I know you've been inoculated to truth by their propaganda

Doesnt take you long to make up your mind does it? Doesnt seem isoloated to personality traits, your judgement is absolute and swift, usually uninformed because you watched a youtube video and read reddit.

Your truth deals in other peoples opinions.
Last edited by Chadwixx on Feb 1, 2019, 11:08:54 PM
Chadwixx wrote:

(...) I was asking why the russians are suddenly such a big deal(...)

I also dont know why "if true" interfering with our elections is bad. We do it all the time, look at venzuela now.
The Russians are a big deal because, well, you still have generations of Americans who grew up under the very real threat of nuclear war, so there will always be that bit of history to fall back on. Kinda like how the Nazis still exist in common folklore despite all meaningful actors being dead. "Nazi this, Nazi that" is the battlecry of anyone looking for a scapegoat for their current ails... and the Russians fulfill the same role for a different target demographic.

Here's the thing though. Most of us have grown beyond that fear after realizing that"
All-out USA v USSR: Planet destroyed
Serious USA v USSR: Planet uninhabitable for 99% of life on Planet Dirt
Limited USA v USSR: Most human populations in Nothern Hemisphere culled, good possibility of ecological disaster creeping into Southern Hemisphere (Supposedly, Planet Dirt has mechanics which prevents this)

EVer since the "fall" of the Soviet Union, we have had a procession of Russian leaders who have been comparatively friendly to Western concerns. Theymake for much better photo-ops than the Kruschevs and Brezhnevs of the world. Doesn't mean they are working behind the scenes to secure their own interests. Most people look at Russia as a country which does look to secure its own interests, and people respect that. Well, some people respect that.

Given that HRC was beating the drum on the Russians, and Trump wasn't, Trump was a more desirable president for their interests. Russia has better uses for its sons and daughters than to throw away their lives in pointless, endless wars/police actions around the world.

So the Russians did have motive to do something. In a court of law, motive is not enough for conviction; in the court of public opinion, it is.


Best of luck though, you sound perfect for reddit, dropping circlejerk in an adult conversation.
Hasn't been an adult conversation for at least 500 pages.

If you expect that to change any time soon, you'll be disappointed.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
鬼殺し wrote:
You've charged in here with a very strong attitude that seems extremely resistant to change. So what's the point? Oh that's right, there isn't one.

Welcome home. You, Xav, Raycheetah, and occasionally Scrotie can circlejerk about fake news and Butterymails till the коровы come home. Done with you. Best of luck!

You forgot to mention that they also love talking about Hillary Clinton.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
collusion - secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
That's great that you know how to use a dictionary, but mere collusion isn't illegal. Conspiracy — a subset of collusion involving cooperation to commit a crime — is illegal. For instance, the Clinton campaign colluded with major media outlets to promote what they called "Pied Piper candidates" such as Ben Carson and Donald Trump during the Republican primaries, but that wasn't technically a conspiracy because no US law prohibits news organizations from promoting the candidates they feel are weakest, instead of promoting the ones they feel are strongest.
Xavderion wrote:
Also, nothing has to come of it for a conspiracy to take place, the agreement to move forward is enough.
A mix of wrong and wtf is that even supposed to mean.
Reporter actually is correct here. If a group conspires to commit a crime, then fails to actually commit it, they still can be found guilty of conspiracy to commit that crime. However, it's worth noting that intent to commit the crime, which is mandatory for a conspiracy conviction, is much more difficult for prosecutors to establish if no end crime occurred. Additionally, teamwork must be demonstrated — if the defense convinces the jury that one guy was all into the planning and all of his associates where non-committal, they ALL get off because conspiracy is a social crime, not an individual thought-crime (yet). Because of these challenges, conspiracy charges are rarely sought, with prosecutors generally favoring RICO statutes instead.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
And RICO is exactly what we'll be seeing here.
Scrotie, you are the Alan Dershowitz of the OT PoE forum. :)
And RICO is exactly what we'll be seeing here.
I guess this is true enough. Either we'll see Mueller laying out what he considers to be a prosecutable RICO case in his report, or he'll be explaining, in terms of RICO, why he believes there isn't strong enough evidence to move forward. But you're almost certainly correct that RICO, not conspiracy, will be the context.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
collusion - secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose

That's great that you know how to use a dictionary, but mere collusion isn't illegal. Conspiracy — a subset of collusion involving cooperation to commit a crime — is illegal. For instance, the Clinton campaign colluded with major media outlets to promote what they called "Pied Piper candidates" such as Ben Carson and Donald Trump during the Republican primaries, but that wasn't technically a conspiracy because no US law prohibits news organizations from promoting the candidates they feel are weakest, instead of promoting the ones they feel are strongest.

That was exactly my point. It was in support of The_Reporter post where he explicitly stated that it was not always a crime. As a matter of fact I had to visit 3 dictionaries to find a definition that made it clearer that it was not always a crime. :-)

Here was my first dictionary that I went to

Collusion - A secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy.

Sorry, I can't remember what the second one was. ;-)
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
ScrotieMcB wrote:
And RICO is exactly what we'll be seeing here.
I guess this is true enough. Either we'll see Mueller laying out what he considers to be a prosecutable RICO case in his report, or he'll be explaining, in terms of RICO, why he believes there isn't strong enough evidence to move forward. But you're almost certainly correct that RICO, not conspiracy, will be the context.

There will be conspiracy also.

All it takes is for people to read all of the indictments through. They are intricately detailed and clearly document where all of this is headed.

Nothing is being left to chance.

Link to the OSC work thus far.
Turtledove wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
collusion - secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose

That's great that you know how to use a dictionary, but mere collusion isn't illegal. Conspiracy — a subset of collusion involving cooperation to commit a crime — is illegal. For instance, the Clinton campaign colluded with major media outlets to promote what they called "Pied Piper candidates" such as Ben Carson and Donald Trump during the Republican primaries, but that wasn't technically a conspiracy because no US law prohibits news organizations from promoting the candidates they feel are weakest, instead of promoting the ones they feel are strongest.

That was exactly my point. It was in support of The_Reporter post where he explicitly stated that it was not always a crime. As a matter of fact I had to visit 3 dictionaries to find a definition that made it clearer that it was not always a crime. :-)

Here was my first dictionary that I went to

Collusion - A secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy.

Sorry, I can't remember what the second one was. ;-)

It's about public perception. The Trump/Putin conspirators are pushing the word "collusion" as the only possible crime to worry about, so that when "collusion" is ultimately never mentioned, they'll use it as an excuse to call it ALL bunk. The propaganda machine marches on. (Ain't gonna work though) ;)

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