Turtledove wrote:

You want a link?

Vpn's can make you appear anywhere, i dont think you understand how data works. They just use a cheap vpn from russia with no logs (also not many countries jurisdiction) and send it from there. Botnets are also useful for brute force type password protected, though not needed in this case as your non link showed.

All of the indictments were for other things. Campaign stuff. If collusion was proven the investigation would have ended...

Not sure you read from what you posted. Either way, wiki wont allow certain truths, its like a reddit, upvote = fact = lol. What they deem false or provacative isnt allowed.

Internet rules are influencing our natural speech. This forum isnt bad, but on some, if you dont go with the flow your not allowed to post. Its a type of social conditioning the twitter/reddit people have fallen for. If we all agree, its a good place!!! :)

Leftys have become very intolerant after preaching it for so many years, the culture gets more aggressive with more representation. Becoming the lynch mob you talked about before the illegals took priority.
Chadwixx wrote:

I saw two possibilities for information that you were asking for. Either proof that the password was NOT "password" or proof that Russia was responsible for the hacking in the 2016 election. Was it something else because I really didn't understand how your last post is relevant to those two items?

Perhaps put another way, do you believe that Russia did the hacking or not? At least that seemed more likely of the two than asking for proof that the password was NOT "password".
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
faerwin wrote:
Now, the question is, how many voted for Hillary because she was a woman? I imagine there's a good deal of people that voted for her for that reason. That said, I believe that there was more vote against her than for her due to her gender.
Why would you believe something like that?

Although on the one hand, as I've explained previously in this thread, identitarian movements tend to validate the narratives of diametrically opposite identitarian movements, therefore we should expect manhaters and misogynists to help each other grow, on the other hand there's generally more bigots on whatever side is more socially acceptable, and it's far more socially acceptable to be proudly and openly against men than proudly and openly against women. My guess is that if we eliminated the people who voted Hilary just because she was female she'd have lost 10 million votes, and if we eliminated all the people who voted Trump just because Hillary was female, he'd have lost 6 million votes. Which means, the way I see it, Clinton wouldn't have gotten the popular vote without sexism working to her advantage.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Chadwixx wrote:
Vpn's can make you appear anywhere, i dont think you understand how data works. They just use a cheap vpn from russia with no logs (also not many countries jurisdiction) and send it from there.
True, but moot. The DNC leaks were extracted on-site, not over the Internet.
1. DKIM authentication means that Yahoo, Gmail, etc has confirmed the emails were real — that is, if the sender was, you can use DKIM to query (with a key and checksum) and to this day it'll reply with "yep, he sent that."
2. Timestamp analysis strongly implies that the DNC server emails were extracted via USB flash drive, not via Internet. The speed at which files were transferred is not generally consistent with Internet speeds, and especially not crossing the Atlantic. Because of this, the evidence suggests the DNC leaker had physical access to the DNC network.
3. It's possible to counterfeit timestamps. But why would someone who delivers genuine, authenticatable emails then go back and counterfeit timestamps to match a USB drive? I believe DKIM means we can trust the source.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 3, 2019, 11:48:39 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
faerwin wrote:
Now, the question is, how many voted for Hillary because she was a woman? I imagine there's a good deal of people that voted for her for that reason. That said, I believe that there was more vote against her than for her due to her gender.
Why would you believe something like that?

Although on the one hand, as I've explained previously in this thread, identitarian movements tend to validate the narratives of diametrically opposite identitarian movements, therefore we should expect manhaters and misogynists to help each other grow, on the other hand there's generally more bigots on whatever side is more socially acceptable, and it's far more socially acceptable to be proudly and openly against men than proudly and openly against women. My guess is that if we eliminated the people who voted Hilary just because she was female she'd have lost 10 million votes, and if we eliminated all the people who voted Trump just because Hillary was female, he'd have lost 6 million votes. Which means, the way I see it, Clinton wouldn't have gotten the popular vote without sexism working to her advantage.

Because a big BIG part of the US is still very racist (not always openly), and racism and misogyny tend to go hand in hand. It's something that's much more present in the south states and much more present in old people and (sadly) young folks for those part.

