faerwin wrote:
Personally, I also think democracy is a failure (because popularity doesn't mean being competent) but that doesn't mean that "Get rid of anyone that oppose my view" is a good thing.

The leadership shouldn't be based on my views either. My expertise in life lies elsewhere. That said, having a large part of a nation disagree and fight back the leadership is counterproductive. Therefore they shouldn't be allowed to play freely.

Then again, if democracy only moved a little bit towards tyranny instead of completely rebuilding the system, this change would just speed up the corruption and rotting clearly visible in today's democracy.
Last edited by Anonymous1749704 on Feb 13, 2019, 10:37:56 PM
Yet another TDSer outs himself as a tyrant. What a surprise!
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:
So did you join in the mindless chants of Lockerup and all that the rally? I often wonder if it's easy to fall under that idiotic spell, the fervour of a mob and all that.
To recap what I wrote before: I parked a few miles from the venue, waited for and rode a shuttle, saw a line a couple thousand people long just for overflow, said "fuck it," bought a MAGA hat and went home.

But in regards to Hilary, the explanation Comey gave for non-persecution of Clinton's private email server, juxtaposed with the determinations that she had mishandled the information, was frankly bullshit. Especially from my perspective: although I've been out since '13, as a network security grunt part of my job in the US Army was making sure people were in compliance with regulations regarding classified information and referring them to military police (CID) when not. I've been complicit in ruining the careers of otherwise good men for far less than Clinton was found to have done. It's a flagrant double standard.

Now, to be clear, my understanding is that people don't generally go to jail for that. Dishonorably discharged, yes — military career over, severely limited veterans benefits — but generally not imprisoned. I would have been satisfied with it if she'd been tried, convicted, and... just fined, really. I'd prefer a few months, maybe a year of jail, but I certainly am not of the "lock her up and throw away the key" persuasion. That comes more from the Fringe of the Trump base who thinks the Clintons are serial murderers. It might be a delicious fantasy for them, and technically given the number if counts not impossible, but I don't think we should treat mishandling of classified information on the same level as violent crime unless leaks are demonstrated to case loss of life.

But still, on that basis alone I consider Hilary Rodham Felon to be unfit for any public office. But I actually prefer it if I'm not the sole arbiter of that, and it's left to the people to vote on. It's just frustrating how full of shit Comey was.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Very interesting poll. I assumed that even the bigliest Trump fans would at least realize that Russia interfered in the election. Nope. This is such an easy win for Trump, I hope Democrats keep up the collusion delusion because it's a weak af strategy if we believe the poll.

Oh, and the TDSers believe Mueller has already proven that Trump campaign colluded with Russia. That's not a surprise though, they're very deluded.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
faerwin wrote:
Personally, I also think democracy is a failure (because popularity doesn't mean being competent) but that doesn't mean that "Get rid of anyone that oppose my view" is a good thing.
The leadership shouldn't be based on my views either. My expertise in life lies elsewhere. That said, having a large part of a nation disagree and fight back the leadership is counterproductive. Therefore they shouldn't be allowed to play freely.

Then again, if democracy only moved a little bit towards tyranny instead of completely rebuilding the system, this change would just speed up the corruption and rotting clearly visible in today's democracy.
You know what improves the efficacy of democracy without needing to resort to tyranny? Breaking up larger governments, like the US federal government or the EU, into smaller, independently sovereign units, such that the situation in England isn't decided in part by representatives from Germany, or vice versa.

But that would require you willingly allowing somebody to do shit you don't approve of in a distant land. That may prove to much for your particular sense of Justice. Ah, Justice — without it, Yagami Light would have been a boring anime teenager instead of a fascinating mass murderer.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 14, 2019, 2:26:40 AM
Xavderion wrote:

Being offended on other people's behalf, that's a classic among white leftists from the US so you would fit right in. I bet a lot of black people in the US are aware of the problems and would happily discuss them and look for a real solution instead of some feel-good bullshit from "academia".

professor Meredith Minkler opened her keynote speech at a symposium today with thankyous. One was "for putting 10, 182 miles between me and Trump". She called him anti science, anti democracy, and anti something else. Made me (and the audience) laugh, in a good way. Berkely radical and all, not your kind of peeps, haha! XD

Community engaged research was the topic of the day, and the Trump comments and topic made me think of the thread here. I won't go into it too much; suffice to say there's a lot of people in academia working with people in community, y'know, living the experiences, with the aim of affecting social change. Nothing new, except to those who think all researchers parachute in, exploit people they study and then fuck off with a dissertation in their crumpler bag, or never leave their ivory towers.

example case: doing something about wage theft in San Fran.

One of the closing slides.

Sobering stat Minkler quoted - has come out recently that 26 people have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the earth's population.

Trump's a canker sore, compared to that.

Last edited by erdelyii on Feb 14, 2019, 3:51:18 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
faerwin wrote:
Personally, I also think democracy is a failure (because popularity doesn't mean being competent) but that doesn't mean that "Get rid of anyone that oppose my view" is a good thing.
The leadership shouldn't be based on my views either. My expertise in life lies elsewhere. That said, having a large part of a nation disagree and fight back the leadership is counterproductive. Therefore they shouldn't be allowed to play freely.

Then again, if democracy only moved a little bit towards tyranny instead of completely rebuilding the system, this change would just speed up the corruption and rotting clearly visible in today's democracy.
You know what improves the efficacy of democracy without needing to resort to tyranny? Breaking up larger governments, like the US federal government or the EU, into smaller, independently sovereign units, such that the situation in England isn't decided in part by representatives from Germany, or vice versa.

But that would require you willingly allowing somebody to do shit you don't approve of in a distant land. That may prove to much for your particular sense of Justice. Ah, Justice — without it, Yagami Light would have been a boring anime teenager instead of a fascinating mass murderer.

EU isn't like the USA government (yet, give it a few years or a decade), but I do agree with the sentiment. Make it ~50 countries instead of states.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
You know what improves the efficacy of democracy without needing to resort to tyranny? Breaking up larger governments, like the US federal government or the EU, into smaller, independently sovereign units, such that the situation in England isn't decided in part by representatives from Germany, or vice versa.

But that would require you willingly allowing somebody to do shit you don't approve of in a distant land. That may prove to much for your particular sense of Justice. Ah, Justice — without it, Yagami Light would have been a boring anime teenager instead of a fascinating mass murderer.
EU isn't like the USA government (yet, give it a few years or a decade), but I do agree with the sentiment. Make it ~50 countries instead of states.
Congratulations, you're a nationalist. This is the big scary idea that's behind Brexit and that Steve Bannon is pushing.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 14, 2019, 10:56:17 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
You know what improves the efficacy of democracy without needing to resort to tyranny? Breaking up larger governments, like the US federal government or the EU, into smaller, independently sovereign units, such that the situation in England isn't decided in part by representatives from Germany, or vice versa.

But that would require you willingly allowing somebody to do shit you don't approve of in a distant land. That may prove to much for your particular sense of Justice. Ah, Justice — without it, Yagami Light would have been a boring anime teenager instead of a fascinating mass murderer.
EU isn't like the USA government (yet, give it a few years or a decade), but I do agree with the sentiment. Make it ~50 countries instead of states.
Congratulations, you're a nationalist. This is the big scary idea that's behind Brexit and that Steve Bannon is pushing.

Sentiment - A general thought, feeling, or sense. I had to look up the exact definition to make sure I didn't say something I didn't mean. Care to tell me how agreeing with splitting up states into countries suddenly made me a supporter of nationalist ideology and/or reasoning? From what I can see, you're only able to draw baseless assumption about my motives for supporting said split.

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