Aim_Deep wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Don't matter I win regardless who's in power. But I think discourse/journalism is bad for country.

Be interesting when next democrat president comes in how ugly it gets.

That would take a long time but cliffs are jounalists don't really do their jobs. They only seek to divide with distraction and keep camps waring. The left someone like chis hedges for example would say they do it to ignore poor. The right says they hate the right. Both are untrue. They do it to hide the fascist/socialist state we live under which robs everyone blind.

How, as a people/mob, can you hope to keep the government in check if you are not informed about news of current affairs by the free press?

You've literally believed Trump's FAKE NEWS rhetoric, and that it's the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

I feel bad even writing that, because people out there are going out bombing the free press. It's not safe for them anymore.
rojimboo wrote:

How, as a people/mob, can you hope to keep the government in check if you are not informed about news of current affairs by the free press?

You've literally believed Trump's FAKE NEWS rhetoric, and that it's the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

I feel bad even writing that, because people out there are going out bombing the free press. It's not safe for them anymore.

You said that and Trump has -I didnt - I say they distract you with empty piety.

Maybe this will help since you like Pulitzer Prize winners so much
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
rojimboo wrote:

How, as a people/mob, can you hope to keep the government in check if you are not informed about news of current affairs by the free press?

You've literally believed Trump's FAKE NEWS rhetoric, and that it's the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

I feel bad even writing that, because people out there are going out bombing the free press. It's not safe for them anymore.

You said that and Trump has -I didnt - I say they distract you with empty piety.

Maybe this will help since you like Pulitzer Prize winners so much


Piety always seems empty, but maybe that's just me.

Certainly with corporations taking over journalism, they print stuff that sells. This was their mistake in the elections.

But to pretend that there is no journalistic integrity left anywhere amongst the free press is a tad much.

It's no secret that the free press utterly despises Trump, due to his self-declared war against them. But that doesn't mean most of them forgot what they do for a living.

What's the alternative anyways?

People bury their heads in the sand, or alternatively get news from social media, lol.
The alternative is chill. Wait for shit to shake out. I dont really watch any news especially right Brietbart or left wing sites like BuzzFeed who's whole MO is to drive ppl into frenzy/hate.
Git R Dun!
What's with leftists and relying on dodgy lawyers to stump the Drumpf? Remember this guy?

You guys love setting yourselves up for disappointment.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Hmm seems Mueller has issued a statement saying story is BS. Never woulda guessed it.:P

What's next a blue dress from underage Russian hookers? They finally got Clinton with that. Well blue dress part is accurate.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 18, 2019, 9:25:35 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Hmm seems Mueller has issued a statement saying story is BS. Never woulda guessed it.:P

What's next a blue dress from underage Russian hookers? They got Clinton with that.

Damn, they fell for fake news again. When will they learn?

This is extraordinary because that dude Peter Carr usually declines to say anything at all.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:
I read this as, 'calm your tits and don't get ahead of yourselves, please let us do our jobs'.

This would've fitted the other 735 "bombshell reports" which came out since Mueller has been installed. But Mueller's spokesdude never commented on that. This is different.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:

Because I know you will. It's my instinct when I see something like that. Appears legit and even praiseworthy.

This is not to say that even a Pulitzer winner can't have an opinion that is somehow, wow, fallible. Comparing an opinion piece by a Pulitzer winner to an investigative sting by two of them is...facile, at best.

Interesting read though. The irony that we have a journalism stalwart trying to shake the foundations of journalism on a journalism website shouldn't be lost on anyone. If they're gesturing empty piety, isn't he as well? This is a whole hell of a lot of whataboutism here. He even uses the words 'where is the', which is in context synonymous for 'what about'.

Just for a little more context, he won the Pulitzer as part of a group effort in 2002. That's a long time ago now. A very different world. His tone on TD is pretty one-note: capitalism bad, socialism good. Intelligence does not and never will be an instant guarantee of wisdom or even common sense. In fact, the deeper into an academic hole some very smart people dig searching for some underlying truth, the less they're able to see much else. It's a pitfall that awaits pretty much any specialist, and Hedges is clearly a socialism specialist.

Oh, and he hosts a program on Russia Today, so that's worth noting too.

Finally: He has described himself as a socialist[9][10] and more specifically as a Christian anarchist,[11][12] identifying with Catholic activist Dorothy Day in particular.[13]

Christian Anarchist. Christ was definitely an anarchist, but the idea of a Christian today being an anarchist is pretty funny, given one of the core tenets of anarchism is 'no gods, no masters'.

He IDs problem correct, wrong prescription (socialist). I posted that since he would ignore someone I like from CATO or MISES rather than a fellow traveler.
Git R Dun!
Seems like a cock-up.


Oh well, back to waiting for Mueller report it is.

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