Xavderion wrote:
They work.

lol no Xav they don't... The wall has always been #1 priority about making your side of the political aisle feel good inside or something. Like Nancy said, the wall is like a manhood thing with you guys.
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 25, 2019, 10:58:09 PM
wall is like a challenge to climb. cut over or under. Doesnt address real issues man
Git R Dun!
coatofarms wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
They work.

lol no Xav they don't... The wall has always been #1 priority about making your side of the political aisle feel good inside or something. Like Nancy said, the wall is like a manhood thing with you guys.

It feels good having a border. And of course walls work.


Yours is the "feels over reals" side. Your only argument is that a wall makes you feel bad in your tummy because of all the poor brown people. And that's the best case scenario. I guess most don't want a wall just because Trump wants one. Democrats were for a wall just a couple of years ago. I wonder what changed since then hmmm.jpg
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Aim_Deep wrote:
wall is like a challenge to climb. cut over or under. Doesnt address real issues man

And most people won't take on the challenge. That's the whole point.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Dream scenario:

1. Democrats do nothing because they never act in good faith
2. Trump declares a national emergency
3. Activist "judge" from Hawaii blocks it
4. It gets to the Supreme Court where ideally RBG is already out and Crazy Christian Lady is in
5. National emergency gets approved and we get a virtually limitless fund for a wall and make it big and beautiful (last part is totally unnecessary but Trump likes to rub it in)
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
wall is like a challenge to climb. cut over or under. Doesnt address real issues man

And most people won't take on the challenge. That's the whole point.

I'm not gonna make another 2000 word post just to tell u that Us government intervention is ruining these people (and us BTW)

Drug laws
social welfar

and on and on demands people flock to whatever the bureaucracy decides rather than natural order.
Git R Dun!
I'll put it more succinctly

You're getting shot up by a druga cartel because no jobs from dictator America installed to rape country. Where whoudl you go?

Dont blame them Blame the powers that be

if you doubt me google "Clinton sec state ...Nicaragua or Honduras"

which just so happens to be where current flow is cumming
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 26, 2019, 12:20:07 AM
I cannot make any sense out of that post. I can't even tell what the topic is supposed to be about?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
鬼殺し wrote:

And if we've seen anything these past two years, it's that beyond yelling slogans and eating up whatever BS stirs their collective flag-idolising hearts, 'they' do not mobilise well. 'They' present a very blustery front full of memes and other cheap shots, but their day is done.

I respectively disagree. IMO the right mobilizes extremely well. Despite being a population minority, the right is very vocal and much more actively involved in politics than the left ( (1) that is why Fox News's ratings are so high and (2) talk radio being a thing very much alive among the right wing, but not the left wing) and consistently is able to shape the political conversation.

Notice, all we are talking about as a country is border security and possible crimes between Trump's election team and Russia. Nothing of real importance like medicare for all, making schoolin affordable .. etc

Notice the political conversation the right invokes is always about nothing. During Obama, the national political conversation was a mix between Obama's birth certificate and the "uncontrollable" debt. That conversation is now dead and the debt continues to rise (and nobody cares anymore!) b/c that political conversation was always being discussed in bad faith. Now, the national political conversation is about border security and the need for a wall. When the right no longer finds that topic relevant to the current political environment, "border security" as a national topic will die (nobody will talk about the wall anymore) and then a new made-up problem created by the right-wing will rise.

That is why I don't think their day is done. "Border security" and "the wall" will eventually be replaced with another "nothing-idea".

鬼殺し wrote:

Whoever replaces Trump, from whatever side, it will be a politician. Not some knock-off billionaire with a small talent for appeasing easily-appeased indignant mediocre white people terrified of being knocked from their clay pedestals.

Probably. But the leader of a political party is a reflection of his/her supporters. And the GOP's core supporters are becoming worse and worse (What they publicly claim to care about appears to have no basis in reality). I suspect this is because everything the Trump supporter considers politically important is actually racially and envy/jealousy motivated. My point is, whoever replaces Trump is likely to be worse than him and a lot more effective (Trump is very crude).

鬼殺し wrote:

I don't know why you'd be so negative in this way and still see 'Teflon Don' as untouchable legally. Are you afraid of being too hopeful? Don't be.

I'm not afraid, honest. But hope and idealism needs to be rooted in reality. I just don't see anything that has changed to be hopeful for. Trump's support is at 40%. Most GOP representatives know Trump is full of shit. For example, Mick Mulvaney is on record saying something about Trump to that effect and he is now Trump's Chief of Staff. Politicians need to be a reflection of their constituents to be relevant and have a career. Nothing can happen to Trump with 40% consistent electoral support.

But hopefully, the Trump Shutdown will have motivated more people to vote against Trump in 2020. But Charan, honestly, Americans are really, really stupid. And as an American I don't take any pride in saying that. I'm actually sad as I am writing you atm. But there have been numerous times during this past 2 1/2 years where Trump says/does something embarrassing/incompetently, or just straight up creates a scandal or does something awful. Then Trump's approval ratings sinks 5% approx. or w/e. And then the next week, everyone appears to have forgotten b/c Trump's approval is back at an approx. 40%.

鬼殺し wrote:

'They' are not powerful. 'They' had no fucking clue what to do with their victory these past two years. And now that the inevitable defeat or at least decline is visible, 'they' have shown capacity for little more than shutting down and trying to play chicken with morality, using hundreds of thousands of US citizens' well-being as the wager.

That level of lacking collective agency, despite having everything handed to them on a plate, is the opposite of power.

I do think I see your perspective now. Yes, the GOP is pretty terrible at governing. However, I still think the GOP will remain relevant to American politics (even if they lose the next election). The GOP do appear to have some kind of relevance and staying power in American politics. I would like to write this relevancy off as "white privilege" (Donald Trump being the ultimate incarnation of white privilege), religious idiocy (pro-life) and white America's fear of becoming a minority (to name just a few symptoms), but I would need to think more about it.
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 26, 2019, 1:49:40 AM
Xavderion wrote:
coatofarms wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
They work.

lol no Xav they don't... The wall has always been #1 priority about making your side of the political aisle feel good inside or something. Like Nancy said, the wall is like a manhood thing with you guys.

It feels good having a border. And of course walls work.


Yours is the "feels over reals" side. Your only argument is that a wall makes you feel bad in your tummy because of all the poor brown people. And that's the best case scenario. I guess most don't want a wall just because Trump wants one. Democrats were for a wall just a couple of years ago. I wonder what changed since then hmmm.jpg

In my book, it's important to be kind to other people (your own citizens as well as non-citizens). You and I only have a short-time on this Earth before we will die. I can not for the life of me, understand why it is so important to Trump and the GOP to be cruel to others. It seems so unnecessary to me.

Martin Luther King has a quote that I really like.

"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 26, 2019, 2:05:13 AM

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