erdelyii wrote:
Here I was thinking to pop a stupid tweet in.

This -
Xavderion wrote:

Being offended on other people's behalf, that's a classic among white leftists from the US so you would fit right in. I bet a lot of black people in the US are aware of the problems and would happily discuss them and look for a real solution instead of some feel-good bullshit from "academia".

Indeed. Perhaps you could check out what at least one of them is saying, before you post next time?

More than 70 percent of black births happen outside marriage. From Tea Party candidates to black clergy, folks will tell you that statistic is a sin and a shame. For a society that is mistrustful of sexually active, unmarried women and wedded to the superiority of male-led households, those numbers demonstrate unchecked aberrance and are used to confirm stereotypes about black women’s femininity and sexuality. This statistic is positioned as the reason for every social ill plaguing the black community and, once again, very likely the fault of black women.

Conservative columnist George Will said on ABC’s This Week that single mothers present a bigger threat to African Americans than the loss of voting rights. Jimi Izrael, frequent contributor to NPR, wrote in his book The Denzel Principle that high rates of black divorce and single-parent families “really reflects less on black men and more on black women and their inability to make good choices.”

Dr. Sarah J. Jackson says that black women’s sexuality and motherhood have been part of public discourse since slavery, when our reproduction was an integral part of the economy, like the livestock that kept the agricultural engine going. People were as inclined to talk about black women birthing babies as they were cows bearing calves. And, like those cows, black women were viewed as uncivilized and unintentional breeders. The institution of slavery required a voluntary blindness to the idea of black family. “If you’re treating a group of people like animals, you have to believe that they’re not capable of making the same emotional bonds with their children that you are. Otherwise, you might feel bad about selling their children off down the river,” Jackson says.

Here again, the Moynihan Report and its support for the stereotypes of the Matriarch, Sapphire, and Jezebel play a role in ensuring that the public discussion of black motherhood is relentlessly negative.

“If the male isn’t the primary breadwinner of the family, then the children of that family are forever deviant. It’s right there on the page,” says Jackson.

Ronald Reagan, in his 1976 presidential campaign, abetted this idea with his bogeywoman, the “welfare queen.”...

If America were having an honest conversation about black motherhood, the screeds about the scourge of baby mamas would also note that birth rates among African American women are lower than ever before in recorded history and that part of the explanation for the high percentage of out-of-wedlock black babies lies with the fact that fewer black women are marrying and many of those women are deciding not to have children. Married black women are also having fewer children.

No. The conversation about black single motherhood in America is driven by gender- and race-biased moral panic and is primarily a means to exonerate systemic inequality for America’s problems, while leveraging age-old stereotypes to scapegoat black women and their children. The reduction of black motherhood to concerns about indiscriminate fucking, emasculating black men, draining the public teat, and releasing frightening, no-daddy-having offspring onto beleaguered American streets stains every black mothering experience, no matter how much individual realities differ.

When life experiences collide with stereotypes, drawing a distinction can be even tougher, the burden heavier.
Thirty-four-year-old Brandee Mimitzraiem is not the woman people imagine when they hear about single black mothers. She is working on her PhD in theology and philosophy and is a member of the clergy in the AME Church. She gave birth to two sons, becoming a single mother by choice after realizing at twenty-six that marriage would never be for her.

“I do see myself reflected a lot in the stereotype and it bothers me,” she says. “You know, I’ve had to go on food stamps. My babies are on Medicaid right now, because I cannot afford insurance for the three of us.

“People say, ‘You’re getting a PhD. It’s not the same. You’re not like them.’” But I am, and my kids go to school with ‘them.’ I take those issues of class very seriously. I’m not going to look down on somebody else because they don’t have the same education as me. I don’t have a baby daddy, but at the same time, I’m a black single mom, whose kids are on Medicaid. And I get talked about horribly for actually raising my kids, too.”

