Chadwixx wrote:
Btw, did anyone find it hillarious as to why they raided Stones house in the middle of the night?

They didnt want him to physically destory the data on his cloud. They dont even know how a cloud works, that data isnt at his house, lol

Between hillarys server that used "password" as the password, i really question the competency.

It was early morning just before dawn.

They removed physical hard drives and electronic devices.

Hillary's server was hacked by a Kremlin officer.

The 'password' password idea is an alt/right Kremlin story brought to you from the same people as pizzagate (which you likely also believe to be true)
鬼殺し wrote:
I try to do all of them. This was the first I refunded. Fire and Fury was so clearly Bannon's vehicle. A Higher Loyalty was interesting because it was Comey's memoir as much as it was an observation of the madness, and the guy more than earned a memoir. Fear has been the best so far, simply because Woodward is a fucking amazing writer and pretty much every politician respects him, regardless of bent, so he got dished and then some. And Trump on the Couch was great because it had no active agenda, no motivated bias. It was the closest to 'our perspective' so far, just through a fairly predictable Freudian filter.

Yet to do O's book. Unsure about that one. The only time she appeared in Sims' was to rage with expletives at the CBC. That seemed like a very, very manipulative mention, but I am wary of the axe she has to grind.

And as much as I'd love to read Butterymail's book, we all know 'What Happened'. She tried to take the high road (see: second debate stalking episode) when the country was addicted to the delightful shock of the low. She lost. In a better America, she wouldn't have. Which reminds me. Sims' ultimate argument for Trump? At least he wasn't Hillary. Not even joking. The fucker got paid millions of dollars just to conclude that.

Well, she did get 3 million more votes AND was up against a Trump campaign that cheated in every way possible, using every dirty trick available, including wink-nod teaming with Putin's propaganda machine.

Sims is a typical fake christian who's fine with teaming with racists, goons and mobsters as long as the ends are achieved.

I have FEAR and still haven't started it!

Chadwixx wrote:
Btw, did anyone find it hillarious as to why they raided Stones house in the middle of the night?

They didnt want him to physically destory the data on his cloud. They dont even know how a cloud works, that data isnt at his house, lol

Between hillarys server that used "password" as the password, i really question the competency.

Hillary's server was hacked by a Kremlin officer.

The 'password' password idea is an alt/right Kremlin story brought to you from the same people as pizzagate (which you likely also believe to be true)

Feel free to give me a link, your making things up again. "Kremlin officer", lol, do you know much about hacking?

Darkweb disagree's. Lots of pedo stuff that uses similar language to the words used in pizzagate. Im sure there is no child trafficking...

Btw, the alternative of right (alt right) is left, your side cannot even use the language properly anymore :p


Well, she did get 3 million more votes AND was up against a Trump campaign that cheated in every way possible, using every dirty trick available, including wink-nod teaming with Putin's propaganda machine.

Are you ever going to get over it? Its been 2+ years now, is this mueller? :p
鬼殺し wrote:
Hillary was bristling with genuinely Presidential qualities.

She was lucky the fbi changed the recommended charge at the last minute or she wouldnt of been eligible to run. Both charges were misdemeanors but one prevented you from running for any public office.

She also handle bengazhi very poorly, no matter your view, she was in charge at that time.

She has made many mistakes over the past years.

What makes you think she would of been a great president, aside from being a woman? What did she do in office that made you a fan of hers?

Agree. They WERE conned, but conned willingly. According to the CNP literature, the year of the big GOP grab was supposed to be 2020. They weren't prepared for the win.

Trump was even planning for and expecting a loss. That's what the illicit contacts were all about and why they were so clumsy in their dealings. They were a pack of cut-throat mobsters and grifters all trying to take a piece of pie out of the candidate reality show :)

The GOP had to go with whoever got the nomination, and hope like hell he lost lol
Agree. They WERE conned, but conned willingly. According to the CNP literature, the year of the big GOP grab was supposed to be 2020. They weren't prepared for the win.

Trump was even planning for and expecting a loss. That's what the illicit contacts were all about and why they were so clumsy in their dealings. They were a pack of cut-throat mobsters and grifters all trying to take a piece of pie out of the candidate reality show :)

The GOP had to go with whoever got the nomination, and hope like hell he lost lol

If you really believe this stuff, you probably look up and down before you cross the road.
Chadwixx wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:
Btw, did anyone find it hillarious as to why they raided Stones house in the middle of the night?

They didnt want him to physically destory the data on his cloud. They dont even know how a cloud works, that data isnt at his house, lol

Between hillarys server that used "password" as the password, i really question the competency.

Hillary's server was hacked by a Kremlin officer.

The 'password' password idea is an alt/right Kremlin story brought to you from the same people as pizzagate (which you likely also believe to be true)

Feel free to give me a link, your making things up again. "Kremlin officer", lol, do you know much about hacking?

Darkweb disagree's. Lots of pedo stuff that uses similar language to the words used in pizzagate. Im sure there is no child trafficking...

