Trump explains his businesses lost so much because he was avoiding tax
'You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes ... it was sport,' US president claims

oh dear god

This is the man at the helm of the formerly most prosperous nation in the world?

Good luck guys, you'll need it.
Turtledove wrote:

The 735 former professional federal prosecutors say that the facts in the Mueller report say that your argument that a prosecutor could not probably sustain a conviction for obstruction of justice — the standard set out in Principles of Federal Prosecution — runs counter to logic and the experience of 735 former prosecutors.

Those 735 who say that the facts in the Mueller report say that.....
Can't even point a SINGLE valid fact.

Like go man, point a single one, I'm asking for a single valid proof. I'm only asking the believe. Been like 4 years already that all of these people claim they have Facts.... yet none came up showing a single fact.

and this was the guy leading the charge:

Trump caused climate change. (It wasn't there before, right? Though it has gotten SO BAD in the last 2 years that the world will end in 10-12 years depending on which "expert" you ask).

Trump ruined the US economy. (Unemployment numbers are low, GDP is great but if HRC were president we would all get to eat cupcakes for lunch every day).

Trump ruined the American healthcare system. (This one is rich. Obama never needed any help).

Did you also know that Trump was the direct cause of WWI? WWII?

Fuck that, he was responsible for the Turks overrunning of Constantinople.

These sickies don't notice how crazy they sound.
kolyaboo wrote:
Trump caused climate change. (It wasn't there before, right? Though it has gotten SO BAD in the last 2 years that the world will end in 10-12 years depending on which "expert" you ask).

Trump ruined the US economy. (Unemployment numbers are low, GDP is great but if HRC were president we would all get to eat cupcakes for lunch every day).

Trump ruined the American healthcare system. (This one is rich. Obama never needed any help).

Did you also know that Trump was the direct cause of WWI? WWII?

Fuck that, he was responsible for the Turks overrunning of Constantinople.

These sickies don't notice how crazy they sound.

How many strawmen can you fit in one post?

You're going for a record here...
diablofdb wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

The 735 former professional federal prosecutors say that the facts in the Mueller report say that your argument that a prosecutor could not probably sustain a conviction for obstruction of justice — the standard set out in Principles of Federal Prosecution — runs counter to logic and the experience of 735 former prosecutors.

Those 735 who say that the facts in the Mueller report say that.....
Can't even point a SINGLE valid fact.

Like go man, point a single one, I'm asking for a single valid proof. I'm only asking the believe. Been like 4 years already that all of these people claim they have Facts.... yet none came up showing a single fact.

and this was the guy leading the charge:

here's some valid facts

The Mueller report describes several acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge: conduct that obstructed or attempted to obstruct the truth-finding process, as to which the evidence of corrupt intent and connection to pending proceedings is overwhelming. These include:

· The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort;

· The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and

· The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.

Attempts to fire Mueller and then create false evidence

Despite being advised by then-White House Counsel Don McGahn that he could face legal jeopardy for doing so, Trump directed McGahn on multiple occasions to fire Mueller or to gin up false conflicts of interest as a pretext for getting rid of the Special Counsel. When these acts began to come into public view, Trump made “repeated efforts to have McGahn deny the story” — going so far as to tell McGahn to write a letter “for our files” falsely denying that Trump had directed Mueller’s termination.

Firing Mueller would have seriously impeded the investigation of the President and his associates — obstruction in its most literal sense. Directing the creation of false government records in order to prevent or discredit truthful testimony is similarly unlawful. The Special Counsel’s report states: “Substantial evidence indicates that in repeatedly urging McGahn to dispute that he was ordered to have the Special Counsel terminated, the President acted for the purpose of influencing McGahn’s account in order to deflect or prevent scrutiny of the President’s conduct toward the investigation.”

Attempts to limit the Mueller investigation

The report describes multiple efforts by the president to curtail the scope of the Special Counsel’s investigation.

First, the President repeatedly pressured then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reverse his legally-mandated decision to recuse himself from the investigation. The President’s stated reason was that he wanted an attorney general who would “protect” him, including from the Special Counsel investigation. He also directed then-White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to fire Sessions and Priebus refused.

Second, after McGahn told the President that he could not contact Sessions himself to discuss the investigation, Trump went outside the White House, instructing his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, to carry a demand to Sessions to direct Mueller to confine his investigation to future elections. Lewandowski tried and failed to contact Sessions in private. After a second meeting with Trump, Lewandowski passed Trump’s message to senior White House official Rick Dearborn, who Lewandowski thought would be a better messenger because of his prior relationship with Sessions. Dearborn did not pass along Trump’s message.

As the report explains, “substantial evidence indicates that the President’s effort to have Sessions limit the scope of the Special Counsel’s investigation to future election interference was intended to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct” — in other words, the President employed a private citizen to try to get the Attorney General to limit the scope of an ongoing investigation into the President and his associates.

All of this conduct — trying to control and impede the investigation against the President by leveraging his authority over others — is similar to conduct we have seen charged against other public officials and people in powerful positions.

Witness tampering and intimidation

The Special Counsel’s report establishes that the President tried to influence the decisions of both Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort with regard to cooperating with investigators. Some of this tampering and intimidation, including the dangling of pardons, was done in plain sight via tweets and public statements; other such behavior was done via private messages through private attorneys, such as Trump counsel Rudy Giuliani’s message to Cohen’s lawyer that Cohen should “sleep well tonight[], you have friends in high places.”

Of course, these aren’t the only acts of potential obstruction detailed by the Special Counsel. It would be well within the purview of normal prosecutorial judgment also to charge other acts detailed in the report.

BTW the 735 former federal prosecutors is now 796 former federal prosecutors.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on May 8, 2019, 1:37:42 PM
rojimbbo wrote:
How many strawmen can you fit in one post?

You're going for a record here...

I don't know, you, as the holder of that record on this forum awash with people who don't even play the game it exists for, can surely tell me. Go count them in one of your wall of texts.
I think you don't understand man....

There is a difference between saying: the Muellers reports has facts... and showing the actual Facts that advance your opinion.

I want you to show me the actual facts.

edit: Btw even Mueller himself said there was no proof of collusion or anything criminal from Trump in his entire report. And that is fact.
Last edited by diablofdb on May 8, 2019, 1:59:23 PM
There was NO proof... God Damn people are so du*b these days.... TrumpForPresident2020
well 4 years of that... still waiting for the proofs CNN has.
Last edited by diablofdb on May 8, 2019, 1:59:02 PM
PathOfExileLatvija wrote:
There was NO proof... God Damn people are so du*b these days.... TrumpForPresident2020

This is because in American schools they no longer teach logic. But when everyone comes out of that giant trash compactor they are all attorneys. Go figure that one out.

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