Scrotie, you didn't answer my questions: what's your point of view on Trump's threat to close the border? What would, in your mind, be a reasonable response from the democrats?
To me, it certainly looks like an empty threat, because the closure of the US border could possibly bring the american economy to its knees, so either he is making an outlandish threat, or he is intending to drive his own economy to the ground. Either way, I have a hard time seeing how his shutdown is a goo thing. " I think that it's not really a democrat/republican kind of think, but rather a Trump one, because he's been quite good at poisoning the well. He's been constantly attacking the media as being fake, creating an us-them situation, lying through his teeth for sometimes insignificant stuff, thus giving his side the habit of having a version of the story opposed to the media's point, and finally constantly attacking minorities and opponents or doing completely crazy stuff, thus prompting criticism from almost all media (even non-partisan) and making it look like he is being assailed by media because they are controlled by the other side, rather than because he is acting in a batshit crazy way. I reiterate that the guy is likely not as stupid as he is made to be. He's a pretty good Reality TV show host, which gives him a lot of experience in catching people's attention, no matter how you feel about his competence as a president. |
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" My initial reaction to this was "wait a minute!". I knew a pathological liar when I was in high school. He would tell 10 lies a day, easy. Thinking a bit more about it though. The over 10 lies and misleading statements a day that Trump tells are only the ones he's told publicly. He probably tells at least three to ten times that amount in private. It seems that almost every time he communicates he has to lie or mislead. I can't seriously comment on beings from other planets but for this planet that is a shitload of lies and I'd guess is in the top 1% of pathological liars. Regarding other politicians also telling lies, yes it's true that other presidents have probably told on the order of a few dozen lies over multiple years. That's nothing anywhere close to our current Liar-in-chief. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" " A Lefty divisive attracter of blind acolytes might be environmental concerns over big industry, public works over business, collective over self, and ... maybe that's what's difficult to imagine in the USA as it's fiercely individualistic. Get over thet hurdle though and for sure a Lefty Trump could come in. Maybe the Second Coming would be more likely, and an actually good charismatic Lefty, to boot. " "Smart" being "winners"/ "picking the right side", then yes. I'm not sure he didn't just genuinely mean he loves the poorly educated. He would have been on up upswell of positive emotion when he said it. It seems like a "Thank you". The genius after the fact may well have occurred with help from advisers, or before. Who knows. related. " Timely stuff. Can imagine they enjoyed deliberately publishing that in 1984. 'Course, Orwell was just switching 1948 around. 1820: November 20 – An 80-ton sperm whale attacks the Essex, a whaleship from Nantucket, Massachusetts, 2,000 miles off the western coast of South America. Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick is in part inspired by this story. |
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![]() Captain America is a True Commie. Fake Commie take short cuts. |
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"Well, I'm a bit heretical on that front as far as Trump supporters go. While I think curbing illegal immigration and closing the "anchor baby" easy citizenship path are important priorities, I don't think The Wall would be effective against illegal immigration. If you let people enter legally to shop at my local El Paso, Texas Walmart, the tallness of your wall doesn't influence their decision-making to go home like good tourists or stay illegally. The Wall would be effective against illegal entry, particularly the smuggling of drugs. But I think a better way to fight the cartels would be to empower their competition by ending the War on Drugs. Because I wasn't on Team Sessions, I don't want the Wall for anti-drug reasons either, which leaves basically just human smuggling (to include reentry by previously deported aliens). Is human smuggling a huge issue to me? Not really. I care a little, I guess. But Trump's ask for funding is, by government standards, quite low. So my final, honest opinion on the Wall is: I don't much care one way or another. But I love partial government shutdowns. As a small government guy I'm happy whenever one happens. I hope this one lasts a long time; maybe we get used to not needing certain government services and cut them permanently. I'm happy even if the rationale for having one is kinda bullshit. Trump demanding the Wall is by no means below my standards here. However, government employees getting paid to block the border isn't a shutdown. It's essentially paid misbehavior. I think the courts would get involved if Trump actually tried it; no doubt they already have injunctions ready. Overall, though, my advice to Democrats, presuming they must continue their wrongheaded support of illegal/mass immigration, is to just allow the Wall. Use the Shutdown as an excuse, but say that it's a bad idea, it won't be cost effective against illegal immigration, etc. Because in reality it won't be. The Wall is worth more to Trump as a dream Democrats stubbornly obstruct than as a concrete reality. Better yet, when combined with a lack of legislative reform, the Wall could convince Trump's base that serious accomplishments in illegal immigration prevention have been achieved when in fact nothing of importance has occurred — and if you give Trump the Wall, blocking him on such legislative reform will seem like compromise. In short, by obstructing the Wall, Democrats are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. But of course they would, because in this case achieving their virtue in reality means signalling its opposite, which is the fundamental opposite of their modus operandi. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 28, 2018, 11:20:12 PM
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Democrats aren't obstructing the wall, because it's not their responsibility. Only one guy promised to get Mexico to buy America a border wall. Trump lied. He broke his promise to the racist base.
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"I don't think you understand what "obstruct" means. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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I know exactly what it means. 'The Wall' isn't something that Democrats can obstruct.
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" Herewith some unsolicited free advice for the Democratic party. Force Trump give up his wall, Democrats Shouldn't Cave. Democrats don't run the federal government, Trump does. That is his problem. "Obstruct" all you want please, republicans did it when Obama is running it. |
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Perhaps Trump could ask his daddy, Putin for wall money? Maybe Mohammed bin Salman will front him the cash?
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