All black mothers are forced to expend energy (as if being a parent isn’t hard enough) trying to outrun the idea that they are bad mothers who birth and then neglect bad kids with uninvolved, bad daddies.
Now, that is a sin and a shame.

Article here, in Denene Miller's My Brown Baby

I'm not sure what the point of your post is. I never discussed the topic from a moral angle because that's not interesting to me. And I realize that being a single mother is tough and some people are being assholes about it. But how does this relate to the stats I posted?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
It's so hard to stand by either Republicans or Democrats when both sides have retarded stances on various things. You'd need a masters degree in politics as well as a decade of research just to decide which side is likely to be the lesser evil another decade down the road...

the sides are practically the same, the ruling parties themselves that is.

trump is really a front figure who gets people either hot and bothered or really mad because he either stands for their beliefs or stands completely against their beliefs. in reality I see most people for or anti-trump not because of policies or whatever, but of what he embodies/symbolizes.

which actually brings me to the initial point. the sides are the same, the sentiment is different.

in reality, which party rules is simply nonimportant. compared to other countries' parties, both of the parties are fairly centrist no matter how many 'alt-right' or 'sjw' monikers they give to each other. trump will likely win a re-election because of how much disarray is currently in the dem party when they figure out who is the 'true' democrat and who isn't.

Im a simple man.
So it's fuck both parties. fuck the status quo democrats who want to disguise their goals with abstract democracy. but also, fuck the racists who support trump because he embodies and empowers their inner small dick complexes

fuck em both.

the fact that we do a pretty divided country is troubling, however, but that is another story. both clown parties can fuck off
鬼殺し wrote:

Keep in mind, ergmagerd, this is the same piece of work who said this:

Xavderion wrote:
Planned Parenthood, which started out as an anti-black eugenics programs

and when proven wrong, said nothing but instead just moved to the next outrageous claim.

Nobody has proven me wrong so I ignored it. Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist, just read her speech.

The first step would thus be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, epileptics.

The second step would be to take an inventory of the secondary group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection and segregate on farms and open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct.

Here's what she had to say about black people:

“The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

And she spoke to the KKK and was proud of it. What a hero.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Regime change per Twitter. What a timeline.

He should tweet in Russian next, I want to see the salt flow.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Feb 12, 2019, 5:14:42 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
presented proof Xav is a BS Hypocrite
Democrats elected a domestic abuser, a woman who married her brother, a man who hired underage prostitutes, and a woman who is dumber than a salamander.



The morning after the 2018 U.S. midterm elections on 6 November 2018, the Facebook page “Flyover Culture” posted a meme that supposedly showed some of the “horrible” Democratic Party candidates who had just won their elections:

From left to right, this image graphic shows Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bob Menendez, Ilhan Omar, and Keith Ellison. While it’s true that all four of these individuals won election during the 2018 midterms, most of the criticisms of them expressed in this meme are subjective or unsubstantiated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is dumber than a salamander?

While the other three claims in this meme were at least rooted in something from conspiracy theory to news reports, the description of Ocasio-Cortez was nothing more than an ad hominem insult. Out of curiosity, however, we attempted to find the average IQ of a salamander but were unable to unearth any credible studies relating to IQ tests for amphibians.

IQ tests for humans do exist, but it should be noted that they aren’t the best method for measuring intelligence. We weren’t able to find any credible reports about Ocasio-Crotez’ IQ, but it’s reasonable to assume that the youngest woman ever to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives is more intelligent than your average salamander (and possibly most meme makers to boot).

Bob Menendez preys on underage prostitutes?

A few weeks before the midterm elections, Menendez’ Republican opponent Bob Hugin released an attack ad that resurrected old and unsubstantiated allegations that Menendez had hired underage prostitutes while on a trip to the Dominican Republic:

A million-dollar ad campaign launched by Republican Senate candidate nominee Bob Hugin resurrected the most salacious charges against U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez: unproven allegations that he was involved with prostitutes during trips to the Dominican Republic with friend and campaign donor, Dr. Salomon Melgen …

The ad makes reference to an FBI affidavit that was filed to show probable cause for a search warrant. However, there was never any evidence or confirmation of such allegations, nor were any charges filed in connection with the matter.

