About the whole transgender thing, I have quite a unique position on it.

I have no problem with a male or female identifying as the other sex. To me, this is an acceptance of who you are.

I DO have a problem with a male or female going upon an actual sex change. To me, this is an a refusal to accept what you are.

The problem, in my opinion, comes from the perspective that males and females should have behaviors that are strict to a specific sex, more specifically male. For example, it is not socially accepted that a male wear dresses, make up, high eels and a variety of fashion accessories. I believe that this cause the man that identify as female to wish to become a woman even if that's not what he is.

I think that if that kind of social pressure in pre-determined social behavior was to disappear, the need (or rather, the perceptiveness for a) for sex change operations would drastically go down.

Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun

Essential for all dumbasses maybe. Do you read the links you post? Do teenagers write these things?

They are on par with inforwars (who i find very entertaining)
Chadwixx wrote:

Do teenagers write these things?

What about the article makes you think a teenager wrote it? Is it the vocabulary or sentence structure? Use of grammar?
Let me ask you.

What is opposite?

The opposite of a square, you'll likely answer a circle.

If asked why, you'll likely say "because the circle has no corner, while a square has 4".

The same way the opposite of "bitter" is "sweet". Loud to quiet, bright to dark.

Opposites are objects or concepts that share many MANY bases but are opposed on one aspect.

It's why the opposite of "cold" isn't "John McClay".

As such, it's logical that two political parties share most of their stances/opinions and bicker over the few ones they don't share.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
looks like national emergency to put army into action on the wall is on the menu
faerwin wrote:
Let me ask you.

What is opposite?

The opposite of a square, you'll likely answer a circle.

If asked why, you'll likely say "because the circle has no corner, while a square has 4".

The same way the opposite of "bitter" is "sweet". Loud to quiet, bright to dark.

Opposites are objects or concepts that share many MANY bases but are opposed on one aspect.

It's why the opposite of "cold" isn't "John McClay".

As such, it's logical that two political parties share most of their stances/opinions and bicker over the few ones they don't share.

I assume that Charan was referring to racism type issues. During the civil war the Republicans were against slavery. Today the Republican party, especially under Trump, is close to outwardly racist. Or at least nodding approval to racist views. Touting things like poor white people (like me) are more likely to face racial discrimination than black man. Saying that Nazi sympathizers marching in Charlottesville are morally equivalent to the counter protesters.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Great observations on all counts. Crazy how the same party who's leader abolished slavery later morphed into the home base of the KKK
Ah, the myth of the ol' switcheroo. Meanwhile there's only one party who supports Planned Parenthood, which started out as an anti-black eugenics program and still aborts black babies with an overwhelming majority. And in Democratic Virginia, a white dude wore blackface but a black dude is getting impeached. Nice optics!
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:

The "transgender" movement is a war upon the concept and practice of gender itself. This movement claims that associating with the gender — that is, sex-based social norms — of the sex that you are NOT is valid, healthy, and even praiseworthy.

I have genuine empathy and compassion for folks with gender dysphoria. The complications can be harrowing, even lethal. But I also feel like the more mainstream transgender movement is in full mockery of the suffering of dysphorics by acting as if this thing that torments them so is good and enjoyable and healthy, and worse — that many dysphorics buy into that narrative and forgo treatment when they desperately need it. I'm not quite sure which of these two groups you're referring to here, or if you've conflated them.
Sorry, one of the rare times that I have to say that you are wrong. It is ridiculous to claim that the transgender movement is a war on gender. It is a movement to try to get the personal freedom to deal with the feelings some people have about themselves. It is a struggle for personal freedom. They are not saying that the normal male and female gender identities can no longer exist or anything like that.

I don't understand why the political right is so against people having control over their own bodies and own identities.
I daresay not all freedom is for good. Last summer I spent a few weeks in a feminist/LGBTQ discord out of curiosity. It was an interesting experience, though what I learnt about the trans community can be summed up pretty well:

"If you address me as he, she or it, you are personally attacking me and
are infringing on my rights."

When your "personal freedom" becomes something only achieved by taking away from MY "personal freedom", you can be damn sure I won't just quietly acquiesce to their demands.
faerwin wrote:
About the whole transgender thing, I have quite a unique position on it.

I have no problem with a male or female identifying as the other sex. To me, this is an acceptance of who you are.

I DO have a problem with a male or female going upon an actual sex change. To me, this is an a refusal to accept what you are.

The problem, in my opinion, comes from the perspective that males and females should have behaviors that are strict to a specific sex, more specifically male. For example, it is not socially accepted that a male wear dresses, make up, high eels and a variety of fashion accessories. I believe that this cause the man that identify as female to wish to become a woman even if that's not what he is.

I think that if that kind of social pressure in pre-determined social behavior was to disappear, the need (or rather, the perceptiveness for a) for sex change operations would drastically go down.
My own position actually isn't that much different from faerwin's, but you need to understand that crossdressing/dragqueening is distinct from transgender. For example, let's say there's this guy Milo and he sometimes dresses up as his drag persona Ivana. So long as this person maintains the original Milo persona sometimes, Ivana is NOT transgender. In contrast, if I went to Ivana and called her Milo and she got all pissy and said Milo is dead, THAT would be transgender.

TL;DR: A transgender person is not merely someone who dresses up and plays pretend sometimes; a transgender person is someone who refuses to come back to reality and acts as if the costume is on all the time.

I don't have any problem with crossdressers and drag people. None whatever. But I'm radically opposed to transgender people because they are NOT about personal freedom, but about hating one's own body inwardly and about compelled behavior outwardly. Transgender people are (or claim to be) at odds with their natural born sex, and they expect everyone to play along with this illusion forever, or they'll tear up the fucking GameStop.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 11, 2019, 2:07:02 AM

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