rojimboo wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:

However, you're misunderstanding that color-based racism is but one type of racism, rather than the only racism. Any categorization of peoples according to genetics is technically racism. That TV ad where 23 and Me tells the Grinch he's genetically predisposed to like salty foods? Racist.
If race is a poor indicator of genetics (which it is) then racism is merely prejudice based on skin-colour (a real phenomenon).
It's tautological that "whites" is label that reliably refers to the genetics for pale skin. It's not true that the skin-color concept of race is a poor indicator of all genetics; tautologically, it MUST be a reliable indicator of at least one, or there would be no discernable border between races.

But I digress. You again miss my point completely. Let's try again. Skin color is not the only nor is it a necessary component in the definition of race. For example, imagine if people believed eye color was more important than skin color. You might have blue-eyed Nazis (some of whom have brown skin) trying to gas all the brown-eyed people (some of whom are blonde and pale-skinned). This would still be racism, even if skin color was ignored completely — some people of the "blue" race would talk shit about the "hazels," and vice versa.

Technically, the persecution of the sinister (in the original sense of the word) during and after the Black Death was racism. And if sexual orientation is genetically derived in such a way that gay people who breed for some reason are more likely to have genetically gay children, then gaybashing is racism.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Dec 6, 2018, 1:56:19 AM
rojimboo wrote:
Hornybull wrote:

At least they aren't getting the dead to vote for democrats. It's always funny how my republican dead grandfather rose from the grave just to go into the voting booths to vote democrats then bury himself again. Also isn't the BBC just as bad as CNN?
Are you trying to justify a bad thing with another bad thing? This is deja vu...

If BBC has no journalistic integrity, then pray tell which news outlets do?

And no, I'm not going to Breitbart for something that is factual and being reported by everyone on the interwebzzz.

Fox dishonest enough for you?

Actually I prefer the headline there.

Tim Pool does a good job on Youtube.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
]If race is a poor indicator of genetics (which it is) then racism is merely prejudice based on skin-colour (a real phenomenon).
It's tautological that "whites" is label that reliably refers to the genetics for pale skin. It's not true that the skin-color concept of race is a poor indicator of all genetics; tautologically, it MUST be a reliable indicator of at least one, or there would be no discernable border between races.
There really is no border between races, that's the point. There are no discrete limits that say - this is where skin pigmentation determines you are white or that where you are black. Hence the lack of usefulness of these social constructs in science, which originated back in really prejudiced times. It's a continuum, not something discrete. It's possible I mentioned that already.

You may anecdotally and clearly differentiate races based on perception and usually skin pigmentation, but also facial features etc. This is a social construct that does not apply in science, when looking at data. Race is incredibly difficult to determine based on a DNA test, it's a guesstimation based on ancestral origin and extrapolation.

We all have the same genes for skin colour, but there is tiny variation with the group.'Through statistical analysis of these variations, we can identify clusters of people that share common collections of gene variants. This is how DNA ancestry tests work. The groups are called haplotypes and correspond to clusters of people that share common ancestry and, at one time, a period where the group was co-located in low numbers and grew into a larger population. There are more haplogroups among people with dark skin in Africa, showing a much broader range of genetic diversity than, say, white norther Europeans (which come from a comparatively small and more homogenous group of recent mutants). In that sense, “black” DNA from one group is just as different from “black” DNA from another group as it is from “white” DNA or “Japanese” DNA. We’re all so very close to identical, but with tiny variation.'

But I digress. You again miss my point completely. Let's try again. Skin color is not the only nor is it a necessary component in the definition of race.
So the poorly defined non-scientific term race, has other qualifications? How do you define race? Is there a gene that tells which race you are? I already know the answer but I want to see if you do.

This is really a slippery slope to the race science, that is not only bad science, it's not really science at all.

Race science basically states that a person's genetic makeup will determine some aspects of their lives, through such a flawed concept as IQ, or something that is related to nurture far more than nature, income levels and crime.

I.e. Ashkenazi Jews are highly intelligent motivated disease-resistant superhumans, and on the other scale are chronically criminal low-IQ black people.

Race science relies on 3 things, 3 tenets, to be true:

1. The strong and intelligent white European ancestors when migrating, had to overcome more adversity in their new habitat, than Africans. This selectively bred more intelligent people to carry the line.