This allegation stemmed from an anonymous tip sent to the left-leaning legal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington in 2012. The matter was referred to the FBI, but the ensuing investigation found that the allegations lacked credibility:

The tipster, who last spring began e-mailing allegations to a government watchdog group and the FBI, said he had evidence that Menendez had relations with underage prostitutes and participated in sex parties arranged by [Dr. Salomon] Melgen, his friend and political backer.

FBI agents conducting interviews in the Dominican Republic have found no evidence to back up the tipster’s allegations, according to two people briefed on their work.

Menendez has denied the prostitution claims, saying they were made by enemies trying to undermine him as he sought reelection in the fall and became chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this year.

Ilhan Omar married her brother?

This claim has been circulating on far-right blogs since 2016 and stems from an article (which has since been deleted) published on the Somalispot website. This rumor is typically accompanied by the accusation that the Minnesota politician committed fraud by marrying her brother in order to speed up his immigration process.

No hard evidence has ever been presented to show that Ilhan Omar was ever married to her brother, and she has repeatedly denounced this allegation a lie. Omar detailed her marital history to the Minnesota Post in an email and said that the accusation she married her brother was “absurd and offensive”:

In 2002, when I was 19 years old, Ahmed Hirsi (whose name before he received citizenship was Ahmed Aden), the father of my children and love of my life, and I, applied for a marriage license, but we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married. In 2008, we decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition after reaching an impasse in our life together.

I entered into a relationship with a British citizen, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and married him legally in 2009. Our relationship ended in 2011 and we divorced in our faith tradition. After that, he moved home to England. I have yet to legally divorce Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, but am in the process of doing so. Insinuations that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is my brother are absurd and offensive.

Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi, we have married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together. Like all families, we have had our ups and downs but we are proud to have come through it together.

Claims that Omar is anti-semitic stem primarily from a tweet she made in 2012 that was critical of Israel, and her description of that country as an “apartheid regime”:

Ilhan Omar

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

4:15 AM - Nov 17, 2012
Twitter Ads info and privacy
19.8K people are talking about this

Omar has denied that her criticisms of Israel are rooted in anti-semitism:

Omar’s tweets about Israel have earned her notoriety in the pro-Israel community. In 2012, she said that Israel had “hypnotized the world” to ignore its “evil doings.” Defending that tweet, she said on the same platform that calling attention to the “Israeli apartheid regime” was not anti-Semitic.

Speaking at a candidates’ forum at Beth El Synagogue in Saint Louis Park, she affirmed her belief in Israel’s right to exist and said she opposed the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel.

“It is going to be important for us to recognize Israel’s place in the Middle East and the Jewish people’s rightful place within that region,” she said, according to a report by a local news site, TC Jewfolk.

“I believe right now with the BDS movement, it’s not helpful in getting that two-state solution,” said Omar, who had been endorsed by the [Democratic Farmer Labor party]. “I think the particular purpose for [BDS] is to make sure that there is pressure, and I think that pressure really is counteractive. Because in order for us to have a process of getting to a two-state solution, people have to be willing to come to the table and have a conversation about how that is going to be possible and I think that stops the dialogue.”

Keith Ellison beats women?

In August 2018, the son of Keith Ellison’s ex-girlfriend, Karen Monahan, took to Facebook and claimed that he had a video of the Democratic politician verbally and physically abusing his mother. Ellison denied the allegations, and an investigation into the matter found no evidence to substantiate the claim:

An ex-girlfriend’s allegation that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison once physically abused her could not be substantiated because she refused to provide video she said she had of the incident, an attorney with links to the state’s Democratic party who was hired to investigate the claims concluded in a draft report obtained by The Associated Press.

