This is real btw. He broke them lmao.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:
Nice set of statistics for a person who really shouldn't truck with something as academic as statistical analysis.

I have nothing against real science. I actually love it, that's why I spent 7 years at uni.

鬼殺し wrote:
All you've done is confirm white privilege here, because you've failed to identify that the underlying cause of ALL this is because the system is rigged against African-Americans, STILL.

Explain how this confirms white privilege. And explain how the system is rigged. Poverty is a cycle and it's hard to get out of it (even for "privileged" whitey) so that's one angle where you could maybe call it "rigged". But you're implying that whitey is putting the black man down because he's racist. Prove it (with statistics, of course).
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:

These show that solving those problems would help black people.

That’s not what you said though. You said:
Xavderion wrote:

There are two reasons why black people are on average worse off than anyone else, they leave school too early and they have broken up families (deadbeat dads and moms who irresponsibly choose the dads) which both leads to economic problems which is the core reason why they're doing badly. Fix both issues and suddenly they're doing fine, no whitey to put them down. This btw also explains why Asians and Jews are doing superb.

It isn’t that those aren’t real issues, but that it is not the complete picture.
How about this:
Key Points
The college earnings premium for black males was smaller, about 42%, or $12,500, per year.
The earnings differential between high school graduates and associate degree recipients ranged from 17% ($6,100) for white men to 34% ($10,100) for black men and 34% ($9,000) for white women.
For all racial/ethnic groups, the difference between median earnings for men and women was smaller for four-year college graduates than for high school graduates. For high school graduates, the gap ranged from 22% for blacks to 37% for whites; for bachelor’s degree recipients, the gap ranged from 4% for blacks to 31% for whites.

Here I was thinking to pop a stupid tweet in.

This -
Xavderion wrote:

Being offended on other people's behalf, that's a classic among white leftists from the US so you would fit right in. I bet a lot of black people in the US are aware of the problems and would happily discuss them and look for a real solution instead of some feel-good bullshit from "academia".

Indeed. Perhaps you could check out what at least one of them is saying, before you post next time?

More than 70 percent of black births happen outside marriage. From Tea Party candidates to black clergy, folks will tell you that statistic is a sin and a shame. For a society that is mistrustful of sexually active, unmarried women and wedded to the superiority of male-led households, those numbers demonstrate unchecked aberrance and are used to confirm stereotypes about black women’s femininity and sexuality. This statistic is positioned as the reason for every social ill plaguing the black community and, once again, very likely the fault of black women.

Conservative columnist George Will said on ABC’s This Week that single mothers present a bigger threat to African Americans than the loss of voting rights. Jimi Izrael, frequent contributor to NPR, wrote in his book The Denzel Principle that high rates of black divorce and single-parent families “really reflects less on black men and more on black women and their inability to make good choices.”

Dr. Sarah J. Jackson says that black women’s sexuality and motherhood have been part of public discourse since slavery, when our reproduction was an integral part of the economy, like the livestock that kept the agricultural engine going. People were as inclined to talk about black women birthing babies as they were cows bearing calves. And, like those cows, black women were viewed as uncivilized and unintentional breeders. The institution of slavery required a voluntary blindness to the idea of black family. “If you’re treating a group of people like animals, you have to believe that they’re not capable of making the same emotional bonds with their children that you are. Otherwise, you might feel bad about selling their children off down the river,” Jackson says.

Here again, the Moynihan Report and its support for the stereotypes of the Matriarch, Sapphire, and Jezebel play a role in ensuring that the public discussion of black motherhood is relentlessly negative.

“If the male isn’t the primary breadwinner of the family, then the children of that family are forever deviant. It’s right there on the page,” says Jackson.

Ronald Reagan, in his 1976 presidential campaign, abetted this idea with his bogeywoman, the “welfare queen.”...

If America were having an honest conversation about black motherhood, the screeds about the scourge of baby mamas would also note that birth rates among African American women are lower than ever before in recorded history and that part of the explanation for the high percentage of out-of-wedlock black babies lies with the fact that fewer black women are marrying and many of those women are deciding not to have children. Married black women are also having fewer children.

No. The conversation about black single motherhood in America is driven by gender- and race-biased moral panic and is primarily a means to exonerate systemic inequality for America’s problems, while leveraging age-old stereotypes to scapegoat black women and their children. The reduction of black motherhood to concerns about indiscriminate fucking, emasculating black men, draining the public teat, and releasing frightening, no-daddy-having offspring onto beleaguered American streets stains every black mothering experience, no matter how much individual realities differ.

