closet.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 12, 2019, 12:20:06 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Another case of clown world:

Once this reaches the Olympics, I can imagine the TERF movement going from fringe to somewhat mainstream. Should be interesting.
It's already not fringe. Girl's sports is a high school institution. There are young women and families throughout the entire United States like those in the video, impacted by allowing transgender women to compete.

It's like I said about NPCs before — a lot of these people feel captive, unable to express themselves without retaliation in a social justice culture. In the video, some of those who spoke requested anonymity. You can bet your ass that IRL these girls are nodding along to the social justice platitudes, just like good NPCs. But they look at the military's new transgender policy and they smile, because they know it isn't a transgender ban and they know it does acknowledge the biological differences between male and female.

Another group of women who'll vote Trump but won't be wearing the hats or putting up lawn signs. Well, except for the bravest of them.


Trump's gone from getting 8% of the black vote in 2016 to a 13% approval rating today. That means that out of every 20 black Americans, Trump has openly changed one mind since election day. And who knows how many black Trump supporters are hiding under the NPC bubble, afraid of being ostracized by others in the predominantly Democrat black community?

Head_Less, are you "out" with friends, family and co-workers regarding your Trump support, or not? Just curious. I'll be honest — other than my ex (who can and has tracked my posts here), I'm not. El Paso is Beto country. I literally keep my MAGA hat in my closet.

Insert joke about men being better women then women.

rip that girls chance at a scholar fund based on athletic performance.
I can't believe the lack of humility of the people enforcing these laws, totally cluelles about the evil potential of people and the perverse nature of loopholes.

It took me five minutes of reasoning to come up with the "guess we will be seeing men competing for easy scholar ships in womens fields soon" after reading some of these new doctrine idea's and the shallowness they endulge.

They don't even have to do anything right, can't they just "claim" to be female at this point and have laws protecting them?

Well done feminist, you sure protected that girls future.

Inb4 the morally deprived ethos "sacrifices are required to reach our great ideals".


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Head_Less wrote:
I am black and Obama was a source of hope.
He was eloquent, had charisma, was a link between white and black.

All over the world black people looked at him like a savior, the missing link to reunite the world and break racism.

What did he do ? NOTHING, he was worse for black people than any president, G.W Bush included.

You are not the first black person I have heard this from. Probably won't be the last.

The Reporter makes bigoted remarks. CONSTANTLY. Now saying that black males are unable to think for themselves. What a fucking surprise.
^You have to see the humor in it though.

Headless wrote:
Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

The_Impeacher wrote:
Headless is a perfect example of the power of propaganda and disinformation.

Says democrats treat people in a certain way, have a dem treat him in that way one post later.

People would use humor like that ten years ago, depicting a fantasy state of the world where idiocracy reigns supreme, depicting hypocrasy in the next fumble of words while wearing a halo.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
^You have to see the humor in it though.

Yeah, it is one of those things where you either got to laugh or cry. Laughing is better.
ScrotieMcB wrote:

Head_Less, are you "out" with friends, family and co-workers regarding your Trump support, or not? Just curious. I'll be honest — other than my ex (who can and has tracked my posts here), I'm not. El Paso is Beto country. I literally keep my MAGA hat in my closet.

short answer: The American part of the family are pretty satisfied with him, the European part hate him.

Long answer:
I am not American but I come from Guadeloupe, an Island in the Caribbean. Part of family live in the US,Some still in the Island and other part in French metropole.

Despite my bad English I communicate quite often with my American side (while myself living in the Balkan region since I married my serbian wife)

So my US family were mostly democrats since forever... raised to be. However they never forgot which political party tried to continue enslaving our kind in the US (despite voting for them) .

Bill Clinton started to be a shift, his attitude toward women did not work well with the protestant mentality(I am atheist, my family however are believers) .

Despite voting mostly democrats the funny thing is most black people (out of those living the gangsta dream) have very conservative values about sexuality/faith.

G.W.Bush got them to think democrat again until Obama.

When Obama got to run they rushed to listen his speeches. Then once in office it was the biggest deception in politic we (THEY) ever had. Playing the race card all the time, bringing tons of immigrant taking jobs from our community etc etc

During the 2016 election, the US family all sided with Carson first, a smart black man (despite having some funky religious beliefs imo).