2. Human bodies continued to evolve, at least until recently – with different groups developing different skin colours, predispositions to certain diseases, and things such as lactose tolerance. So why wouldn’t human brains continue evolving, too?

3. Different IQ averages between population groups have a genetic basis. If this case falls, the whole edifice – from Ashkenazi exceptionalism to the supposed inevitability of black poverty – collapses with it.

Why is race science bogus science?

Because all three are scientifically proven not stand up to inspection.

'1. Mesopotamia, a warm climate region, spawned agriculture, towns and alphabets. There is ample scientific evidence of modern intelligence in prehistoric sub-Saharan Africa. And along the South African Indian Ocean coastline, between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago, biologically modern humans were carefully blending paint by mixing ochre with bone-marrow fat and charcoal, fashioning beads for self-adornment, and making fish hooks, arrows and other sophisticated tools, sometimes by heating them to 315C (600F).

2. There is no evidence of cognitive advance, at least over the last 100,000 years, evolutionarily speaking. Long before humans left Africa for Asia and Europe, they had already reached the end of the evolutionary line in terms of brain power. We don’t have the right conditions for any meaningful biological evolution of the species.

3. One way to test this hypothesis that your genes determine your IQ, would be to see if you can increase IQ by learning. If so, this would show that education levels, which are purely environmental, affect the scores. It is now well-known that if you practise IQ tests your score will rise, but other forms of study can also help.

Another way to establish the extent to which IQ is determined by nature rather than nurture would be to find identical twins separated at birth and subsequently raised in very different circumstances. But such cases are unusual, and some of the most influential research – such as the work of the 20th-century English psychologist Cyril Burt, who claimed to have shown that IQ was innate – has been dubious. (After Burt’s death, it was revealed that he had falsified much of his data.)

In the relatively few cases where twins were adopted into families of different social classes and education levels, there ended up being huge disparities in IQ – in one case a 20-point gap; in another, 29 points, or the difference between “dullness” and “superior intelligence” in the parlance of some IQ classifications. In other words, where the environments differed substantially, nurture seems to have been a far more powerful influence than nature on IQ.

But what happens when you move from individuals to whole populations? Could nature still have a role in influencing IQ averages? Perhaps the most significant IQ researcher of the last half century is the New Zealander Jim Flynn. IQ tests are calibrated so that the average IQ of all test subjects at any particular time is 100. In the 1990s, Flynn discovered that each generation of IQ tests had to be more challenging if this average was to be maintained. Projecting back 100 years, he found that average IQ scores measured by current standards would be about 70.

Yet people have not changed genetically since then. Instead, Flynn noted, they have become more exposed to abstract logic, which is the sliver of intelligence that IQ tests measure. Some populations are more exposed to abstraction than others, which is why their average IQ scores differ. Flynn found that the different averages between populations were therefore entirely environmental.

This finding has been reinforced by the changes in average IQ scores observed in some populations. The most rapid has been among Kenyan children – a rise of 26.3 points in the 14 years between 1984 and 1998, according to one study. The reason has nothing to do with genes. Instead, researchers found that, in the course of half a generation, nutrition, health and parental literacy had improved.

So, what about the Ashkenazis? Since the 2005 University of Utah paper was published, DNA research by other scientists has shown that Ashkenazi Jews are far less genetically isolated than the paper argued. On the claims that Ashkenazi diseases were caused by rapid natural selection, further research has shown that they were caused by a random mutation. And there is no evidence that those carrying the gene variants for these diseases are any more or less intelligent than the rest of the community.

But it was on IQ that the paper’s case really floundered. Tests conducted in the first two decades of the 20th century routinely showed Ashkenazi Jewish Americans scoring below average. For example, the IQ tests conducted on American soldiers during the first world war found Nordics scoring well above Jews. Carl Brigham, the Princeton professor who analysed the exam data, wrote: “Our figures … would rather tend to disprove the popular belief that the Jew is highly intelligent”. And yet, by the second world war, Jewish IQ scores were above average.

A similar pattern could be seen from studies of two generations of Mizrahi Jewish children in Israel: the older generation had a mean IQ of 92.8, the younger of 101.3. And it wasn’t just a Jewish thing. Chinese Americans recorded average IQ scores of 97 in 1948, and 108.6 in 1990. And the gap between African Americans and white Americans narrowed by 5.5 points between 1972 and 2002.

