[3.1] TRICKSTER Scorching Ray + Righteous Fire MoM Boss farmer 1.8mil trash DPS

ComradeSerge wrote:

You already have most of the main stuff, so except 21 gems, you can go for a rare sceptre with burning damage + fire damage which then overall gives you around 20-40% inc dmg more than doryani's, but that's multiple exalts... but if you rly want to min-max... ;) also, a 2nd opal ring myb.

Yeah, I had been keeping my eye open for a rare scepter or wand that had rolls that would trump the Doryani's and figured that might be a possible upgrade. They do start to get pricey though past the %132 mark, but sooner or later I'm sure I'll pick one up.

As for 21 gems cool, that's what I have been currently working on and figured at this point that would help the most. I did notice when I got SR & RF to 21. I rolled on Stone Golem to 21 for the lol's just cause I saw it gave a bit more Life regen.. but so far that's seemed unnecessary.

Love this build thou. Too much fun I swear. I confess I'm a bit of a min maxer at heart so I have throughly enjoyed balancing regen with RF along the way. >_> I guess I'm weird that way :P

Yep! A second opal would be sweet! I've been crafting them as I get drops, but no good rolls yet. I'll post it up if I ever get one for fun.

Thanks again!
Can you make a HoGM video :)?
Can this Build clear Hall of the grandmasters?
liking this build upgrading a few things on my build feels pretty nice so far
Can someone tell me which would be better for this build?

--- or ---

I would be putting orb of storm on the weapon and using a 4l for shield charge with Culling Strike as the additional gem.
Albinek wrote:

one of the main things ur missing in the skill tree is mind over matter u need that 100% to sustain hp and what i did for the time being as i leveled and got better gear was remove some points in the fire damage stuff and add it to other health and mana regen passives

ItsSwipe wrote:
Albinek wrote:

one of the main things ur missing in the skill tree is mind over matter u need that 100% to sustain hp and what i did for the time being as i leveled and got better gear was remove some points in the fire damage stuff and add it to other health and mana regen passives

as i can see i took all hp nodes, i dont have mana problem just sustain with hp, even without moobs etc in h/o i cant run rf..
Any chance you could tell me which one of those weapons would be better for this build?
Reumert wrote:
Can you make a HoGM video :)?

Not atm, sry, I'm playing Abyss and I can't be bothered to log into standard to make a video for that.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888

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