[3.1] TRICKSTER Scorching Ray + Righteous Fire MoM Boss farmer 1.8mil trash DPS

Feurn wrote:
I see a lot of people saying this build is not working.

Its working nicely and i really like the gameplay.

Here's my items.

I degen like 1 life/s with RF on. But while mapping, no degen because of the ascendacy.

Doing T12-13 with tabula today. I just 6 linked my belly with 180 fuses (yay!) Cleared HoGM.

I tried getting GG craft glove shaped with Delirium with no succes. Still usable.

I'm working on good jewels, better amulet, SR enchant and getting my gems to 20/20.

Hey dude, your abyss jewel in your belt is giving you fire damage to attacks, which i'm pretty sure is proccing EE for fire resist when you use your orb of storms.

I might be wrong tho, not 100% sure how that all works.
oops, double posted by accident.
Last edited by Wosojoe on Dec 16, 2017, 1:47:24 PM
Orb of storms isnt attack. His shield charge will proc it tho, suboptimal
Jangri wrote:
Orb of storms isnt attack. His shield charge will proc it tho, suboptimal

ahh ok, my bad then.
Hey, i got a question.
Does this build have any option exept tabula and belly with 4blue (/cry!) ?
Wosojoe wrote:
oops, double posted by accident.

Damn you're right! But my orb of storm trigger EE after my shield charge.

Still, ill change it ASAP lol.

I've picked this build up as my starter for the league, cannot understand whats the fuss everyone making. I'm lvl 82, used balefire from 60, threw in RF at 77 with no degen whatsoever and its working wonders without a single 5l in my build yet.. character reference is AbyssSRRF, cheers
my setup so far build seems to work fine i still feel like i degen just a little to much health

Last edited by patchz1992 on Dec 17, 2017, 9:35:20 AM
ermakzoj wrote:
Hey, i got a question.
Does this build have any option exept tabula and belly with 4blue (/cry!) ?

I am using a Greed essence crafted 6-link Loricated Ringmail, so the belly and tabula are not the only armors for the build. Tabula is great for leveling until you can get a 6-link, and the 6-link is great for progressing until you get/can afford a 4 off-color belly for end game.
Hey I am currently just trickster SR and was looking at moving into this. I have been using the Balefire scepter and was wondering your thoughts on using it and making RF the 5/6 link in chest.

I am rather new, So not that good at optimizing things.

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