Btw, the alternative of right (alt right) is left, your side cannot even use the language properly anymore :p

You want a link?

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goal of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political discord in the United States. Russia's covert activities were first reported by the United States Intelligence Community (IC) in October 2016, and confirmed by the Director of National Intelligence office three months later. Former FBI director Robert Mueller has been leading a Special Counsel investigation into the interference since May 2017.

Russian interference proceeded along two main vectors. First, the Internet Research Agency "troll farm", based in Saint Petersburg, created hundreds of social media accounts impersonating Americans supporting radical groups, planning and promoting rallies, and reaching millions of social media users between 2013 and 2017. According to criminal indictments by the Special Counsel, those messages and activities "spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general", for example by discouraging African Americans from voting or by motivating conservative voters wary of Trump.

Second, hackers affiliated with the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Clinton campaign officials, notably chairman John Podesta. Tens of thousands of private emails and attachments were released to the public during the final months of the campaign, via DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks. The exposed information revealed internal bias against Clinton's primary challenger Bernie Sanders, which led to the resignation of the DNC chair and lukewarm backing of Clinton by Sanders supporters. Russian government officials have repeatedly denied involvement in any DNC hacks or leaks. In addition to these two operations, Russia-connected individuals reached out to various Trump campaign associates, offering damaging information on Clinton or business opportunities.

The Russian interference activities triggered strong statements from American intelligence agencies, a direct warning by then-U.S. president Barack Obama to Russian president Vladimir Putin, renewed sanctions against Russia, closures of Russian diplomatic facilities and expulsion of their staff. The Senate and House Intelligence Committees have held several hearings.

The FBI and Special Counsel conducted investigations resulting in indictments of twenty-six Russian agents and three Russian organizations. The Special Counsel also has been investigating links between Russia and Trump associates, which has resulted in indictments of Rick Gates and Roger Stone, and convictions of Paul Manafort (chairman of Trump's election campaign), Michael Flynn (senior adviser to Trump), George Papadopoulos (Trump campaign's foreign policy adviser), Alex van der Zwaan, W. Samuel Patten (who laundered Russian money through the Trump inauguration committee), and Michael Cohen (Donald Trump's personal lawyer). Trump has called the interference a "hoax", contending it was an excuse by Democrats for losing the election. He dismissed FBI Director James Comey over the issue.

If what you meant was that you wanted a link to proof that the password was not "password" then you are out of luck on that. It was your silly assertion and therefore you need to provide a link to prove it but you won't be able to because it is just as silly as pizzagate.

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
鬼殺し wrote:
Had Hillary been a man, and *no other changes*, he'd have won by a landslide. Because he'd have been just like Trump, only sane and competent.
Bullshit. I mean, seriously, do you ever think about how offensive you are. You're telling us that we've dropped all analysis of policy for the most base tribalism, not merely calling us racists but saying we are nothing more than racists. As if I would just casually listen to a director of the FBI say someoe had conclusively ran a private email server with over 100 pieces of misappropriated classified information and who claims that this was because they couldn't figure out (C) meant classified and that no one in their large organization told them... but I'd be like "nah it's cool because he's a white guy." As if.

Of course, Hilary's incompetence isn't my story, it's Hilary's story, necessary to defend her against her crimes. I don't actually believe she's incompetent, merely trying diligently to prevent future FOIA requests. Not that you'd care about that.

Oh, and in this 2020 election I think the Democrat's best nominee would be a Hindu woman of color. Much better choice than any man or white woman I've yet to notice. Not that I give even one shit about Gabbard being a woman of color — I care about her actual opposition to military interventionism. Not that you'd care about that, either.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Had Hillary been a man, and *no other changes*, he'd have won by a landslide. Because he'd have been just like Trump, only sane and competent.
Bullshit. I mean, seriously, do you ever think about how offensive you are. You're telling us that we've dropped all analysis of policy for the most base tribalism, not merely calling us racists but saying we are nothing more than racists. As if I would just casually listen to a director of the FBI say someoe had conclusively ran a private email server with over 100 pieces of misappropriated classified information and who claims that this was because they couldn't figure out (C) meant classified and that no one in their large organization told them... but I'd be like "nah it's cool because he's a white guy." As if.

Of course, Hilary's incompetence isn't my story, it's Hilary's story, necessary to defend her against her crimes. I don't actually believe she's incompetent, merely trying diligently to prevent future FOIA requests. Not that you'd care about that.

Oh, and in this 2020 election I think the Democrat's best nominee would be a Hindu woman of color. Much better choice than any man or white woman I've yet to notice. Not that I give even one shit about Gabbard being a woman of color — I care about her actual opposition to military interventionism. Not that you'd care about that, either.

I can assure you that sexism is VERY VERY present among a huge part of the population. This is especially true in many deep religious regions where they see women as baby factory and house wives.

Now, the question is, how many voted for Hillary because she was a woman? I imagine there's a good deal of people that voted for her for that reason. That said, I believe that there was more vote against her than for her due to her gender.

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