The DNC, DCCC and Podesta's gmail were hacked by Russian GRU and disseminated through their controlled cutout, Wikileaks.
Anything other story is propaganda cooked up by the Kremlin and domestic right wing deep state disinfo operation. |
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" It's fake news for asking a legitimate question? Anyone who's not a total moron knows Bolton and co. are looking to attack Iran. We don't have to be in Iraq to watch Iran. We have the IAEA watching them and satellites. It doesn't help that the US and Isreal put out fake news at the International Atomic Energy Agency meeting in Vienna this week. Saying that Iran had just abandoned its nuclear deal with world powers and will start kicking out inspectors immediately. When caught they said it was was meant to be an entertaining thought exercise. Kinda like how Trump got caught this week lying about our intelligence agencies. |
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" Maybe he'll be cuffed by the marshals and perp walked off the stage :) |
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" Exactly. It's not like Trump doesn't take non recorded meetings with Putin regularly or anything. He's a conman and can't be trusted. |
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Something to watch for is Deutsche Bank And the money laundering links to VTB, VEB and Alfa banks (I know, but it's fun to make stuff up. Ask Scrotie and Xav!) |
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Another great article I discovered. Some of the best ones are by people who know the enemy the best. |
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" Trump says he wants to "look at Iran". Fake news media interprets it as him wanting to strike Iran. In what world is that legitimate? Only if you buy into the fear mongering. Remember the "muh nuclear codes" talking point? Trump is the most peaceful president in decades. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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"False. It has not clearly been changed since the original hack. It may have been changed or not, and there's no clear way to know. I already addressed the notion that the metadata could be easily counterfeited (point #3) but I don't believe it was. But let's put it in a way we both can agree on: either the DNC "hack" was performed on-site within the DNC network, or it was performed over the Internet and the hackers later counterfeited evidence pointing falsely to onsite extraction even though DKIM authentication proves the leaked emails were genuine. "Okay, so which am I then? Deep state, or Russian? Can I be lizard people? "So you're saying CNN staff should be detained in Gitmo without due process?
Just kidding.
Seriously tho, reminds me of Poor Cathy Newman vs Lobster Daddy. But just as in Newman's case, I don't think it's fake news to respond to someone with a completely incompetent summary followed by a question mark. That's not a lie, it's a question. Potentially an extremely stupid, humiliating question, but a question nevertheless. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 3, 2019, 11:53:29 PM
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It's a military base that's looking into a foreign power. OF COURSE it's to be able to strike if needed. It's not a fucking weather balloon.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun |
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" Trump don't believe those US spies that say Iran halted its nuclear weapons programs. He need alternative facts. You know what I mean... |
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