When life experiences collide with stereotypes, drawing a distinction can be even tougher, the burden heavier.
Thirty-four-year-old Brandee Mimitzraiem is not the woman people imagine when they hear about single black mothers. She is working on her PhD in theology and philosophy and is a member of the clergy in the AME Church. She gave birth to two sons, becoming a single mother by choice after realizing at twenty-six that marriage would never be for her.

“I do see myself reflected a lot in the stereotype and it bothers me,” she says. “You know, I’ve had to go on food stamps. My babies are on Medicaid right now, because I cannot afford insurance for the three of us.

“People say, ‘You’re getting a PhD. It’s not the same. You’re not like them.’” But I am, and my kids go to school with ‘them.’ I take those issues of class very seriously. I’m not going to look down on somebody else because they don’t have the same education as me. I don’t have a baby daddy, but at the same time, I’m a black single mom, whose kids are on Medicaid. And I get talked about horribly for actually raising my kids, too.”

All black mothers are forced to expend energy (as if being a parent isn’t hard enough) trying to outrun the idea that they are bad mothers who birth and then neglect bad kids with uninvolved, bad daddies.
Now, that is a sin and a shame.

Article here, in Denene Miller's My Brown Baby

Last edited by erdelyii on Feb 12, 2019, 2:57:10 AM
鬼殺し wrote:

Keep in mind, ergmagerd, this is the same piece of work who said this:

Xavderion wrote:
Planned Parenthood, which started out as an anti-black eugenics programs

and when proven wrong, said nothing but instead just moved to the next outrageous claim.

I admire your ardour and zeal for thorough dissection but pearls something swine...

Oh it took a few minutes to find something from someone who's living it, Charan. Denene Miller did the hard work there.

merrily merrily :)
鬼殺し wrote:

Shhhh don't admit that, they'll never hire you if you make the job look easy.

Oh, I think it's a plus, personally.

are african american women the number one killer of african americans?
Last edited by llivingace on Feb 12, 2019, 3:57:10 AM
Orange man bad for movie löl

I predict a sparkling future with "Trump-Free"-Stickers on various products in grocerystores but i could be wrong.
鬼殺し wrote:
MrCoo1 wrote:
How about this:
Key Points
The college earnings premium for black males was smaller, about 42%, or $12,500, per year.
The earnings differential between high school graduates and associate degree recipients ranged from 17% ($6,100) for white men to 34% ($10,100) for black men and 34% ($9,000) for white women.
For all racial/ethnic groups, the difference between median earnings for men and women was smaller for four-year college graduates than for high school graduates. For high school graduates, the gap ranged from 22% for blacks to 37% for whites; for bachelor’s degree recipients, the gap ranged from 4% for blacks to 31% for whites.

Now that's REALLY interesting. I see clear evidence of white privilege here.

It seems *if* a black person can get an advanced degree, the gap between their annual earnings and a white person's (ignoring Asian for the time being, not part of the conversation here), is much smaller, indicating the black person has 'beaten the odds' and entered the rarefied stratum of the PhD.

But if you compare bachelor's degrees, much more common a qualification, that's a huge gap between black males and white males!

And white high school graduate males earn 6k more a year than black. That's very telling.

It seems outside of this disparity, Asians and Hispanics form the bookends.

And there's no need to discuss the gender gap. It's right there on full display.

Thanks for sharing this one. Very pertinent. Worthy of its own thread, although I'm not sure there's much point. It'd just draw the usual battle lines as we see here. The only time there's any unity in Off-Topic now is when our resident tin-foil hat nutter makes another batshit claim about the shape of the earth or the pointlessness of vaccinations in 2019.

You have to ignore Asians because it completely ruins the white privilege and whitey is racist narrative. Talking about Asian privilege would sound stupid, right? And then there's that other can of worms with Jews doing incredibly well. I can only imagine your emotional response to that.

The wage gaps don't prove any kind of racism or whitey rigging the system in his favor. It's an interesting topic but since it's driven by ideology it's rarely fruitful. At least the gender wage gap has been thoroughly explained as a biological reality and a myth in regards to some sort of evil patriarchy holding the women down. I assume if someone tried he could also rationally explain the racial wage gaps.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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