Hillary was a no-no.
She insulted Black people plenty of time (ex fake black accent when talking to black crowd/ " the superpredator" remark ), sided with planned parenthood and the rumors about some pedo rings of her husband did not help her case.
Other democrats were even crazier about their economy programs.

So when Carson lost the race and Trump won it the US side (and I) were pretty ok with it. First of all he never showed but good intent toward black people.

He seemed to us that the only criteria for him was success and not race. His personal relation with Tyson is an example of that and we all love Iron mike in the family (not the greatest criteria but it count haha).

Since his election a lot of them got better jobs and tax reductions and keep telling me how it is much better than during Obama s reign for them.

The French European side however hate him, he represent the ultimate American imperialism.... Big mouth, big guns and bravado.

They loved Obama tho, probably because he was pretty weak internationally about the American interests (you should be present during the US-EU family meetings, lot of debates and fights haha), he helped Sarkozy to get ride of Gaddafi and seemed pro Palestinian (French family side really love the Palestinian for some reason)

Side story,
My wife being Serbian, for her every American politician is the Devil incarnate... However she kind of like Trump because he do not hide is intent.
My Balkan friends are not so friendly toward any US politician so Trump or an other one it s all the same.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on May 12, 2019, 4:01:04 PM
Interesting perspective, Headless. I apologize for assuming you were a from the US, but in my experience all Europeans (except Xav) hate Trump, lol.

I don't blame your Serbian relatives for hating on the US. I think people here are too quick to forget that Serbia is yet another country we've bombed I the past 25 years. Those who have been bombed don't forget as quickly.

It's really funny, the whole reason I voted for Bush I 2000 was that our military interventionism in Serbia disgusted me, and I heard W. deliver this beautiful speech about how his administration would have a non-interventionist foreign policy. Of course, Bush 43 was lying his ass off, but my point is that not all Americans looked at Clinton's military actions with agreement.

I mean shit, I feel like Trump has been just as bad as Bill Clinton regarding recent military actions in Yemen, but after Bush 43 and Obama that's somehow an improvement. It's pathetic, really, what the US allowed itself to become.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 12, 2019, 5:33:24 PM
Boem wrote:
^You have to see the humor in it though.

Headless wrote:
Instead of jobs they give us patronizing pity.

The_Impeacher wrote:
Headless is a perfect example of the power of propaganda and disinformation.

Says democrats treat people in a certain way, have a dem treat him in that way one post later.

People would use humor like that ten years ago, depicting a fantasy state of the world where idiocracy reigns supreme, depicting hypocrasy in the next fumble of words while wearing a halo.



again I'm going to bring it back, I'm sure the liberals in the forum here aren't truly liberals, they are actually conservatives trolls that just do their best to makes liberals looks bad.
Diablo, I'm a liberal. Truly. I'm still for legal first-trimester abortions, the right to gay marriage (well, technically I don't think the government should regulate marriage, but same thing), Laffer maximum taxation to pay off federal debt, military non-interventionism, increased bargaining power for labor, freedom of speech, wariness of corporate influence, and an absence of religious teaching in public schools. I haven't deviated from this 1990s Democrat platform in all this time, not even when I deluded myself into thinking Bush 43 was the anti-war candidate. I thoroughly enjoyed arguing against the Republicans of the early 2000s, and I don't regret any of my opposition at that time.

I don't believe I was deluding myself when I went Trump over Hillary.

You must be thinking of the intersectional ethnocommunists. I'm not an ethnocommunist, and it's a mite insulting to imply that any liberal is.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 12, 2019, 5:58:26 PM
^you have to explain that first trimester abortion to me scrotie, i consider myself a clasical liberal but i can't really move away from the "all life is sacred" as the base-line moral code for a healthy society that appreciates life.

Everybody knows it's a life, that's why we use poison to kill it in case of a medical induced abortion or simply destroy it by ripping it appart in a normal abortion procedure, they literally have to count the body parts they take out so they don't leave anything inside the women that could infect her if left behind.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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