The party launched an investigation after Karen Monahan alleged in August [2018] that the Democratic congressman dragged her off a bed by her feet while screaming obscenities at her in 2016. Ellison, also a deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has denied the accusation.

A similar allegation was levied against Ellison in 2006. But again, substantiating evidence was lacking:

In 2006 another woman, Amy Alexander, made similar claims of abuse against Ellison. On that occasion, he denied ever dating her and ended up suing Alexander and successfully obtained a restraining order against her.

The claim that Ellison is anti-semitic primarily stems from his earlier association with the Nation of Islam. Ellison maintained he was never a member of that organization, and he denounced the group in 2006:

The Minnesota Democrat’s Jewish critics cite his involvement in law school with the Nation of Islam, an African-American group that has been described as antisemitic, and his criticism of Israel over the years.

A profile in Mother Jones cited sources claiming that Ellison was once a member of the group — the lawmaker has said he worked with them but was never a member — and clashed with Jewish students in law school at the University of Minnesota.

A spokesman for Ellison told [Jewish Telegraphic Agency] that he was not a Nation of Islam member and that other aspects of the Mother Jones article were false.

Before he became the first Muslim elected to Congress in 2006, Ellison apologized for his involvement in the Nation of Islam and denounced the group.

“I have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation of bigoted and antisemitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam, [its leader] Louis Farrakhan, and [Farrakhan’s late assistant] Khalid Muhammed,” he wrote in a two-page letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas in May 2006 after winning the Democratic primary.

Bolded the relevant bits for the hard-of-reading in the room.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Xav who warns others about falling for fake news! Xav who lied that he goes to the source instead of falling for fake news! Proof that Xav falls for the lies of pathological liars and worse! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh man Charan, that was hilarious. Thanks!

Really more evidence that Xav is a troll trying to solidify Angela Merkel as the leader of the free world. Which is a noble goal that I agree with since Trump is so unfit for that role. Xav is a German after all.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
more evidence that Xav is a troll trying to solidify Angela Merkel as the leader of the free world. Which is a noble goal that I agree with since Trump is so unfit for that role. Xav is a German after all.
You're trying too hard.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

Might want to check on approval ratings and incumbents' re-election. Of course there is time for this to go down before 11/20. But 52% is very good, considering how divided everyone is ...

Last edited by kolyaboo on Feb 12, 2019, 12:20:12 PM
kolyaboo wrote:

Might want to check on approval ratings and incumbents' re-election. Of course there is time for this to go down before 11/20. But 52% is very good, considering how divided everyone is ...

From the article you linked:
An average of presidential approval polls maintained by Real Clear Politics now has the president at 42.4 per cent.

That suggests he still has a steep hill to climb at a time when most Americans still blame him and congressional Republicans for the shutdown – and Washington is growing skittish about the possibiity of a repeat performance Friday night.

Xavderion wrote:

The wage gaps don't prove any kind of racism or whitey rigging the system in his favor. It's an interesting topic but since it's driven by ideology it's rarely fruitful. At least the gender wage gap has been thoroughly explained as a biological reality and a myth in regards to some sort of evil patriarchy holding the women down. I assume if someone tried he could also rationally explain the racial wage gaps.

At the vary least, it proves there is more going on than just education level.
kolyaboo wrote:

Might want to check on approval ratings and incumbents' re-election. Of course there is time for this to go down before 11/20. But 52% is very good, considering how divided everyone is ...

Literally the first paragraph:

Donald Trump's job approval rating among likely U.S. voters hit 52 per cent on Monday in a daily tracking poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, the polling organization he uses most frequently to promote himself.

Trumpets gave shit on all the polls (including neutral ones) that showed Trump losing pre-2016 elections, but now that there's a poll by an organization 'most frequently' used by Trump to promote himself, the numbers are somehow legit?

The level of idiocy is unbearable.

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