Xavderion wrote:
Imagine believing that Trump is responsible for climate change. Is this what they call [Removed by Support]?
If only I were a moderator…
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
I don't know how any of you can stand to have one man above the law, destroying your democracy and flaunting it with his corruption.

Obstruction of justice by such a man, knowing one cannot indict a sitting president (or at least it has never been done before), just makes it worse, not excusable.

Trump defended democracy by defending his presidency from a traitorous deep state coup. The bogus obstruction claims are just another attempt of the enemy of the people to undermine said people.
That's certainly an interesting take on facts, also I love that you echo every fascist state since ever and repeat that the free press is the enemy of the people. Maybe one day it will turn out true.

I thought you had already agreed with the Mueller report and that there was clear obstruction of justice?

I thought your defense was that you can't indict for obstruction of justice if the underlying crime never happened?

Oh well, keep shifting the goalposts...


rojimboo wrote:
Shame you have to destroy the climate with your orange love.

Imagine believing that Trump is responsible for climate change. Is this what they call [Removed by Support]?

Destroying climate in 2019 =/= responsible for all man made climate change, thank you for putting words in my mouth, and arguing that strawman.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Imagine believing that Trump is responsible for climate change. Is this what they call [Removed by Support]?
If only I were a moderator…

I wonder what sort of Moderator you would be ^o^

Would you be a fair moderator that allow intelligent debates and ideas to be exchanged between people.

Or would you just mass ban anyone who would vote for the other candidate and let your personal bias get in the way of your moderators duties?

THAT is the responsability that would be pathing your future as a moderator.

rojimboo wrote:
I love that you echo every fascist state since ever and repeat that the free press is the enemy of the people. Maybe one day it will turn out true.

If the "free" press actively works to undermine democracy, it is the enemy of the people. But in my post I was actually talking about the deep state. The fake news media is just their mouthpiece.

rojimboo wrote:
I thought you had already agreed with the Mueller report and that there was clear obstruction of justice?

I thought your defense was that you can't indict for obstruction of justice if the underlying crime never happened?

Oh well, keep shifting the goalposts...

Not sure how what you wrote contradicts what I said.

rojimboo wrote:
Destroying climate in 2019 =/= responsible for all man made climate change, thank you for putting words in my mouth, and arguing that strawman.

How is he destroying the climate? By reducing the CO2 output?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
diablofdb wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Imagine believing that Trump is responsible for climate change. Is this what they call [Removed by Support]?
If only I were a moderator…
I wonder what sort of Moderator you would be ^o^
It was a joke. I've moderated forums before. I deleted spam, and that was about it. I don't like censoring people.

I did create this one joke thread where I edited people's comments to whatever I felt like — often the polar opposite of their original message — but that was the joke. In hindsight, it wasn't very funny. But it's kinda boring having that power and being too principled to use it. I can actually understand how someone could become censorious out of little more than raw boredom. It's almost like having a Death Note and not trying it out. Power corrupts.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 8, 2019, 12:05:24 PM
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
I love that you echo every fascist state since ever and repeat that the free press is the enemy of the people. Maybe one day it will turn out true.

If the "free" press actively works to undermine democracy, it is the enemy of the people. But in my post I was actually talking about the deep state. The fake news media is just their mouthpiece.
How does the free press undermine democracy compared to Trump's effort to do so?


rojimboo wrote:
I thought you had already agreed with the Mueller report and that there was clear obstruction of justice?

I thought your defense was that you can't indict for obstruction of justice if the underlying crime never happened?

Oh well, keep shifting the goalposts...

Not sure how what you wrote contradicts what I said.
Really simple - Mueller says crime, you say no crime. Need I explain more?


rojimboo wrote:
Destroying climate in 2019 =/= responsible for all man made climate change, thank you for putting words in my mouth, and arguing that strawman.