No one could reasonably claim that there had been genetic changes in the Jewish, Chinese American or African American populations in a generation or two. After reading the University of Utah paper, Harry Ostrer, who headed New York University’s human genetics programme, took the opposite view to Steven Pinker: “It’s bad science – not because it’s provocative, but because it’s bad genetics and bad epidemiology.”'

My understanding is that the genetic gene analysis is done using gene spacers. I forget the official term. There are unused spaces in the DNA strands that are apparently not used by the body or cells for anything. These spaces are at fixed intervals in the genes. They are therefore passed down but don't impact any characteristics. My understanding is that these gene spacers are the primary means used to estimate the likely ancestry through DNA analysis.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
Damn that list is something else. When criticizing black people is racist.

It would seem that you're saying that criticizing black people because in general they are too lazy to work themselves out of poverty (or what ever?) is not a racist attitude?

Did you just go full Cathy Newman on me? Holy shit I'm dying
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Five pages of desperate Trump-bashing proving my previous point. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen to another atlernate Thursdaynight History Show with your most favourite Moderator Lachi.

Today on the Topic:
Historians found new proof that could rewrite History and solve the 80year old dispute between Russia and USA on who defeated the Uber-Racists first.
Turns out, it was an Eritrean hazeleyed Spy which went by the alias Heinrich Schtoffelhorst.
According to the pictures found in the archives, the Eritreans managed to infiltrate the WaffenSS and reroute all trooptransports and machinery from the Front in Russia towards Greece in the most crucial time during the conflict.
Here you can see him while doing the topsecret infiltration stuff:

While this picture could spawn new chants of #WewuzNazihs and #NaziLiveMatters we advise not to hunt anyone down who got photographed with a blonde.
The editorial Office also ordered to say thanks to all the Americans who fought for the freedom of the Germans, and to apologize to the Brits for breaking the neck of their beloved colonial empire. Sorry!
We hope to see you soon on next weeks topic: "Are the US governments trying to artificially reduce the IQ of its population by underfunding public scools?"

Yes, i had to shower after digging up the pictures on the internet,
but atleast Stellaris managed to download inbetween :)

Last edited by Lachdanan on Dec 6, 2018, 1:31:30 PM
Lachdanan wrote:
Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen to another atlernate Thursdaynight History Show with your most favourite Moderator Lachi.

Today on the Topic:
Historians found new proof that could rewrite History and solve the 80year old dispute between Russia and USA on who defeated the Uber-Racists first.
Turns out, it was an Eritrean hazeleyed Spy which went by the alias Heinrich Schtoffelhorst.
According to the pictures found in the archives, the Eritreans managed to infiltrate the WaffenSS and reroute all trooptransports and machinery from the Front in Russia towards Greece in the most crucial time during the conflict.
Here you can see him while doing the topsecret infiltration stuff:

While this picture could spawn new chants of #WewuzNazihs and #NaziLiveMatters we advise not to hunt anyone down who got photographed with a blonde.
The editorial Office also ordered to say thanks to all the Americans who fought for the freedom of the Germans, and to apologize to the Brits for breaking the neck of their beloved colonial empire. Sorry!
We hope to see you soon on next weeks topic: "Are the US governments trying to artificially reduce the IQ of its population by underfunding public scools?"

Yes, i had to shower after digging up the pictures on the internet,
but atleast Stellaris managed to download inbetween :)


speaking of alternative history

^That might have been the most non-offensive satire post that offended everyone, without them realising it.

Nice one mate!

We hope to see you soon on next weeks topic: "Are the US governments trying to artificially reduce the IQ of its population by underfunding public scools?"
I suppose one could draw that conclusion, or how lack of gun control weeds out population. Not sure anyone wants to do that though...wrong on soooo many levels.

Speaking of democracy and justice finally inching forward in the US:

House Democrats plan to send Trump aides' transcripts to Mueller



House music is underrated.
Dems will waste their time pushing the Russia hoax instead of doing something productive for the people who elected them. And when GEOTUS wins in 2020, it will turn out that it was all for nothing. I'll enjoy the salt maybe even more than in 2016.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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