Funnily, I see it the other way around with your numbers. Regardless, we will never know the truth.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
Ralph Northam should resign immediately. And so should this guy:
faerwin wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
My guess is that if we eliminated the people who voted Hilary just because she was female she'd have lost 10 million votes, and if we eliminated all the people who voted Trump just because Hillary was female, he'd have lost 6 million votes.
Because a big BIG part of the US is still very racist (not always openly), and racism and misogyny tend to go hand in hand. It's something that's much more present in the south states and much more present in old people and (sadly) young folks for those part.
First off, almost no one is openly racist against people of color. A handful of small-time e-celebs of the white identitarian movements, and that's about it.and they basically get deplatformed into exile.

Second, even if we're talking about the hidden kind of bigot, I said there are probably 6 million misogynists in the US who would vote Trump purely on gender. That's about 2% of the population (Ando those who voted Hilary purely on gender at ~3%). Do you honestly believe it's more than 2%? Because, if anything, my estimate may be too high. Identirarians want to convince us that their identirarian counterparts are high, because it feeds into their persecution narratives, and while I acknowledge some bad actors, anyone trying to convince you of widespread institutional racism or patriarchy is propagandizing you into anti-white/anti-male alarmism. The VAST majority of Americans, right AND left, aren't bigots.

Think critically about this. If you've got less than 2% of the US population engaging in some kind of morally dubious behavior — whatever it is that the moralists in question want to hone in on — that's still millions of people. They can cherrypick news stories that'll incite you to anger every day for years and never run out of articles to write. Breitbart does this every day, finding some far-left nutsos who want to cancel white people or some such, and I don't believe their stories of this nature are usually fake in terms of lying, they're just misleading because they're continuously hammering away at a tiny fringe minority of the left. You're going to hear a lot more about fringe weirdos behaving badly on partisan media than you're going to hear about how most Americans have more in common than they have different.

Things aren't that bad, faerwin. Stop jumping at shadows. And stop listening to those who are exploiting your fear to put all blame on a mostly-illusory scapegoat.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:
Vpn's can make you appear anywhere, i dont think you understand how data works. They just use a cheap vpn from russia with no logs (also not many countries jurisdiction) and send it from there.
True, but moot. The DNC leaks were extracted on-site, not over the Internet.
1. DKIM authentication means that Yahoo, Gmail, etc has confirmed the emails were real — that is, if the sender was, you can use DKIM to query (with a key and checksum) and to this day it'll reply with "yep, he sent that."
2. Timestamp analysis strongly implies that the DNC server emails were extracted via USB flash drive, not via Internet. The speed at which files were transferred is not generally consistent with Internet speeds, and especially not crossing the Atlantic. Because of this, the evidence suggests the DNC leaker had physical access to the DNC network.
3. It's possible to counterfeit timestamps. But why would someone who delivers genuine, authenticatable emails then go back and counterfeit timestamps to match a USB drive? I believe DKIM means we can trust the source.

Let me guess this analysis is coming from a right wing site like theforensicator? The metadata had clearly been changed since the original hack and is pretty much useless. I don't think you understand how any of this works.
It is extremely difficult for surveys to answer the kind of questions being debated. Too bad because it would be interesting to know the answers. One thing that is clear is that racists definitely tend to migrate into the strongly core Trump supporter category. This is likely because they see Trump as a kindred spirit in their racist views.

Here's an article that does an interesting analysis of multiple questions.

I'll copy here one of the many types of questions that the article tries to answer.

Are whites the real victims? Beyond Charlottesville, Trump fans are distinct in believing that whites, not minorities, are the true targets of prejudice and discrimination. The PPP survey asks, “Which of the following groups do you think faces the most discrimination in America today: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, or white people?” Twenty-six percent of white respondents say whites face the most discrimination; 60 percent of whites name one of the other groups instead. Among Republicans, 41 percent say whites are the principal victims, but 44 percent choose a different group. Only among Trump voters does a plurality—45 percent to 41 percent—say that whites are the principal victims.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
No time so just a daily reminder why the fake news media is the enemy of the people.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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