How is he destroying the climate? By reducing the CO2 output?
Yeah 2018 was a particularly good year for you people not believing in science,

U.S. Carbon Emissions Surged in 2018 Even as Coal Plants Closed
ScrotieMcB wrote:
It was a joke. I've moderated forums before. I deleted spam, and that was about it. I don't like censoring people.

I did create this one joke thread where I edited people's comments to whatever I felt like — often the polar opposite of their original message — but that was the joke. In hindsight, it wasn't very funny. But it's kinda boring having that power and being too principled to use it. I can actually understand how someone could become censorious out of little more than raw boredom. It's almost like having a Death Note and not trying it out. Power corrupts.

Yeah I can understand that, I've had some of my suppervisor in my restaurant going really on a power trip after they earned their rank. Power do really change people sadly.

edit: I never abused of my power as a manager, but God I would love having a Death Note.
Last edited by diablofdb on May 8, 2019, 12:15:49 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

Currently signed by 439 former federal prosecutors.

In 40 minutes or so we are now up to 459 former federal prosecutor signatures.

Now up to 527 former federal prosecutor signatures.

Now up to 650 former federal prosecutor signatures.

Now up to 735 former federal prosecutor signatures.

What these folks are saying is that in their expert opinion there are multiple potential felony charges described in the report that are NOT a close call. They say it is highly likely that if charges were brought and it was tried before a jury they clearly feel that the case beyond a reasonable doubt would be proven.

Nobody cares my dude.

Turtledove wrote:
We also know that Cohen is now in jail for 2 out of 3 things that he did that only benefited Trump. Meaning Trump is guilty of those crimes as well.

That's doubtful. Cohen is in prison for tax and bank fraud and perjury, which is all on Cohen alone. Campaign finance violation only gets you a slap on the wrist. He admitted to it because he thought he could get his sentence reduced if he slanders Trump. His plan obviously failed. What a loser.

Turtledove wrote:
To the Trump fans that think that Trump has not committed felonies, you folks are out of touch with reality.

Trump is squeaky clean. Democrats don't dare to impeach him because they got nothing.

Your nobody cares argument is flatly ridiculous on it's face.

Trump also known as Individual 1 is guilty of directing Cohen to break the law on two counts. There is a recording of Trump telling Cohen to break the law. In the Cohen indictment, Trump was referred to as individual 1.

The 735 former professional federal prosecutors say that the facts in the Mueller report say that your argument that a prosecutor could not probably sustain a conviction for obstruction of justice — the standard set out in Principles of Federal Prosecution — runs counter to logic and the experience of 735 former prosecutors.

Xav your arguments run counter to the many sources that I previously presented to you regrading underlying crimes being required for an obstruction of justice case. You insisted on disbelieving that reality. You have been unable to produce even one source supporting this fantasy position. Your arguments are refuted by what these 735 professionals think, they run counter to logic, according to these 735 former prosecutors. These professionals have the experience the expertise and the knowledge. Yet you reject their opinion because apparently you would suffer such severe cognitive dissonance that you must reject reality and instead embrace this fantasy.

A very important idea in the USA is that no one is above the law, not even the President. Trump is attempting to warp reality in order to place himself above the law.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
diablofdb wrote:
God I would love having a Death Note.
Kira was obviously the villain. Nothing Near said was wrong. The Ls of the world always win, eventually; death is not defeat.

Light was very unlucky to have picked it up. Very unlucky. I would think the same of myself if in that position.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 8, 2019, 12:25:18 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
diablofdb wrote:
God I would love having a Death Note.
Kira was obviously the villain. Nothing Near said was wrong. The Ls of the world always win, eventually; death is not defeat.

Light was very unlucky to have picked it up. Very unlucky. I would think the same of myself if in that position.

He used the Death Note in a very bad way, and ended up becoming the villain. I would on the other hand just make life easier, I would write my Grandmother in it, making sure she die in her sleep totally painlessly, well surrounded by her family and I would make sure she would still get some good few years of life.

There is so much power in that book that could be used to actually do good deeds. Imagine the possibilities.

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